Top Clans - Alliance

Next Reset Seventy-ninth round: Dec 13, 2022 - Feb 11, 2023 Prev Reset
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Top 14 (out of 14) clans ranked by average networth
NameTagMembersTotal WorthAvg WorthGDI
Evolution Evo 8 $4,879,173,592 $487,917,359
OMEGA TheOmega 4 $2,170,219,194 $217,021,919
Paradigm PDM 10 $1,995,971,008 $199,597,101
The Monsters MONSTERS 5 $760,989,954 $76,098,995
Sons of Liberty SOL2023 16 $523,270,333 $32,704,396
Mercenaries For Hire Mercs 14 $406,495,745 $29,035,410
HERO HERO 1 $131,071,569 $13,107,157
SOF SOFp 9 $101,008,516 $10,100,852
La Famiglia LaF 16 $103,867,160 $6,491,698
Stones Stones 5 $10,278,483 $1,027,848
The Resistance RESIST 3 $7,819,171 $781,917
Rage RAGE 3 $5,078,893 $507,889
Midnight Riders MKR 1 $225,218 $22,522
Demonslayers DemonSly 1 $10,904 $1090

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