
Tmac Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 16:12:18

There's too much to read and figure where to post. It is what it is, but here are evo facts.

Evo was allied to mercs and laf last set.

Mercs and their friends decided to hit laf. Why? I dunno, prob because they don't like them. We kept to ourselves and net like every other set.

Mid set laf breaks the alliance by doing a bunch of harmful ops on me. I ask gains to respect the unap and the ops stop. I don't tell anyone(even evo).

Later in the set resist hits evo, but not me. BH tells me that he felt laf was trying to manipulate him and that they seemed to want me hit so bad that he refused to show them he's not their puppet.

I ask mercs to kill resist in defense of evo. Mercs and company kill resist.

Gerdler messages me after the set to tell me they're canceling our alliance. He says they think we might've sent them at laf so they can't net.

Early this set mercs and company ask us to repay them for killing resist. Laf isn't our ally now so I agree to pay them back with fa.

Laf gets their excuse to kill evo.

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2023, 16:18:17

Edited By: Coalie on Apr 2nd 2023, 16:53:18
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2023, 16:21:20

And for those who need it spelled out, Evo did not send anyone after LaF. We've actually enjoyed the competition.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2023, 16:27:00

Gerdler had a good plan. The only thing he didn’t plan for was that black hole would rat him out as far as what he tried to pull when no one was looking for it, or so he thought.
- Premium Patron Member

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 16:27:34

Tmac - In your dealings with me, have I shown myself to be true to my word?

I think the answer to that should be yes.

If so, please believe me when I say, LaF never tried to get me to hit you guys last set.

If I wanted to hit you guys to ruin ya'lls set, I would have hit you, and only you. Not PDM and Omega. I've always shown everyone the logs of where Superfly coached me through those landgrabs. And he's admitted to it.

Let me make this unquestionably clear.

At no point in time did LaF or Gerdler ever attempt to get me to hit EVO.

There was a point in time when Coalie had me believing that Gerdler was attempting to manipulate me. At during that time, I may have been searching for meaning in messages that wasn't there. That might be the messages you're referring to.

But I can assure you, unless I've really been manipulated without knowing, Gerdler and LaF never asked me, direclty, or indirectly, to hit EVO.

I can't make it anymore clear than that.

This entire premise you've posted is based on misinformation.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 16:32:00

I’m new to this server and brought a friend and would like my country reinstated. It seems very unfair I had a 1 bil NW techer destroyed. 4 months now of our time wasted because this is two sets now this has happened under the same circumstances. I do not think I will try play again after this experience if the game is going to be essentially rigged so I cannot even have a chance at a fair match.

I personally don’t care about all of the old history beefs I am just upset that this has happened twice in a row we have been hit like this.

I find it hard to believe that’s not what’s happening because it has now followed me over to other servers as well. Totally ruined the game for me.

I am honestly shocked that a group of men conduct themselves like such cowards, they bring great shame upon their legacy. What a joke. I have zero respect for people that abuse power.

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 16:38:43

I have the receipts of black hole telling me that Gerdler didn’t want tmac and evo to handed the win.

Of course now BH is going back on his word and falling on his sword to save his only “ally” and puppet master Gerdler….

Can’t blame the guy for trying to protect Gerdler cuz if he loses LaF as an ally he knows that he is done in allaince server just like he is done in team…

Notice how it’s Black Hole doing the war Dec on Evo and not Gerdler who happened to investigate the FA packages during the glitch?

Edited By: SuperFly on Apr 2nd 2023, 16:40:48

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2023, 16:49:09

You also can't spy on FA packages sent regarding qty, number of times, etc. You can data mine indicators, but you cannot be sure until the end of the set.

Qz, however, allowed someone who had no business to know about it. More info than privy was revealed, in my estimation, because a real game mod posted that qz had Gerdler help him look into FA—wrong decision by Qz.

This game is mismanaged and it shows.
- Premium Patron Member

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2023, 17:05:19

tmac i sent a mass msg to LaF to stop the spying that set, i never got a msg back regarding it so i assumed it stopped.
I told Gerdler to tell you that we canceled the pact. He was already talking to you about some other things.

We accepted that you sent FA to Mercs to pay reps, but you couldnt just keep it to Mercs. You had to also send multiple FA packages to SoL and SoF. You refused to stop when we asked you to. I decided to kill Evo based on that.

- gains

Edited By: Mr Gainsboro on Apr 2nd 2023, 17:13:26
Don of LaF

Tmac Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 17:10:06

BH has been honest with me in private messages. If you change your mind or aren't sure if you were being manipulated I can't possibly know that. I think it's best to go by what people say directly after an incident instead of months later. My post is only facts. If you think I'm lying about anything or leaving out anything please let the community know.

Tmac Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 17:16:07

One person from laf messaged me in game about the aid. Said he was annoyed and will I stop? I asked him what was up with dropping our alliance because we didn't do anything to you. He then responds with how he isn't involved in the politics and doesn't know anything about that. He never told me who I was talking to, but I told him that the aid was reps and sol/sof helped kill resist to. You're telling me you sent someone that doesn't know what's going on to work something out with me? I've always dealt with gains or gerdler.

Link Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 17:18:21

sounds about how i had it in my head lol

I Am a meat popsicle.


Rasp Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 17:25:17

Originally posted by Mr Gainsboro:
tmac i sent a mass msg to LaF to stop the spying that set, i never got a msg back regarding it so i assumed it stopped.
I told Gerdler to tell you that we canceled the pact. He was already talking to you about some other things.

We accepted that you sent FA to Mercs to pay reps, but you couldnt just keep it to Mercs. You had to also send multiple FA packages to SoL and SoF. You refused to stop when we asked you to. I decided to kill Evo based on that.

- gains

Why did your story change?
[16:18:00] znc-rasp: We can kill bushido, but not bushifo, zack, moriarty, ghost rider, or darkling
[16:18:07] Req: Is that all the same person?
[16:18:12] symba: yea
[16:18:25] mob: my kids are like dad why are you laughing so much

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2023, 17:25:51

The only people Evo took in since the war started were ex-laffers who were tired of warring. It's not like we're harboring griefers, like all of the LaF folks who went to team and attacked tmac and company out of the blue.

Req hasn't played with Evo for many sets, and your expectation that we some how control everyone who ever played with us or that we are beholden to their future actions is bizarre. But given all of your recent actions, it's really not so bizarre that you have so many enemies who want to keep you from netting yourselves.

Rasp Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 17:39:15

Originally posted by Tertius:

Req hasn't played with Evo for many sets, and your expectation that we some how control everyone who ever played with us or that we are beholden to their future actions is bizarre. But given all of your recent actions, it's really not so bizarre that you have so many enemies who want to keep you from netting yourselves.

He edited his original post in that they did not pact EVO because they wanted open season on Req.
Not knowing he edited, I shared req’s membership history in EVO.
I was informed that EVO harbored TheBomb and Elder suiciders, and gains wanted unobstructed access to kill them. To my knowledge, EVO never harbored TheBomb countries, and in fact it was the opposite. TheBomb leveraged suiciding EVO against Mercs, saying if Mercs touched TheBomb, EVO was fair game.

No one has yet mentioned the untagged LaF who was spying EVO and stealing tech before and after LaF FS’d EVO.

I’m trying here, but I fail to see any substance to back LaF’s decision to cancel their pact with EVO, other than to ruin networth records (a second time in a row).
[16:18:00] znc-rasp: We can kill bushido, but not bushifo, zack, moriarty, ghost rider, or darkling
[16:18:07] Req: Is that all the same person?
[16:18:12] symba: yea
[16:18:25] mob: my kids are like dad why are you laughing so much



Apr 2nd 2023, 18:10:49

Originally posted by Rasp:

I’m trying here, but I fail to see any substance to back LaF’s decision to cancel their pact with EVO, other than to ruin networth records (a second time in a row).

haha wow! Even the dumbest person in the whole game is finally figuring it out, congrats Rasp

whats the TLDR though on this whole situation? Gerdler ALLEGEDLY looked into the database and found the FA packages? haha i see nothing has changed in the last 2 years. if you go against laf you have to ALLEGEDLY deal with multies and ALLEGEDLY corrupt cheating mods?

imagine still playing this game.
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

Rasp Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 18:32:52

Originally posted by Chevs:

haha wow! Even the dumbest person in the whole game is finally figuring it out, congrats Rasp

Still salty about the time you got killed while online by your own tag, I see.
[16:18:00] znc-rasp: We can kill bushido, but not bushifo, zack, moriarty, ghost rider, or darkling
[16:18:07] Req: Is that all the same person?
[16:18:12] symba: yea
[16:18:25] mob: my kids are like dad why are you laughing so much

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 18:52:03

Originally posted by Tmac:
BH has been honest with me in private messages. If you change your mind or aren't sure if you were being manipulated I can't possibly know that. I think it's best to go by what people say directly after an incident instead of months later. My post is only facts. If you think I'm lying about anything or leaving out anything please let the community know.

Right - that's why I'm telling you. I know you don't know what's going on in my mind, or are familiar with my current interpretations of conversations, which is why I wanted to share them.

My initial interpretation of the conversation was when Coalie was in my alliance on team, and I thought he was going to be with us going forward. I didn't realize at the time he was actually a Darkness guy, and I didnt know his identity.

The conversations I had with him and Gerdler (and superfly and req) at those times were when I was unsure of the histories of alliances, and didn't even really know who many people were. When Gerdler joined us in team, I didnt even know who he was.

At the time those conversations took place, I was very close with Coalie, and he had me convinced that Gerdler was attempting to manipulate me. I obviously believed that, and relayed that information to others.

It wasn't until after team ended, when I learned about who Coalie actually was, and started to understand the way the game was really played behind the scenes, that I realized my conversations with Gerdler weren't as I had once interpreted.

I realize that's convenient for that information to be shared only now, as it partially exonerates LaF, but I have mentioned this changing interpretation before, publicly (I'd have to find the thread).

This is not the first time I'm admitting that my interpretation of my conversations with Gerd had changed.

Ultimately, here is what I think is happening.

EVO is rightfully pissed their netting set has been destroyed two sets in a row.

You can blame me for the first set. I did that, and I did that on my own.

Mercs has successfully convinced you that I took those actions on behalf of LaF, and thus were able to secure your support in their war against LaF. As such, you supported them, because you believed they supported you.

This is the first instance of everything starting to fall apart. The reality is that Mercs is spinning propaganda to benefit themselves.

Once you started aiding Mercs etc, LaF, rightfully, got pissed. Many of them took it out on EVO guys on other servers.

TMac, we have discussed this. I was not a part of this, but I did have one or two resist guys who joined in on the attacks initially. They did this without my consent or knowledge. And I apologized immediately after. I understand why they did it, but I also felt it was important for Resist guys not to take part in those actions specifically because of what I had done to you all in the previous set.

I don't know if I have a strong opinion about LaF letting rivalries cross servers, but I have recently been told by Darkness that that is how things are done. So I can't really fault LaF for that.

After attacking you on other servers, FA aid still came to Mercs etc, so LaF made the decision that they needed to stop the FA from flowing.

There is no other way to deal with a proxy war then to attack the party engaging in the proxy. What would you have them do instead? Their enemy keeps getting replenished from a near unlimited source of resources.

Ultimately, had EVO not engaged in FA'ing, it is likely they would not have been attacked by LaF, as LaF didn't attack them the round before.

But they did engage in a proxy war, so I feel like the response was warranted. If PDM was FAing us, and we were using it to attack Mercs, I would expect Mercs to attack PDM as well.

I do not have the information to talk about whether or not alliances were canceled, when, and what discussions took place. But it does sound like EVO knew there wasn't a pact this round, and made decisions to FA an LaF enemy.

That's a choice that you can certainly make, but I don't know why we are surprised that their were consequences to those actions.

I want to point out one last thing. When I originally hit EVO, after hitting PDM and Omega, one of the reasons I did that was to get back at Darkness. Darkness says they will protect EVO no matter what. EVO is like their little pet that they guard.

The problem, for EVO, is that they then become party to Darkness antics. When Darkness wronged us in team, and I learned about their relationship with EVO, it made me want to hit EVO to get back at Darkness.

What I'm trying to say is that if you guys want to net, having such a close relationship with an alliance in Mercs/Darkness that antagonizes and bullies others, is a good way to get you on the bullied target lists. If I can't hurt Mercs, I'm going to hurt someone they care about. That's EVO.

You'd be more safe if you were truly neutral. But you're not. I think, ultimately, that's why you've been attacked two rounds in a row.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2023, 19:04:42

/me eats popcorn

So..... server war?
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Rasp Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 19:25:38

Originally posted by BlackHole:

If I can't hurt Mercs, I'm going to hurt someone they care about. That's EVO.

Originally posted by Rasp:

TheBomb leveraged suiciding EVO against Mercs, saying if Mercs touched TheBomb, EVO was fair game.

TheBomb is back? with LaF's support?

[16:18:00] znc-rasp: We can kill bushido, but not bushifo, zack, moriarty, ghost rider, or darkling
[16:18:07] Req: Is that all the same person?
[16:18:12] symba: yea
[16:18:25] mob: my kids are like dad why are you laughing so much

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2023, 19:27:20

TheBomb, was a real group.

This other new one is just a spam tag
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander



Apr 2nd 2023, 21:03:26

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Tmac:
BH has been honest with me in private messages. If you change your mind or aren't sure if you were being manipulated I can't possibly know that. I think it's best to go by what people say directly after an incident instead of months later. My post is only facts. If you think I'm lying about anything or leaving out anything please let the community know.

Right - that's why I'm telling you. I know you don't know what's going on in my mind, or are familiar with my current interpretations of conversations, which is why I wanted to share them.

My initial interpretation of the conversation was when Coalie was in my alliance on team, and I thought he was going to be with us going forward. I didn't realize at the time he was actually a Darkness guy, and I didnt know his identity.

The conversations I had with him and Gerdler (and superfly and req) at those times were when I was unsure of the histories of alliances, and didn't even really know who many people were. When Gerdler joined us in team, I didnt even know who he was.

At the time those conversations took place, I was very close with Coalie, and he had me convinced that Gerdler was attempting to manipulate me. I obviously believed that, and relayed that information to others.

It wasn't until after team ended, when I learned about who Coalie actually was, and started to understand the way the game was really played behind the scenes, that I realized my conversations with Gerdler weren't as I had once interpreted.

I realize that's convenient for that information to be shared only now, as it partially exonerates LaF, but I have mentioned this changing interpretation before, publicly (I'd have to find the thread).

This is not the first time I'm admitting that my interpretation of my conversations with Gerd had changed.

Ultimately, here is what I think is happening.

EVO is rightfully pissed their netting set has been destroyed two sets in a row.

You can blame me for the first set. I did that, and I did that on my own.

Mercs has successfully convinced you that I took those actions on behalf of LaF, and thus were able to secure your support in their war against LaF. As such, you supported them, because you believed they supported you.

This is the first instance of everything starting to fall apart. The reality is that Mercs is spinning propaganda to benefit themselves.

Once you started aiding Mercs etc, LaF, rightfully, got pissed. Many of them took it out on EVO guys on other servers.

TMac, we have discussed this. I was not a part of this, but I did have one or two resist guys who joined in on the attacks initially. They did this without my consent or knowledge. And I apologized immediately after. I understand why they did it, but I also felt it was important for Resist guys not to take part in those actions specifically because of what I had done to you all in the previous set.

I don't know if I have a strong opinion about LaF letting rivalries cross servers, but I have recently been told by Darkness that that is how things are done. So I can't really fault LaF for that.

After attacking you on other servers, FA aid still came to Mercs etc, so LaF made the decision that they needed to stop the FA from flowing.

There is no other way to deal with a proxy war then to attack the party engaging in the proxy. What would you have them do instead? Their enemy keeps getting replenished from a near unlimited source of resources.

Ultimately, had EVO not engaged in FA'ing, it is likely they would not have been attacked by LaF, as LaF didn't attack them the round before.

But they did engage in a proxy war, so I feel like the response was warranted. If PDM was FAing us, and we were using it to attack Mercs, I would expect Mercs to attack PDM as well.

I do not have the information to talk about whether or not alliances were canceled, when, and what discussions took place. But it does sound like EVO knew there wasn't a pact this round, and made decisions to FA an LaF enemy.

That's a choice that you can certainly make, but I don't know why we are surprised that their were consequences to those actions.

I want to point out one last thing. When I originally hit EVO, after hitting PDM and Omega, one of the reasons I did that was to get back at Darkness. Darkness says they will protect EVO no matter what. EVO is like their little pet that they guard.

The problem, for EVO, is that they then become party to Darkness antics. When Darkness wronged us in team, and I learned about their relationship with EVO, it made me want to hit EVO to get back at Darkness.

What I'm trying to say is that if you guys want to net, having such a close relationship with an alliance in Mercs/Darkness that antagonizes and bullies others, is a good way to get you on the bullied target lists. If I can't hurt Mercs, I'm going to hurt someone they care about. That's EVO.

You'd be more safe if you were truly neutral. But you're not. I think, ultimately, that's why you've been attacked two rounds in a row.

Holy fluff. I know this is a text based game but who the fluff has time to read all this fluff?

Be more succinct, loser.

KSFRekuyukai Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 21:31:59

Good god you people post a lot. Who the hell gives a fluff its a text based game from 1997. Go play some golf and relax or something.

En4cer Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 21:36:32

Cathankins - check out my game profile -

see how many times - and how many times in a row i've been hit when on track for 1b nw countries - countries destined for rank 1 etc.... alot of those t10's in there outside the most recent ones were suicided down rank 1's.

I am a 1 server player - i have also never suicided on anyone in my entire time playing.

Also a 1b nw country when noone else is playing is no kind of achievement - set that goal for when we are all battling it out on the field together. I hope u hang around and keep plugging away at it.

KSFRekuyukai Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 21:36:42

The cries for attention are real. People who know me know im pretty straightforward and blunt as hell. I hit who im told to hit and dont hit who im told not to hit its that simple. I log in if i die i die whatever there are like 18 million games out there to play why does this one in particular cause more drama than any of the others. It makes no sense to me. Admit fluff be straightforward stop beating around the bush like some damn politician. Once you realize these simple facts life gets a lot easier trust me. If someone hates me then hate me if someone likes me then like me. Just learn to coexist and keep an open mind.

Suicidal Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 21:41:01

Golfers suck balls

nuget Game profile


Apr 3rd 2023, 4:36:08

nice drama, but how laf know the evo FA mercs?



Apr 3rd 2023, 4:40:16

Originally posted by nuget:
nice drama, but how laf know the evo FA mercs?

It's not that hard, ally op, check countries networth change, line it up, compare old ops vs new ops info.

It's actually very easy to do so if an alliance knows how to run its operations, and monitors their enemies.

Heck, with some coding, you don't even have to do ops, just have an algorithm compare networth changes between all countries, then spit out potential FA being sent, do ally ops to confirm.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 3rd 2023, 11:14:37

Originally posted by En4cer:
Cathankins - check out my game profile -

see how many times - and how many times in a row i've been hit when on track for 1b nw countries - countries destined for rank 1 etc.... alot of those t10's in there outside the most recent ones were suicided down rank 1's.

I am a 1 server player - i have also never suicided on anyone in my entire time playing.

Also a 1b nw country when noone else is playing is no kind of achievement - set that goal for when we are all battling it out on the field together. I hope u hang around and keep plugging away at it.

The problem is we were told a very specific set of rules “griefing isn’t allowed” on netters so I ran no defense.

Now suddenly it’s not a problem? Our ENTIRE CLAN as destroyed and that’s not a big deal?

Big enough deal for me to never play this game again. It’s clearly not being applied fairly and if I am going to be cheated then I’m not going to go to that casino.

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 3rd 2023, 11:23:58

Welp Cat, I guess you learned a few valuable lessons.

1. That isn't griefing.
2. Run defense.
3. Don't trust Mercs
4. Don't FA in a war you don't want to involved in.

Education is great. On your way out, why don't you take a few other whiners with you. I'm so sick of hearing all this crybaby bullsh!t.

Symbolic Game profile


Apr 3rd 2023, 11:33:02

I'm curious though, what did we lie about?

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 3rd 2023, 11:37:15

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Welp Cat, I guess you learned a few valuable lessons.

1. That isn't griefing.
2. Run defense.
3. Don't trust Mercs
4. Don't FA in a war you don't want to involved in.

Education is great. On your way out, why don't you take a few other whiners with you. I'm so sick of hearing all this crybaby bullsh!t.

When I first got here moderators were handing out some sort of punishment for griefing and I was told it was not allowed by the entire community. Superfly was punished for this same behavior and i saw this myself.

I am not crying, I am asking for the rules to be applied evenly.

Is it not ok if I just build missile countries forever and do the same to Laf then?

Killing pure netters is ok now correct?

That’s fine with me I just want to know what the rules are since they seem to keep changing around here.

Maybe we should just update the rules to whatever LAF decides is best for them that set lol

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 3rd 2023, 11:40:27

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Welp Cat, I guess you learned a few valuable lessons.

1. That isn't griefing.
2. Run defense.
3. Don't trust Mercs
4. Don't FA in a war you don't want to involved in.

Education is great. On your way out, why don't you take a few other whiners with you. I'm so sick of hearing all this crybaby bullsh!t.

Wait a minute aren’t you the guy that writes the Bible-length posts? are you messing with me? I thought we are cool. Take your *** on somewhere

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Apr 3rd 2023, 11:48:07

In the words of the great Dylan Hollis:

you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )




Apr 3rd 2023, 12:13:26

Originally posted by martian:

In the words of the great Dylan Hollis:

fluff you too!!!
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

nuget Game profile


Apr 4th 2023, 1:44:16

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Originally posted by nuget:
nice drama, but how laf know the evo FA mercs?

It's not that hard, ally op, check countries networth change, line it up, compare old ops vs new ops info.

It's actually very easy to do so if an alliance knows how to run its operations, and monitors their enemies.

Heck, with some coding, you don't even have to do ops, just have an algorithm compare networth changes between all countries, then spit out potential FA being sent, do ally ops to confirm.

I dunno Rick, it seems fake.

but it is not more than a supposition, unless they have other methods...

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 4th 2023, 2:02:53

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Welp Cat, I guess you learned a few valuable lessons.

1. That isn't griefing.
2. Run defense.
3. Don't trust Mercs
4. Don't FA in a war you don't want to involved in.

Education is great. On your way out, why don't you take a few other whiners with you. I'm so sick of hearing all this crybaby bullsh!t.

Wait a minute aren’t you the guy that writes the Bible-length posts? are you messing with me? I thought we are cool. Take your *** on somewhere

I'm cool with you on an individual level.

But your side of this argument is just straight up wrong. I've been told in no uncertain terms that even following someone from server to server, hitting them over and over, is allowed.

You know how I know this?

Superfly did exactly this to me for more than 2 months. And this was when I actually was a new player. Like not 'I'm new, I've only been playing for years and I just started on this server' but an actual new player that has been here for 3 months.

So your complaints about being a new player and being griefed because you were attacked twice is really falling on deaf ears. And the people on your side of this argument are fvcking hypocrites for supporting your argument, as they know it's bullfluff, because they've ACTUALLY griefed me, according to your definition.

They won't tell you that though. They'll just keep hooting and hollering at your complaints, rather than admitting that they have actually griefed people.

And just for the record, pure netters should never be absolved from being hit. And if they are - then you should be pissed at all of Mercs/SoF/SoL for hitting LaF. Cause LaF is a netting clan, as far as I'm aware. So by your own definition, all of Mercs is griefers.



Apr 4th 2023, 2:16:39

*eats popcorn*

Best fluff I've seen in ages

Matrolen Game profile


Apr 4th 2023, 4:20:04

Asking for a bit of clarification here:

FA'ing an enemy country (LaF's enemy) in a war you are not involved in is grounds for repayment/reparations according to uNAPs, specifically LaF's uNAP, is this correct? I think I remember this when reading the uNAP Gains sent me.

If this uNAP was broken or canceled by LaF, then it would basically allow Evo to send FA to any country and LaF to do the same without any consequence to either clan. Also read as, if LaF is canceling a pact that has those specifics in their uNAP and they initiated the termination, it must be known to LaF that they are ceasing to hold Evo accountable for FA to any country. At this point, if Evo assists a country that is at war with LaF with FA only, it would trigger some sort of FR communication that isn't necessarily written anywhere but should happen, right? The community must have a consensus on this as it seems like the right path to open up communications for these specifics and not necessarily be seen as an act of war and then FS.

This can also be read as Clan A and clan B or you can switch LaF for Evo and still hold true.

I understand there is much more context going on here and a lot of "he said she said". I'm only trying to collapse it for the sake of simplicity to seek clarification.

Edit: Edited to exchange the word "consequences" to "reparations".

Edited By: Matrolen on Apr 4th 2023, 4:52:06
See Original Post
Progenies of the Great Apocalypse

Symbolic Game profile


Apr 4th 2023, 4:30:24

The whole reason this war started was because we where bored fighting ourselves, It had nothing to do with netters at all. Its just evolved into the fluff show that it is now lol.



Apr 4th 2023, 4:37:18

Originally posted by Matrolen:
Asking for a bit of clarification here:

FA'ing an enemy country (LaF's enemy) in a war you are not involved in is grounds for repayment/consequences according to uNAPs, specifically LaF's uNAP, is this correct? I think I remember this when reading the uNAP Gains sent me.

If this uNAP was broken or canceled by LaF, then it would basically allow Evo to send FA to any country and LaF to do the same without any consequence to either clan. Also read as, if LaF is canceling a pact that has those specifics in their uNAP and they initiated the termination, it must be known to LaF that they are ceasing to hold Evo accountable for FA to any country. At this point, if Evo assists a country that is at war with LaF with FA only, it would trigger some sort of FR communication that isn't necessarily written anywhere but should happen, right? The community must have a consensus on this as it seems like the right path to open up communications for these specifics and not necessarily be seen as an act of war and then FS.

This can also be read as Clan A and clan B or you can switch LaF for Evo and still hold true.

I understand there is much more context going on here and a lot of "he said she said". I'm only trying to collapse it for the sake of simplicity to seek clarification.

All a uNAP really does is take war away as an option for reps.
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Matrolen Game profile


Apr 4th 2023, 4:37:33

Right. I'm not really asking about this war specifically. I understand there is a lot more going on than just what I asked.
My question is basically; Clan A and clan B are at war, clan C sends FA to clan A, clan B would be within their rights to contact clan C about the FA and sort it out if they have no binding agreements. Or does clan B directly take the FA as an event that would trigger a war on clan C?
Progenies of the Great Apocalypse

Matrolen Game profile


Apr 4th 2023, 4:41:52

Originally posted by elvesrus:
Originally posted by Matrolen:
Asking for a bit of clarification here:

FA'ing an enemy country (LaF's enemy) in a war you are not involved in is grounds for repayment/consequences according to uNAPs, specifically LaF's uNAP, is this correct? I think I remember this when reading the uNAP Gains sent me.

If this uNAP was broken or canceled by LaF, then it would basically allow Evo to send FA to any country and LaF to do the same without any consequence to either clan. Also read as, if LaF is canceling a pact that has those specifics in their uNAP and they initiated the termination, it must be known to LaF that they are ceasing to hold Evo accountable for FA to any country. At this point, if Evo assists a country that is at war with LaF with FA only, it would trigger some sort of FR communication that isn't necessarily written anywhere but should happen, right? The community must have a consensus on this as it seems like the right path to open up communications for these specifics and not necessarily be seen as an act of war and then FS.

This can also be read as Clan A and clan B or you can switch LaF for Evo and still hold true.

I understand there is much more context going on here and a lot of "he said she said". I'm only trying to collapse it for the sake of simplicity to seek clarification.

All a uNAP really does is take war away as an option for reps.

OK yeah, that's what I have been taking it as when I first started re-learning FR in EE. So, it's basically a "we won't war this set, sign here"? As in the "u" in unbreakable?
What overrides a uNAP? A mutual defense pact?
Progenies of the Great Apocalypse

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 4th 2023, 4:48:12

Originally posted by Matrolen:
Asking for a bit of clarification here:

FA'ing an enemy country (LaF's enemy) in a war you are not involved in is grounds for repayment/consequences according to uNAPs, specifically LaF's uNAP, is this correct? I think I remember this when reading the uNAP Gains sent me.

If this uNAP was broken or canceled by LaF, then it would basically allow Evo to send FA to any country and LaF to do the same without any consequence to either clan. Also read as, if LaF is canceling a pact that has those specifics in their uNAP and they initiated the termination, it must be known to LaF that they are ceasing to hold Evo accountable for FA to any country. At this point, if Evo assists a country that is at war with LaF with FA only, it would trigger some sort of FR communication that isn't necessarily written anywhere but should happen, right? The community must have a consensus on this as it seems like the right path to open up communications for these specifics and not necessarily be seen as an act of war and then FS.

This can also be read as Clan A and clan B or you can switch LaF for Evo and still hold true.

I understand there is much more context going on here and a lot of "he said she said". I'm only trying to collapse it for the sake of simplicity to seek clarification.

According to the screenshots of my Onlyfans chat: Gerdler and laf leadership want to destroy any top 10 competition. Gerdler has demonstrated a personal interest in ruining tmac and spoiling finishes. Also, If they can't net, neither can anyone else (including pdm). The amount of FA sent was minimal and had no real impact. It was the gesture. Mercs,sol and sof have killed suicides and never asked for anything. I think it was the honorable thing for Evo to do, but the consequences were quite severe. Waiting until the end was spiteful but that was the point, to punish. Bhole is writing a 3 page summary. He'll cover the rest.



Apr 4th 2023, 5:12:25

sending people at war FA has always been an indirect declaration of war. pacts enforce steps to resolve the issue peacefully. without a pact all options of contact are fair game, war being a form of contact, while having a pact gives a framework of what to do and what to expect.

disclaimer: I have no dog in this fight, and don't even play on this server if I did.
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Apr 4th 2023, 5:17:55

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Welp Cat, I guess you learned a few valuable lessons.

1. That isn't griefing.
2. Run defense.
3. Don't trust Mercs
4. Don't FA in a war you don't want to involved in.

Education is great. On your way out, why don't you take a few other whiners with you. I'm so sick of hearing all this crybaby bullsh!t.

When I first got here moderators were handing out some sort of punishment for griefing and I was told it was not allowed by the entire community. Superfly was punished for this same behavior and i saw this myself.

I am not crying, I am asking for the rules to be applied evenly.

Is it not ok if I just build missile countries forever and do the same to Laf then?

Killing pure netters is ok now correct?

That’s fine with me I just want to know what the rules are since they seem to keep changing around here.

Maybe we should just update the rules to whatever LAF decides is best for them that set lol