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You know Zen, I've been doing some thinking recently and I think that many of us are guilty of taking this game too seriously. Maybe it's because we've been playing since we were kids and have never kicked the habits of old Earth:2025 which was a much more political game IMO.
I think some people, myself included from time to time, get too wrapped up in it and lose sight of what this really is: a silly game.
As I read many posts I can see its quite obvious some people devote much more of their time (life) into this than they should. I'm going to make a conscious effort to take it less serious, focus on having fun and not letting things that happen in game bother me in real life.
I was actually thinking about this exact point of view yesterday. I posed the question to myself, or rather one of the voices posed it to my conscious self at the time.
"Why are you playing a game that you know you will never be the best at?"
Being an analytical minded schizophrenic, I debated with said other voice.
Me to Bernie (what I call him, or what I call me...or what current/dominate personality....nvm you get it)
"Well let's look at what it might take to become the best shall we? Let's start with the goal.
Goal: Learn to be the best or at least one of the best
Possible paths to goal:
1. Learn from someone who is one of the best
2. Learn it on my own
3. Cheat?
General thoughts about each path:
1. Learn from someone else.....
A. Might be the easiest path
B. Probably know where to look to find said person(s)
C. Have to deal with some nerd
i. Laugh at his stupid jokes
ii. Pretend he has worth
iii. Tell him what boobs look like in RL
iv. Have weird awkward conversations about how to kiss a girl
Conclusion - maybe not the easiest path due to me probably pissing them off. Or pissing current dominate persona off due to being fake for so long. Might engage awful personality in order to get out of situation and doom earth as we know it.
2. Learn it on my own...
A. Seems like a big investment of time
B. Possibility that I am too stupid
C. Get to deal with my favorite person
D. Get to deal with my favorite person
E. Get to deal with my favorite person
F. What those three previous people said ^
Conclusion - I don't know the investment of time it takes, but if it is multiple times a day at any time during each round. Or if I have to constantly monitor the market, I think it would be a better use of my time to be a day trader. Or you tube star. Or a rapper that puts on a green man suit while performing.
3. Cheat?....
A. Honestly, probably the least amount of time to achieve the goal
B. More to keep track of as far as what devices to use when, proxies, etc.
C. Will I feel less accomplished? Probably
D. Might be a drag during war times, but could just go MIA.
E. Is it cheating if you're schizophrenic?
i. Good question, Bernie.
ii. Thanks, Jimmy. Wait Jimmy? fluff! He's an asian guy who thinks he's black!
iii. Shut up, fool. My won-ton is fire.
Conclusion - Won-tons are good, for real. I think this goes along with #2. I am kind of lazy. I am the kind of guy that plays one country in FFA, but gets overwhelmed. It's definitely not a morality thing. I'd punch an infant."
This happened a lot faster when my personalities were discussing it inside my head. But obviously I ended up with a final though. Take it away....Jimmy maybe? No, not Jimmy. He's racist. I'll wrap it up myself.
"Well Bernie, there you have it. Doesn't make sense to take it serious unless you commit to one of those steps. Why waste the time you ask? Simple. B!tches, Bernie. B!tches."