Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
yes, its called the flack and disdain that we've been recieving over the years over what was initially meant to be a nice jesture to the community.
But I should also point out that I have very little say regarding the operational status of the site.
Yes, Boxcar's been bashed more than any other hosting service for absolutely no reason, just because people can't keep in-game and out-of-game straight in their own heads. Since we opened our doors to the public, I've spent probably 95% of my Boxcar time supporting it, where as when it was just LaF using it, 100% went to new dev.
I'd rather have someone to pass Boxcar onto, but no one has shown any desire to help or the skills to help out effectively, or if they meet the other two criteria, they have bee implicated in cheating on FFA.
Regardless... Boxcar and EE are direct competitors for my time. The free time I allocate to this game goes to one of those two things. I've made it clear for some time that I need to focus my time on specific things, and given the choice between spending time on EE or on Boxcar, it's better for the game for me to focus on EE.
I should also clarify that taking down = not maintaining... I wouldn't just take it off the net, just not put its upkeep as a priority at all. I expect TC may be more willing to do that, rather than take it down as well :p