
ZIP Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 12:00:02

I think you have a rogue cop on your hands -

May 01/10 2:05:43 AM PS My Country Is Number Wuff (#164) (iMagNum) Elysian Eagle (#108) (ElysiumC) 1932 A (+918 A)
so we retailed -
May 02/10 1:39:07 PM PS One Elysium One Goal (#230) (ElysiumC) My Country Is Number Wuff (#164) (iMagNum) 2336 A (+1103 A)
then... here is the RoR part -
May 03/10 6:06:15 AM PS Charles (#377) (Collabr8) One Elysium One Goal (#230) (ElysiumC) 1918 A (+915 A)
so i did my hit back on the RoR...
May 03/10 11:36:38 AM PS One Elysium One Goal (#230) (ElysiumC) Charles (#377) (Collabr8) 4631 A (+2206 A)

now we have a problem...
May 03/10 11:49:54 AM PS Charles (#377) (Collabr8) One Elysium One Goal (#230) (ElysiumC) 1744 A (+713 A)
May 03/10 11:49:48 AM PS Charles (#377) (Collabr8) One Elysium One Goal (#230) (ElysiumC) 2111 A (+824 A)
May 03/10 11:48:18 AM PS Charles (#377) (Collabr8) One Elysium One Goal (#230) (ElysiumC) Defence Held
May 03/10 11:48:16 AM PS Charles (#377) (Collabr8) One Elysium One Goal (#230) (ElysiumC) 2603 A (+1015 A)

lets talk...

fluff your 300 Spartans fool - i have 32 of the biggest fluffed mother fluffers made of titanium !!
A brigade from Blackstreetboyz (#91) has invaded your lands! Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away! Your military lost:1 Troops

jagernacht Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 12:02:21

you mean you don't show your appreciation for competition by quad-tapping?
they call meh juggsy!!!
AIM: juggernautnbk

dustfp Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 12:41:05

what's the easiest way to contact you? :)
SancTuarY President
icq: 123820211
aim: fudgepuppy6988

NukEvil Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 12:45:21

I thought you already did...look at the news...
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

ZIP Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 12:45:28

Look at all the ghost Ar - I'm not worried about it, Collab is kewl.
I'm sure someone gave the order from above not looking at the whole picture, then #377 got pissed after i took way more in my 1 retail then he got for his.

Did i mention again this set that i hate L:L. Takes all the skill in retailing ( grabbing ) away.
fluff your 300 Spartans fool - i have 32 of the biggest fluffed mother fluffers made of titanium !!
A brigade from Blackstreetboyz (#91) has invaded your lands! Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away! Your military lost:1 Troops

dustfp Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 12:56:06

im confused >_<
SancTuarY President
icq: 123820211
aim: fudgepuppy6988

Thomas Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 13:36:06

wait... so iMag made the initial hit?

God damnit... where is iTavi

crysk Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 13:50:40

hmm zip you should not do this so late! Check what you posted ;) ( collab, now im confused)

spawn Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 14:31:26

i dont get it either
/slap iZarcon

All your deleted countries are belong to me!

ZIP Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 14:53:48

Ok i was confused myself about what you were confused about - but you have to follow the boards, ( god i love it when Crysk is watching )
collab is policing 4 imag.
Imag made the first grab on an Elysium Country
Elysium Retailed the hit,
Collab who is policing must not have seen the whole picture and thought that the Elysium retail was an attack, so they retailed what they thought was an attack, no biggie we all have done it, so i took 1 grab back. then it gets messy -
(My 1 grab was much larger then his 1 grab, which i feel the land gained or lost is irrelevant. 1:1 .) So he saw it as a RoR, we have a 150% l:l pact, took 4 more ps and took another 6500 ar.
See simple !!
I have to say that collab now understands the whole picture and we are working on a deal right now about the other 6500 ar.
This is going to be a good example to show how mistakes do happen and we can work together to resolve them and not always bang the drums of war.
The rebuilding part suxer biggy weenie - but the exchanges of land in the end will throw out almost 10k added ghost ar to our countries i bet.
fluff your 300 Spartans fool - i have 32 of the biggest fluffed mother fluffers made of titanium !!
A brigade from Blackstreetboyz (#91) has invaded your lands! Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away! Your military lost:1 Troops

spawn Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 16:00:04

should have said so in your initial post ;)
/slap iZarcon

All your deleted countries are belong to me!

Dukey Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 16:00:05

that makes much more sense :P

dustfp Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 16:04:24

I was confused about "Look at all the ghost Ar - I'm not worried about it, Collab is kewl."
But meh! Everything will work out in the end
SancTuarY President
icq: 123820211
aim: fudgepuppy6988

MorTcuS Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 16:48:11

Elysium should be farmed end of story.
174099715 (not in use)

Steam : wargasm1

Thomas Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 18:25:32

Actually, Zip, iTavi approached me about needing the retal. I checked the news and didn't see any hits by them on your country. He never told me it was a retal for another hit done by iMag on Elysium. They dropped the ball. But the Collaber shouldn't have hit 4 times after that, he knows the procedures.

joe2 Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 18:42:37

yep he's such a nub

kemo Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 19:55:42

joe has spoketh
all praised to ra

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

May 3rd 2010, 20:43:14

I *giggles* at all of you :P

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

dustfp Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 21:01:31

giggles and jiggles?
SancTuarY President
icq: 123820211
aim: fudgepuppy6988



May 3rd 2010, 21:24:42

myea, my bad. i havent seen our hit. i dont know why the heck our members would lg when we're at war (not really a real war anymore but still)

i'll chat with y'all asap

Charles Game profile


May 4th 2010, 0:41:42

Actually i was expecting a retal, and found out what i was entitled to. So when Zip hit me, and not sent a retal message. I knew it was fair game. I had done nothing wrong in this situation and wasn't going to get shafted by it....

crysk Game profile


May 4th 2010, 1:09:40

i get it i get zip! I'm not paying enough attention to the game to know police :p I AM watching my dear...;)

AxAlar Game profile


May 4th 2010, 1:56:49

lol charles got pwnt.
Mercenary for Hire
AIM: I The Brandon
ICQ: 167324517

Charles Game profile


May 4th 2010, 5:25:51

Charles needs to make sure he dont get screwed for other peoples stuff ups....

For the record, Just so you know i'm not scewing Ely, and i didn't know i was in the wrong, but instead was just following the standards, check the time on this message i recieved:

"Message from One Elysium One Goal (#230) sent on 05/03/2010 11:50:09
Report this message
sry man but my hit WAS a retail and you did a RoR.
Your or someone's mistake over there -

May 01/10 2:05:43 AM PS My Country Is Number Wuff (#164) (iMagNum) Elysian Eagle (#108) (ElysiumC) 1932 A (+918 A)

was the first hit that started it all off - "



May 4th 2010, 6:30:55

well like i said, sorry, my bad.
i'll talk to thomas or someone else to see what i can do to you

ZIP Game profile


May 4th 2010, 12:50:30

This is true - " Charles " did make the right decision with the information provided to him. So we exchanged some land, gained a lot in ghost, ar., had a chance to show each other that we are both not pricks and move - on.
The only drag to this whole thing is rebuilding costs.
fluff your 300 Spartans fool - i have 32 of the biggest fluffed mother fluffers made of titanium !!
A brigade from Blackstreetboyz (#91) has invaded your lands! Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away! Your military lost:1 Troops

Charles Game profile


May 4th 2010, 13:08:12

lol, "ZIP" why is my name in "..."?

archaic Game profile


May 4th 2010, 13:13:23

Y'alls pact must be 7 pages long . . .
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

AxAlar Game profile


May 5th 2010, 3:48:08

As President of the alliance created in the future when Ely merges into Collaboration, I fully testify that all is well in the lands of El Collaboration.
Mercenary for Hire
AIM: I The Brandon
ICQ: 167324517

kemo Game profile


May 5th 2010, 4:24:24

way to make us sound like we gettin deported :(
all praised to ra

Marshal Game profile


May 5th 2010, 19:35:33

AxA needs to share whatever he's smoking since it must be good stuff.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....