
albob Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 23:39:48

Anyone want to start placing bets when the hosting can finally be switched off on ee/e2025? I'd say give it 12 months and this community will kill itself sub 200 active players. The game is already sub 450 active players...

If the game admins actually wanted to improve the game, its not the game mechanics its the people playing it... there is no land... all untagges and small tags are raped absolutely fluffless for any land / growth. The game WILL not support any new clans entering this game. Imag will be farmed next set. All mid tier clans are dying in membership as biggers clans gank on and force smaller netter clans to merge... monsters with 6, ICN with 5. Omega its great to see a surge in membership, but now its at the expense of farming the fluff out of untags and smaller tags.. THe respect is gone out the window.

Pang should blackout the game until changes in politics, egos and attitutes force a change in how the game is played in its current state...

Stop being ego assclowns and actually try and enjoy the game, and let others enjoy it how they want to as well.



" You can never have too much cheese... unless your... "

King_Cobra1 Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 0:18:02

LMFAO Pang has the biggest ego and is the most unbiased person here so, why should pang do anything.

Its not just the people its biased and unrelenty decision it was never the wars that were killing the game that the admins tried to change. LOL this is how this game is played period albob. The problem is people try to force the game to be played differently which is causing massive amount of players that don't care about the game period. Even if we haven't seen a strong sharp drop in players there is a strong drop in those that acturally do more then just play turns.

There is to many rush changes with absolutely no beta testing to find major flaws out first.

ericownsyou5 Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 0:18:13

Thank you for your excellent contributions, albob.

BTW: TPA & Neo are 'new' alliances, surviving just fine :D

locket Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 0:21:07

Pang isnt the solution to this game. He doesnt even want to be. QZ is. He has done most of the work for quite awhile now and he deserves the appreciation of those here.

iScode Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 0:27:06

not often i agree with locket, but he is spot on there.
God of War


locket Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 1:23:07

It isnt often I agree with Scode, but when I do it is when he agrees with me! ;) <3

iScode Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 1:23:38

God of War


E2025 Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 1:31:11

I've all but stopped playing 1a due to farming and such, i just run a missiler and nuke people that farm me. Hit me all day long for 20 acres, its gonna hurt when i destroy 300 with just 1 nuke

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jan 3rd 2014, 1:51:09

Originally posted by locket:
It isnt often I agree with Scode, but when I do it is when he agrees with me! ;) <3

And you're both on a horse ;)

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jan 3rd 2014, 3:28:45

Pfft, King Cobra, I've had my ego on "coast" for years... but that doesn't stop people from continually inflating it for me in absentia!

I think locket has been a disappointing poster over the last couple of months, but he's right on the money for a change -- he's finally posting about something I said without spin! :p
But also, to add to that, there's a good group of active mods as well and without them the game would be a much worse place and probably unplayable for the most part.

There is unlikely to be any switchoff's so long as qz is interested in maintaining EE as a hobby. But there is also unlikely any major mechanic advancement while qz is content tinkering.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting



Jan 3rd 2014, 3:34:05

I've heard primary has almost twice the players that alliance does.
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 3:39:11

its been around for a long time.. i think it will last a bit longer!

Riddler Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 12:59:00

I think we should simply go back to no such thing as top feeding, 1 hit = 1 retal fluff all the land:land Bull yish

Marshal Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 13:15:34

Originally posted by elvesrus:
I've heard primary has almost twice the players that alliance does.

not really, last round primary had bit over 800 players and alliance has ~700 players.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Erian Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 13:20:25

Originally posted by Riddler:
I think we should simply go back to no such thing as top feeding, 1 hit = 1 retal fluff all the land:land Bull yish

I think you need to learn to play the alliance game instead of whining because other people are better at getting land.

I agree that if you can't defend your land you shouldn't keep it. But that goes BOTH ways. If you hit me and I can take back my land courtesy of my strong production and strong alliance backing me up, why shouldn't I?

albob Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 13:29:45

I wasn't saying its up to the admins to change it. I more meant that its not up to them, it's the people that play this game that make it.

I feel the game didnt need the changes to the core game, more change is needed in the players FIRST.

The attitude has to change first before the game will get better.

The bottom feeding and farming has to stop. The current attitude in the server is too much about win or get an advantage at ANY COST. Small clans, untags are at the mercy of mid to large clans with pacts.

Either remove the option to create clans, bring in bots to provide more land options. Or switch it off.

This year has been insane cheating, hacking, backstabbing, name calling, fluffing and whinging more then ever.. Switch off 12 months or less at this rate.



" You can never have too much cheese... unless your... "

blackcougar Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 17:59:02

Yer that new huh? Only 12 months of the fluff?? Heh...



Jan 3rd 2014, 18:40:01

Tired of being bottom fed? Don't be at the bottom, problem solved.
Tired of being farmed? Run better countries that can retal, problem solved.

No clan server exists already on Primary, Tournament, & Express, it's where we would be able to actually attract new players anyway, and probably where Alliance has to recruit from.

What we need, is a larger disclaimer that tells people that Alliance server is for Alliance based warfare, playing untag is very unsuitable.

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

lostmonk Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 22:01:13

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Tired of being bottom fed? Don't be at the bottom, problem solved.
Tired of being farmed? Run better countries that can retal, problem solved.

No clan server exists already on Primary, Tournament, & Express, it's where we would be able to actually attract new players anyway, and probably where Alliance has to recruit from.

What we need, is a larger disclaimer that tells people that Alliance server is for Alliance based warfare, playing untag is very unsuitable.

This is so hilarious. No matter how good a country someone runs, scared fluffes that have to hide in the big alliances will always be farming them; that's the main reason the big netting alliances have their size.



Jan 3rd 2014, 23:52:46

why can't we just admit that the game fcking sucks and there is a million better games to play for new players and leave it at that.

why would someone play this horribly fluffty horribly outdated game when they can play candycrush on their phone?

Its nobodys fault its basic product lifestyle 101.
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

albob Game profile


Jan 4th 2014, 0:21:55

Chevs, the reason is because this game doesn't suck, the attitudes and how the people playing the game have evolved have killed it. I only suggest and point out because i think how the alliance game originated i think it could have an incredibly huge amount of players, even today. Mafia on Facebook has millions. I'm not saying remotely ee could have that level of play, but i think there is a community globally that would see a genuine 10 - 15,000 players playing the community style (alliance) server. The really sad situation is that the game is being killed. How it is at the moment unless 300 players joined, created one tag and knew how to build a half decent country they would all be farmed either out of the game in one set, or farmed and then recruited its not a nice taste, hey ill keep killing any chance of growth you have, unless you join us?

Chevs its everyones fault. Its 100% the players and NOT the game.

Change of attitudes, for the good of the game. If that means you don't farm the fluff out of every small country / tag even just for a few sets to get the numbers back… Or stop making bs tweaks and build out bots so those who want to grab can grab.. sheet grabbing a bot is no different to grabbing an untagged or small tag 10 times less your size you know they can't grab you back anyway, and you just use the game to give you a tiny sense of useless e-power.

I'm just saying those who are willing to break the law to gain an edge in this game, lie cheat, steal manipulate, backstab need to leave, or change attitude. Clean slate this fluff otherwise if not, shut it down… in all seriousness.



" You can never have too much cheese... unless your... "



Jan 4th 2014, 0:38:12

i disagree competely that its the people. its a dying game because its a text based game that is almost 20 years old and it fluffing sucks. 95% of the players remaining only play for the social aspect. name me another game that is over 20 years old that is still relevant with 10,000 players?

do you see what kind of fluff people pull in eve online? it has arguably a higher learning curve and people are a million times more douchey/generally horrible to each other and they are just fine
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m



Jan 4th 2014, 0:41:08

Originally posted by lostmonk:

This is so hilarious. No matter how good a country someone runs, scared fluffes that have to hide in the big alliances will always be farming them; that's the main reason the big netting alliances have their size.

#313 Alliance Server. He's been doing it for many resets.

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 4th 2014, 1:30:31

Its just Game of Thrones:)

We keep killing off main characters:) In the end, everything will be in ruin.

Its a 15 yr old cycle. No one should be surprised:)
Z is #1

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 4th 2014, 1:32:51

Chevs is also right.

The only way to grow the game again to a larger size, is to change it so radically, it would be unrecognizable.

I've yet to see a gaming community do that and live through that kind of change.

The closest thing we as a community could do is have a team brainstorm what a Web 2.0 earthstyle game would be like and start putting it together.

But who wouldhave the time/skillsets/tools?

I don't know of anyone.
Z is #1

albob Game profile


Jan 4th 2014, 3:05:54

Chevs, if EE had over a million players like eve we wouldn't be having this discussion. The comparisons cannot be compared. Yes there is a fluffload of fluffs doing fluffy things. There is also enough other fluff going on that you can still enjoy the eve experience how you want to.(if that is your thing)

EE has sub 500 active players who a select few want to dictate how everyone current and new players play the game.

The game is why people play, the community is why people stay. If this wasn't true you could shut down the game, keep the clan sites and discussion your candyrush saga story.

I think the game is great. There is fantasy yet it feels more realistic because its troops, jetts and tanks not avians, and weird real fantasy fluff.

The game is still worth playing, just not how it is right now. No amount of code changes is going to fix that, any significant fixes to try and 'fix' the players attitudes and behaviours will change the game to its end.



" You can never have too much cheese... unless your... "

TDA101 Game profile


Jan 4th 2014, 3:51:14

The mechanics are pretty bad.

Theres a lot of false choice in this game. Play a certain strategy means certain buildings literally don't exist.

Like if I playing a farmer strat I might as well block out Res/Ent because those buildings are a trap. A new person thinks they need to use all the buildings, why else would they be there?

When everyone plays almost perfectly Alliance is what you get.

Everyone runs the most perfect countries making freegrabs hard to get.

The people you hit for "free" land? Noobs. Theres no exchange between veteran players. Ghost acres exist but the game is mostly 0 sum. I take and steal what you have and attempt to hold if from you.