Nov 3rd 2010, 4:21:20
Here's my account of what went down with NA
early in the set, sof came to us and talk started on a possible friendly, one with just SoF and NA, and one with NA and Collab vs Imag and SoF.
We at NA alreadt had a thread on our senate board debating wether to hit imag over their clear denial of our new retal policy and many sets of land trading.
We didn't really think that collab wanted to be in a large war, as they were worried fluffless that sof was hitting them. I knew this not to be true, and informed them of this at a later time.
The talk of the friendly with SoF died down, and the vote was leaning towards hitting imag, for a short easy war.
Talks with SoF eventually started back up and it became apparent that if we hit imag, sof would prolly hot us, hurting us badly, probably too badly before we could call in allies.
So talk shifted back to hitting sof. It then was made apparent that if NA didn't hit anyone within 1 week, sof would probably start farming us and forcing us into hitting them. A vote was put up as to the FS time, and unfortunately it was night time est.
Granted, NA isn't a veteran war alliance, and our preperation was pretty halfass and we could have done much better.
But we feel that our strategicmoves, and decisions, win or the more probably lose, we have upped NA's status on the server and have made stronger ties through the actions of providing certain clans with a war, certian with peace, and certian with further policing opportunities.
Call it a sacrificial set if you will. Sometimes a set of death can help provide many more netting sets to come
There you go, that's NA's set from our point of view
Swagger of a Chupacabra
[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford