Sep 6th 2010, 13:02:04
To Locket.
Your alliance has a long and storied history of deliberatly systematically farms small alliances for land whilst driving them away from the game, then pushing the game admins to take away the ability for these people to suicide for retals.
This is a case of one independant rager farming thefist briefly. To even compare them is a complete insult to all of the smaller clans in the game, and just shows the arrogant, beligerent and rude attitude that you and your alliance display on a daily basis on these boards.
Hmmm you know what? let's compare the responses..
LaF farms rage, rage retals and makes a few hits back, LaF tagkills rage.
Rager farms fist, Rage president sends apologetic msg to Fist leadership and places fist on DNH as a measure of good faith to stop anymore hits. this after the fist topfed rage earlier in the set and killed a country for overretalling.
You need to get a grip on reality locket.
To Spawn.
don't expect any favours from us after your earlier in the set actions. If it wasn't for the member who you killed requesting that we not throw away our so far enjoyable peaceful but lively reset for his errors in judgement and mistakes, we would have been at war ;-)
However like i sent you on msn, i've put Fist on DNH to stop anymore hits.