Originally posted by gwagers:
Just because I hate losing turns for being away, would it be possible to remove the stored turns cap? That way we still can't use more than 126 turns (or maybe the limit is 132, with the voting bonus; I'm not sure how that works) at a time, but we won't lose anything other than bonuses when we lose Internet connection at weird times.
Well, unless someone kills you. But there's no helping that.
Mmmm.... the problem is, I could then store turns for half the reset, then start playing all-x at double speed, with really cheap tech and military; plus i could topfeed like crazy 'cause i'd be tiny. Then as the bushel peak begins to wind down I'd just be getting to stockpiling, so I could stockpile on cheap bushels.....
It just leads to all sorts of weird behaviours if you allow people to hold indefinite amounts of turns