
Suicidal Game profile


Jun 6th 2021, 9:13:57

Over history, propaganda has attempted to divide this country. Now, with social media, this propaganda can spread so much easier.
None of us win, as individuals, when we are divided.
You see, I never had any black friends. I had friends that were black. I never had any gay friends, I had friends that were gay. My friends never had the "hey, look at me mentality". We never discussed our differences. We worked together, we fished together, we were neighbors.
Sometimes ya just gotta get over the propaganda. Step outside and see yourself as an individual. Do what makes you happy and let others do the same. We as individuals are not even the size of a grain of sand in this great big universe. Now we want to spread propaganda to our children through schools.
A song from a previous time of division kinda brings it home.....

"This man lived through a period of tremendous poverty, horrible racism, segregation and still had such a remarkably positive outlook on our world. The things people complain about today are peanuts to what this man lived through"

Edited By: Suicidal on Jun 6th 2021, 9:18:17

Garry Owen Game profile


Jun 7th 2021, 7:19:28

Indeed. One of the best arguments for busing was so that kids of different races would get to know each other and grow up with each other realizing that people are people and killing off the prejudice before it can grow.

I spent 28 years in the Army working with and for people of all races and genders. And the greatness was that everyone was judged on content of their character. And how many pushups they could do. But mostly it was about how you did your job and how you treated your fellow Soldiers.

But there is hope in today's crazy world....

BigP Game profile


Jun 7th 2021, 13:54:53

Thanks for sharing

I like the song, never heard it before.
- SoF

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 7th 2021, 17:52:50

Good stuff, the left is poison.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!