Top Clans - Team

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Top 25 (out of 35) clans ranked by total networth
NameTagMembersTotal WorthAvg WorthGDI
Death Before Disco DBD2 5 $274,289,517 $54,857,903
Death Before Disco DBD 5 $231,881,863 $46,376,373
Reservoir Dogs xxRDxx 5 $197,420,173 $39,484,035
DoobiesBeforeDeath DBD3 4 $150,482,081 $37,620,520
Female Body Inspectors FBI 5 $108,904,607 $21,780,921
Every Time Fun Time ETFT 5 $100,933,241 $20,186,648
SKY Infidelz SKY 2 $100,188,786 $50,094,393
DEA DEA 5 $87,977,174 $17,595,435
Reservoir Dogs ResDogs 5 $83,664,928 $16,732,986
RDxKILL RDxKILL 5 $74,982,474 $14,996,495
Reservoir Dogs tuRDman 5 $72,073,848 $14,414,770
Reservoir Dogs xRDX 5 $64,065,780 $12,813,156
STONES STONES 5 $63,950,959 $12,790,192
Reservoir Dogs RD 5 $56,710,030 $11,342,006
Cleavage Inspection Agency CIA 4 $50,819,998 $12,705,000
Toss That Grenade FIST 5 $45,382,581 $9,076,516
Lords 3 xLORDSx 4 $42,648,156 $10,662,039
ICN side B xICNxB 3 $37,486,159 $12,495,386
Dark Federation EMPIRE 2 $28,875,699 $14,437,850
Midknight Riders MKR 2 $25,312,439 $12,656,220
LordsKTP LordsKTP 5 $23,473,349 $4,694,670
Lords of Time 1 LORDs 5 $20,044,010 $4,008,802
NATO NATO 4 $19,471,999 $4,868,000
ICN North ICNorth 5 $12,645,959 $2,529,192
Templars xTx 4 $11,862,781 $2,965,695

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