


Nov 22nd 2010, 20:21:40

Jeez next thing you know Ravi is going to produce the Nixon tapes!!!

Spaced Game profile


Nov 22nd 2010, 22:57:24

And it is over. I expect reps for breaking this fluffer.

crazyserb Game profile


Nov 22nd 2010, 23:18:04


Dragonlance Game profile


Nov 22nd 2010, 23:30:21

i have no fluff together.

Other ragers have fluff together, then they use me as a rag doll.

trumper Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 2:47:01

See below

Edited By: trumper on Nov 23rd 2010, 2:50:04
See Original Post

trumper Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 2:48:24

Since our leadership feels AT is the place to air their grievances I'll add in that I absolutely opposed the decision of our FA and President in this situation and think they were absolutely wrong.

Thomas Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 4:16:04

Originally posted by trumper:
Since our leadership feels AT is the place to air their grievances I'll add in that I absolutely opposed the decision of our FA and President in this situation and think they were absolutely wrong.

If, in fact, RAGE told LCN to piss off in regards to the suicider that detagged from RAGE and hit LCN, then they got what they deserved. The guy in RAGE that got hit might have been an innocent bystander, but that is 100% RAGE's fault for not protecting their members and handling FA reasonably. Had they wanted peace, they would have come to an understanding. The only time you pull something like that is when you're trying to bate someone into war.

Dragonlance Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 4:49:59

Thomas, STOP perpetuating that MYTH.

We offered to pay reps 100%, it's just the msg didn't get through to LCN before Ravi went nuts on us, as rage/lcn Fa's didn't properly deal with the reps issue in time.

We were to slow on the communication which added fuel to the fire.

The fact remains though, that does not absolve the 2 suiciders from their cowardly actions.

Thomas Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 5:02:36

Read the first sentence of my comment:

Originally posted by Thomas:
If, in fact, RAGE told LCN to piss off in regards to the suicider that detagged from RAGE and hit LCN, then they got what they deserved.

Notice the first word, "if".

I won't get into a big discussion because to be honest I don't really care about it.

Ravi Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 5:25:16

"as rage/lcn Fa's didn't properly deal with the reps issue in time."

Umm Dragonlace, Trife dealt with this just fine right after your guy suicided. It was Silent Sentinel who did not deal with it properly at first. His solution was to allow us to farm the Rage suicider and then kill him. When pressed if Rage would kill him off and pay reps SS said he didn't think any of them would want to break away from their netting. So basically it was "deal with it on your own LCN". That was cowardly DL.

After seeing those FR convos posted I was livid. It seems SS had a change of heart and messaged Trife about paying reps. Too bad I had already suicided before Trife got the message. I assume he had a change of heart after thinking...geee maybe LCN will FS us over this or one of them may suicide.

So Thomas is not perpetuating any myth. Rage initially refused to pay any reps or deal with their suicider. Had you dealt with it the right way to begin with my suicide never happens.

Thomas Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 5:30:11

But now Ravi is dead. Shall we all bow our heads in prayer.

Ravi Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 5:35:28

Yes two seconds of silence is appropriate

Dragonlance Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 5:58:14

The logs Trife emailed me clearly indicate that SS said to Trife that he didn't know if ragers would want to break off from netting to kill the suicider, he did not at any stage say that we would 100% not pay reps.

Also, you just stated he did not deny rage would kill the country either, only that he didn't think ragers would WANT to kill the country.

You have CLEARLY posted that Rage did NOT refuse anything, merely that SS stated that he didn't THINK that Ragers would want to.... SS then came back to Trife with the full reps offer on top of LCN farming the country, and no resolution was reached either way regarding killing the country before you went off the rails.

Basically, your saying, you suicided on the back of SS saying in his opinion he "didn't think ragers would want to waste possible netting turns".

I'm sorry, but you are right. You've changed my mind. It isn't Trife or SS fault. It's yours, and the rage suicider's fault.

Dragonlance Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 5:59:04

Unless of course LCN leadership condoned and encouraged you to... which you claimed earlier?

Though that is something i can not verify on either your side or their side.

AxAlar Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 6:01:15

I hope Ravi doesnt leave LCN :(

It'll be like the time he turned down playing guitar for Snoop.

PS Collab and LCN hate each other. Please no one misunderstand that. The only thing that keeps us from FSing one another is that the server would quite possibly implode from all the hatred strewn about.
Mercenary for Hire
AIM: I The Brandon
ICQ: 167324517

Ravi Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 6:16:23

No DL, it's SS fault. You have the logs. My paraphrasing was too kind. Twist as you may. I've been in this game longer than most. SS basically told LCN to fluff off. Reread the logs Trife sent you. In fact why don't you post them here and let AT be the judge of it since I know you are incapable of putting the blame on Rage's awful initial FR.

This doesn't happen if your guy doesn't suicide
This doesn't happen if SS at least strung Trife along

I posted on this thread the messages Trife sent me about GS'n and the post he made on the FR board. Make of them what you want. It is of no concern to me anymore what your relations with LCN are.

Ax, Ravi left LCN already. And it wasn't Snoop. It was Puff Daddy! We wents to high school together.

Naminef Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 6:17:41

Dragonlance, the initial FA contact with Rage did indeed send the message to us to piss off. It was only after the fact(nearly a day) that someone knocked some sense into you guys and you agreed to do what is right. By then it was far too late.

1. You had a suicider. It happens, but own it right away and none of the big damage would have happened.

2. SS screwed the pooch when he told us that you weren't responsible for the suicider. This is where the problem really started. This is a bad act which any FA should know better than.

3. Ravi went off on Rage for telling us to pound sand. It was a very well done suicide, but not an action that should have been taken.

SS and your FA team should chalk this up as a lesson learned. Move on and do better in the future.

Dragonlance Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 6:32:52

To Ravi:

No where have i claimed LCN FA is more responsible than Rage FA. I have claimed, that LCN is just as responsible for situation as Rage is. Thus it is clear i am NOT shifting blame away from SS, merely pointing out that he is not the ONLY one at blame here.

To Naminef:

1. again, i have not claimed SS is not at fault, and he clearly should have said we would pay reps straight up, however he is new to FA, mistakes happen. What irks me is the speed (and if Ravi is to be believed, with full support of LCN leadership) at which a revenge suicider was unleashed with love. Especially given that earlier in the set, various LCNers were involved in multiple RoR situations with us, and we patiently organised proper retals with LCN Fa over a multiple day time period.

I was moving house at this time and could not deal with it myself.
2.) The problem started with our guy suiciding, then was escalated by your guy suiciding. These are far more important factors than FA actions. Ingame speaks louder than words.

3.) Ravi claims LCN approved of his actions.

Anyway, just some thoughts.

Silent Sentinel Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 6:36:42

Yeah it should have been better handled by me. I'm a straight shooter though, so I don't make promises I know I won't keep, I don't commit to anything I don't know all the details and circumstances about, and I don't string people along so I can formulate dodgey plans.

I wasn't saying we wouldn't do anything and I wasn't committing to a course of action before speaking with other leadership and with the suicider myself.

Nearly a day before a change of heart? Bullfluff. And it wasn't a change of heart, it was after being able to contact the suicider and get him to agree to reps and land. Which I got to Trife as quick as I could from my phone, from work. LCN chose to ignore this because they got all affronted because I didn't polish their balls the second they came to me.

Are we to blame for this? Yes.
Is LCN also? Yes.
So get off your fluffing horse you cum guzzling butt munchers.

Ravi Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 6:43:25

You are more to blame than your own suicider SS.

That being said you have an open invitation to be Head FA if RM does a set. Sorry Assassin but even you can't get this primitive: "get off your fluffing horse you cum guzzling butt munchers." I find it refreshing. Not the butt munching..unless it's a hot girl who practices good hygiene.

Naminef Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 6:54:47

1. Leadership didn't condone Ravi's actions. He knows that, but he wants to be difficult. We don't operate that way and I'm sure you know that.

2. I disagree. Getting told to pound sand initially is basically condoning the suiciding and declaring war on us. Acts of Ommission are just as important as acts of Commission.

3. See #1

locket Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 8:00:43

haha i was right... nice :)

NukEvil Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 13:07:15

Originally posted by Ravi:
Yes two seconds of silence is appropriate

I read that post. That took about 2 seconds.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Assassin Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 16:42:00

part of what's missing here is the context. rage's suicider had put 300 million bushels on the market at $43 and was openly telling lcn that he was going to suicide on us. so, time was of the essence. classic example of justice delayed is justice denied. trife approached ss about the situation; ss basically said "meh, don't think we're going to do anything about it"; rage's suicider got himself 12 billion in cash and suicided on lcn; THEN rage came back and said they would consider doing something after all. certainly rage's (delayed) offer helped to mollify the situation, but it's disingenuous to act like this was a normal FA situation that needed to play itself out deliberately over time.

Thunder Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 17:54:06

The plot thickens...however...

ICQ 56183127

2010 Armchair GMs League Champion

NA FA/Senate

Ninja since born....Awesome Forever!

Grimm Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 17:59:53

"it's disingenuous to act like this was a normal FA situation that needed to play itself out deliberately over time. "

I agree wholeheartedly. It's extremely disingenuous to claim the talking to SS (a VP for internal affairs) constitutes FA contact.

Assassin Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 18:22:11

yes, talking to ss after (1) requesting an fa contact, and (2) being told by dl that he was too busy to talk, was really outrageous. especially given ss's repeated admonitions that he wasn't authorized to talk about anything.


Grimm Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 20:22:46

Okay... maybe I was being too snarky there. My point is that some folks in this thread are implying that SS saying "I can't authorize anything now" equates to an official "go fluff yourselves". I was just being a smart ass because I don't think that level of idiocy deserves a real response.

I concede, as dlance already has above, that it's likely that SS could have made his position more clear.

Edited By: Grimm on Nov 23rd 2010, 20:25:08
See Original Post

Assassin Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 20:30:44

i hate it when people ruin a completely pointless argument by being reasonable . . . .

Mr. Lime Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 20:49:35

just FS eachother and call it settled
ICQ: 20654127