Feb 2nd 2011, 11:30:53
The truth is I started played again about 1 week ago and quickly found out the set was nearly over, not wanting to join my original alliance with a very small country near the end of the set. I thought I'd create a spam tag as a laugh, Inertia is a name that I thought would be a great alliance name years ago but at the time I was head fa and minister in a major alliance, this was my chance to to use the INERTIA name. Icn were unlucky they were not the only alliance to farm me but the other alliance LCN stopped as soon as I asked them to. The icn member gave it the big un and taunted me and continued to farm me including declaring war even after I asked him/her/it to stop. I had no choice but to retalliate against any icn country I could break (sorry papa) ironically enough the country I ab'ed I'd spoken to earlier the week.