Jan 10th 2011, 23:00:06
At the point when he went form 750k troops down to 50k troops- we were mostly lemming BRs still (which accounts for all the DHes). And he didnt sell a little at a time or even a moderate abount- he dropped down to 50k troops- WHILE HE STILL HAD 750K TURRETS!
Also, he never dropped any land. Was it me- id have dropped land from the start (once i knew they knew i was online and were still hitting me) and maxed out my weapons and medical tech. He never dropped ANY land. He also kept buying up earily while we were still lemmings him. When a clan is lemming me- it tells me they are short on breakers- so id let them get me down and then buy up. I would also have not sold all my spys FIRST as he did but i wold sell them last. He made it easy for us.
Tell me how he cost us turns when we were lemming (all but one or two of us) and we went from that to an easy 50k ALL IN gs attack??? Also with him haveing no spys we coudl use SRs???
Please, you might have been born yesterday but i wasnt. These are the reasons why he wins the WORST WALER AWARD!
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!