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I can't stand BLM
All Lives Matter!!!
If Black lives don't matter to police and a large portion of the American people, how can you say all lives matter? It makes no sense.
Correction. No Lives Matter. Historically. Currently. And let's be honest, with the idiots on both sides....the future isn't looking any brighter.
But I am just a 100% Asian man. Looking for 18 year old Asian girls. So what do I know.
Big picture, yes, the human race will almost assuredly live and become extinct and no other sentient creatures in the Universe will ever know that we existed. But lives matter to someone while we live. My family matters to me, my daughter, my friends. The few dozen that keep this game alive matter. Nihilism is fun as an intellectual exercise, but even tho it may just be a few neurotransmitters that cause my feelings of attachment to others, it's still a very real feeling.
Hey, i'll feed into it and respond.
Of course your family matters to you, your friends, etc. But they don't matter to someone. In fact, I could safely say that more people could give a fluff about your family/friends/etc than people who do give a fluff. Trust me, I feel the same way about my little world. We are too selfish to do otherwise. Plus, you just stated that most of America doesn't believe black lives matter. Are they truly the only minority that matter? What about women who have been oppressed for thousands of years? Or LGBT? So what are you really saying then? Just white people don't think black lives matter? Are you insane?
I could tell you that my best friend is black. I could tell you that my cousins are black. I could also tell you i'm not white. But first, I don't need validation of whether or not I speak from a place of understanding. Second, I can't tell you what its like to grow up in a society that puts so much emphasis on race. Because in my little world, it has never been important. Maybe ignorance is bliss and tastes like a nice brown/black/white/yellow/red steak.