Jan 11th 2011, 15:01:52
The bonuses have to be attractive to new players,and have a wow effect, while not alienating he older core and having some sort of unfair advantage.
Since I only play 1a, I'll post what I've liked:
Bonus Points are accumilated daily without having to click promotions.
Automatic Country restart after dying, with a preset name option in the old country.
Patrons only able to use vacation mode.
A bunch of insignificant stuff that will look cool to new people, like +50 acreas daily bonus, a bonus turn a day.
Patron Board is nice (maybe forum names in bold), The master conrol over all servers seem nice too. I think the biggest advantages should be on the solo servers as it is the far easiest server to attract new players, some good suggestes have been posted.
Maybe give the option to Patrons to have different forum skins and have a gold earth background instead of the current red.