
hanlong Game profile


Jan 5th 2011, 0:06:17

ponderer: or i actually meant the first one that made a real impact :P i'm sure there were other mini buyouts that didn't result in a rank 1 showing that doesn't really matter...
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Dragonlance Game profile


Jan 5th 2011, 0:08:36

technically i'm the only rager that has posted in here:p

I will prob continue to make posts to annoy LCNers on AT, it's entertaining!

SoF are cool kids, they call it like they see it.

Helmet Game profile


Jan 5th 2011, 0:08:43

Originally posted by hanlong:
"I invited... the market buyout"

other than the fact that ur post there sounded like sarcasm, this part is kind of true considering you were the recipient of the first market buyout in earth: 2025 history if i recall correctly :P

I doubt I was the first to think of it. I thought about doing it after playing for about 10 minutes. It seemed very obvious to me.

When I got a chance to do it I jumped on it. I think I was the first to really do a buyout, maybe some people played with market prices in the past and did some manipulation, but not on this scale that we did it.

My entire post was sarcasm and I think it was pretty obvious.

Trife Game profile


Jan 5th 2011, 0:20:33

Originally posted by Helmet:
Originally posted by Trife:
Originally posted by Helmet:
Originally posted by Trife:
I guess alliances are no longer allowed to stand up for themselves then. If someone FSes you, you're not allowed to hit them back anymore :(

Says the whiners.

Pretty sure you won't find any LCNers whining on the forums. We have nothing to whine about. You might find some RAGE whiners, and some SoF whiners (for whatever reason I'm not sure) on AT.. but not LCN.

I'm just glad that SoF's never hit an alliance smaller than itself.. Oh wait. In the history of earthempires I'd probably wager that the overwhelming majority of FSes are done on smaller alliances... but yet when LCN hits a smaller alliance (with good reason!) we're suddenly the bad guys and everyone else acts like they haven't done the same at some point in their history? LOL

*hugs SOF*

I'm wasn't calling you or LCN whiners. I was calling the people on the AT that are judging everyone and thinking they are the #1 authority on what is right and wrong the whiners. Way to overreact. :)

If you check the history of my posts I never once said there was any problem with this war.

<Anti-hug counter maneuver engaged>

Yep, I misread your post, and now look like more of a tard. :( I knew I shouldn't have ever posted on AT lol

cypress Game profile


Jan 5th 2011, 0:33:20

/me FSes Trife!

hanlong Game profile


Jan 5th 2011, 0:39:17

oh of course i knew your post was sarcasm, but i find it interesting that you included a point that you could arguably be debated as true.

i thought "hey wouldn't it be cool if there was a market buyout for me" about 10 minutes into this game, but outside from running tons of multies myself, there was no reason why anyone would do it for you.

except your alliance. and you were the recipient of the first large scale alliance coordinated market buyout :P
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Helmet Game profile


Jan 5th 2011, 3:02:06

I probably wouldn't have said I "invented" it if I wasn't being sarcastic. If I claimed to invent it every moron that reads this board would claim they or someone else thought of it WAYYYYYY before I did. :)

Heston Game profile


Jan 5th 2011, 3:08:47

/me throws poo
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

aponic Game profile


Jan 5th 2011, 16:58:15

I would still like Imperial to come here and post another reply to my response.