Oct 6th 2010, 14:33:40
U have no idea. I used to like hellrush. I have spent hours helping him out personally in rl issues and with fixing his car in irc pms, aim chats, even in emails. He's a pretty cool guy, albeit a little fluffy and minorly incapale, when this game is not involved.
But all that help I was giving him and all the 2nd chances I have given him are constantly blown into the wind when he fluffs over me or LaE.
Like this set, he retired for the 78th time last set. He comes back under an alias, insulting all of us by claimng it wasn't him when it so clearly was. Even when I stated it was him he went and snitched to the mods, getting me in some minor trouble for "using my mod powers to out him as hellrush" when I don't even have the powers to see that.
Anyways, he comes back, having previously said in his retirement post that he would make lae pay for every forseeable set, with 160 countries and oop fses lae
he is epicly beat down and tagkilled in well under 100 hours. Now that his plan has failed and he threw 9 other good players under the buss, his dad has a stroke and he has to retire again? After only a week of being "unretired"?
I'm sorry, I dont believe that little fluff, and after all the betrayal that I havnt even begun to mention, he can fluff off for all I care.
So before you look down on us for our reactions to his 96th retirement post, get informed and get some perspective.
Edit: I forgot to mention the llaar incident
we let him tag his netters over one set when his clan was waring and provided them with our execlent tag protection. What does he give us in return? He nukes llaar when llaar was on the way to setting another land record. So we blacklist him and tell him to pay reps and go fluff himself.
Well, the next set his clan wars again, he comes begging to us once more to let him tag his netters over, we tell him to fluff off, and he states that he won't pay the reps he owes if we don't let him tag over
he's just a little fluff and deserves the level of respect he has earned, and that level is none.
Swagger of a Chupacabra
[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford