Nov 6th 2010, 14:35:01
SOL and LaF management have come to terms about our ceasefire and as of tommorow 08:00AM Gametime all hits will cease between both parties. We have agreed to the fact that this last fight ends our conflict and that further conflict is unnecisary.
To make sure LAF can get back on their feet after a ballsy move vs us (which we enjoyed) we have offered to police their retals for a while.
There for effective from:
Sunday the 7th of November @ 08:00AM Game time
Wednesday the 9th of November 08:01AM Game time.
SOL will be policing all Landgrabs done on LaF. These will be retalled according to SOL policies if you are unpacted to LaF. or LaF pacts if you are pacted to them.
For any problems or incidents the SOL FR department can be contacted.
With regards,
-SOL War Commander
See Original Post