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Xin, your biased, you write games for iOS.
I actually sell phones for a living.
iOS 6 rendered iPhone 3 & 3GS a paperweight, so did iOS 7 on iPhone 4 & 4S.
For a phone seller, you might actually want to check your facts lest you mislead your customers with your biasness. You got 3 facts wrong.
1. iOS7 can be installed on iPhone 4 and 4S, and still works fine without noticeable slowdowns (you can turn off the dynamic backgrounds, parallax, frills, etc).
2. And my 3GS is still perfectly fine and usable on iOS 6.1 which can still be downloaded and installed on an iPhone 3GS. Most apps still support iOS6. It is definitely not a paperweight.
3. I write games for BOTH Android and iOS, not exclusively iOS as you seem to think. I also did not outright suggest him to buy an Apple product.
Also, he's looking to buy a new phone. Why would he buy an old iPhone and run a new iOS on it?
Stop being so serious, jeez.
My facts are as this, I have, on average, 10 people a day complaining how slow their 4 & 4s is after upgrading to iOS 7.
My question to you is whether you actually use your 3GS on a daily basis, or is it more for testing the game you wrote.
I actually agree that Android screen size and resolution size fragmentation is probably the biggest challenge for any app developer, but on the other hand, that is what makes it so good for consumers, there's a screen size for every consumer's desire.
I break it down easily for those that is trying to pick a phone, how do you want to use your phone?
Do you need to run Office/Excel Spread Sheets daily, edit and send back through your mobile device?
Exclusive Windows phones runs Office/Excel perfectly, especially if this is a business phone, the new Nokia Lumia 1520 looks fantastic.
Are you an Apple user, PC, Apple TV, iTunes. The Apple iPhone does offer unmatched synergy with your computer for your hassle free sync. Try to wait for the new iPhone that will come out this year, it either will be the same as this years, or they might finally catch up and have a 5" screen that will make your phone experience a lot better.
Are you a heavy phone user that uses it for emails, calendars, and need information on the go, constantly?
Android provides live widgets that you can run productive applications straight on your screen without the need to jump through loops just to find out what is happening three weeks from now.
Are you insane? Go get a Blackberry.