

Jul 21st 2020, 18:14:11

Post I saw from a guy in Portland has it right.

"Imagine having your windows at your house and work busted out for 40+ days every night and your own governor and police force tells you not to worry these are peaceful protestors.

Imagine living in fear of running into a group blocking the road and for some reason you do something to upset them so they destroy your car and possibly assualt you. All because the media portrays them as peaceful."

I am fine with them rounding them up. Most are released almost immediately. But hey. Let's keep portraying them as peaceful protestors when we only get our source from the media...

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jul 21st 2020, 18:42:09

Originally posted by Requiem:
I think we should circle around to the real issue here. Bug breaking all of the forum rules and creating an inflammatory post.

Fsck that guy! (computer nerd humor)

Originally posted by Slagpit:
I don't like having to waste my time moderating the forums, so knock it off Requiem.

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 21st 2020, 19:05:56

My point is that I can see our flaws, I can critique them, and I accept it when you critique us for them.
You probably don't. When I state that americans dying to gun related violence is by design and that it is an acceptable price for you to have what you call "gun rights" you take it as an insult while I'm meerely stating I shouldn't care about it because it doesn't affect me and you clearly want it that way as it keeps happening and its never the time to do anything about it.

The same idea we had when we formed the State Institute for Racial Biology, that we are better than everyone else, is the same idea, maybe not based on ethnicity but perhaps on instead on some nationality/moral based idea, that while everyone is equal some part of america is just a tiny bit more equal than the rest of us, that you are so keen to portray to the rest of the world. Im not saying all americans are like that, surely not. I have met many americans that don't fit this template, even the vast majority of those I have met don't fit this at all. So its (Edit: probably)only a small subset of americans, who seem to be very loud and proud about displaying their own ignorance of their flaws and their self-percieved superiority who are the ones who take offence to what I'm saying. If you don't fit this template why are you bothered that someone points out flaws which you can clearly see with your own eyes?

Edited By: Gerdler on Jul 21st 2020, 19:08:18
See Original Post

Soviet Game profile


Jul 21st 2020, 19:57:56

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Again, everyone defends you and you've defended no one since WW2.

Sweden aircraft carriers: 0
Sweden submarines: 5
Swedish aircraft/helicopters: 207
Again did you miss the point when I said are You going to defend me in the case of an invasion?
Imaginary Numbers

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jul 21st 2020, 20:02:50

You missed this.

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

braden Game profile


Jul 21st 2020, 20:17:19

Originally posted by Gerdler:
It's fine. Im not defending Sweden or swedes, or anyone else. Say anything you want about us. Yeah we raped and pillaged as vikings, and then we expanded our empire in wars covered up with religious motives, yeah we sold iron to the nazis, yeah we helped create the migration wave that resulted in thousands of migrants drowning in the mediterranean and untold misery beyond that, yeah we funded the State Institute for Racial Biology where we measured skulls and fluff. Just dont claim you are better lol. Because you are not.

Oh I'm well aware of you being a nazi.

Not sweden or swedes of yesteryear. You yourself gerdler are as guilty as the ss. Whites in murca for slavery have to face this fact.

Aint no Canadian ever owned a slave or empire built.

Edited By: braden on Jul 21st 2020, 20:20:44
See Original Post

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 21st 2020, 20:40:16

Originally posted by Red X:
chances are if someone showed up to shove me in a vehicle they would get shot in the face. Then again you won't catch me at any of these protests. someone send derrick this link since he has been going to them, maybe he can chime in lol

Leave Derrick out of this, he's busy fulfilling his life long dream of acting out against the white man because of what his ancestors did many many eclipses ago.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 21st 2020, 20:48:42

Originally posted by Soviet:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
Again, everyone defends you and you've defended no one since WW2.

Sweden aircraft carriers: 0
Sweden submarines: 5
Swedish aircraft/helicopters: 207
Again did you miss the point when I said are You going to defend me in the case of an invasion?

You seem to be under the impression Sweden is part of Nato... Educate yourself.

Marshal Game profile


Jul 21st 2020, 20:51:24

Originally posted by Gerdler:

You seem to be under the impression Sweden is part of Nato... Educate yourself.

since when sweden has been in nato (as full member)?
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 21st 2020, 20:55:57

Damnit Marshal...
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jul 21st 2020, 22:17:37

Well that one before the last post above me effed it all up.🤦‍♀️
Nothing new here children.

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Soviet Game profile


Jul 21st 2020, 22:21:49

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Originally posted by Soviet:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
Again, everyone defends you and you've defended no one since WW2.

Sweden aircraft carriers: 0
Sweden submarines: 5
Swedish aircraft/helicopters: 207
Again did you miss the point when I said are You going to defend me in the case of an invasion?

You seem to be under the impression Sweden is part of Nato... Educate yourself.

"NATO and Sweden actively cooperate in peace and security operations, and have developed practical cooperation in many other areas. An important priority is to develop interoperable capabilities and maintain the ability of the Swedish Armed Forces to work with those of NATO and other partner countries in multinational peace-support operations."

Looks like 1994 for when.

Also, guess you don't pay your dues for access to a trillion dollar military so yeah enjoy your free ride. <3 The American Taxpayer
Imaginary Numbers

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 21st 2020, 22:51:49

Originally posted by Gerdler:
My point is that I can see our flaws, I can critique them, and I accept it when you critique us for them.
You probably don't. When I state that americans dying to gun related violence is by design and that it is an acceptable price for you to have what you call "gun rights" you take it as an insult while I'm meerely stating I shouldn't care about it because it doesn't affect me and you clearly want it that way as it keeps happening and its never the time to do anything about it.

The same idea we had when we formed the State Institute for Racial Biology, that we are better than everyone else, is the same idea, maybe not based on ethnicity but perhaps on instead on some nationality/moral based idea, that while everyone is equal some part of america is just a tiny bit more equal than the rest of us, that you are so keen to portray to the rest of the world. Im not saying all americans are like that, surely not. I have met many americans that don't fit this template, even the vast majority of those I have met don't fit this at all. So its (Edit: probably)only a small subset of americans, who seem to be very loud and proud about displaying their own ignorance of their flaws and their self-percieved superiority who are the ones who take offence to what I'm saying. If you don't fit this template why are you bothered that someone points out flaws which you can clearly see with your own eyes?

Hey man. I agree on everything but the first bit and that last bit. Wholeheartedly. The classic adage of some don't speak for all is real and though it is easy to generalize and lump an entire 300m populace into the same bag (only half sarcastic here), I choose not to. I pride myself on being an American and I pride myself on accepting all races, cultures and creeds. I am also a huge fan of European history and culture, something Americans lack. Maybe start with a less defensive posture and you will be met with a less reactive one. Imagine that. An American asking a Swede to have a little more empathy.

Where I disagree, also wholeheartedly. Is the amplification of perceived flaws that is echoed across the world because we happen to be in the spotlight often. It's manipulative, it's deceiving and in a lot of cases it is false. The interpretation of we want guns and people's lives are the unfortunate casualty is where your ignorance shows.

Just re-read this sentence and tell me where the opinion starts and stops

"When I state that americans dying to gun related violence is by design and that it is an acceptable price for you to have what you call "gun rights" you take it as an insult while I'm meerely stating I shouldn't care about it because it doesn't affect me and you clearly want it that way as it keeps happening and its never the time to do anything about it."

Just because you "state" an opinion, doesn't make it true.

For Example: I am stating that sweden (I chose not to capitalize this even though I have a deep fear of red underlines) is full of big breasted blondes, and if that offends you....well clearly you don't like boobs or women. I accept when my opinions collide with facts, you should try it.

It isn't my sensitivity to seeing our flaws. They are there in abundance. But if I let one generic ignorant statement go, anyone without the will to do their research will take it at face value. Even if one person decides to keep an open mind about tolerance, then I feel completely justified in wasting my time arguing.

Trust me when I say that us Americans, DO NOT NEED HELP from anyone outside of America in seeing our own flaws. Complaining about them. Pointing them out. Debating them. Etc. We have enough blind ignorance in America (on all sides of the political fence) to worry about. We don't need interpretive regurgitation from across the seas. I can easily tell you, without a smidgen of doubt, that I have no room talking about your country and its decisions. It would be ignorant of me to think that I could understand any decision made without first understanding your culture, history, challenges, growths, etc.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 21st 2020, 22:58:52

You were barking up Norway before, and my point is that Norway defended you while in Nato, and you didn't defend them while in Nato. So when you are saying they can't defend you its just a misunderstanding on your part. We(Sweden now) also dont have a share of NATO, as I wished you'd somehow understood by now.

If you want to defend us thats all on you, nothing binds you to do so, and nothing binds us to defend you. We also helped NATO in Libya, Gulf of Aden, Kosovo, Afghanistan and other multinational operations all voluntarily.

You're welcome
/the swedish taxpayer

braden Game profile


Jul 21st 2020, 23:06:34

The Swedish ss empire building catholic murderer

(I'm drunk- im done. You've all rightfully begun to ignore me ;p)

Nate Game profile


Jul 21st 2020, 23:10:51

How could I ignore someone who holds Nina in such regard?

iScode Game profile


Jul 21st 2020, 23:11:31

Originally posted by BROmanceNZ:
Originally posted by ZEN:
Also, now that we have the entire population of NZ posting.

He always told me that the north end of NZ was a lawless murdering region where you needed to be native to survive. Like people from the southern parts don't even go there.

Unbiased response please. If scode wasn't such a chode, i'd be willing to talk about our issues. Keep in mind that some of us love this place.

The guy was talking out his arse. Northland is fine as far as people go, and it has some of the most beautiful countryside up those ways too. Small towns, though, but not dissimilar in size and “Sweet fluff all happening” as the majority of the South Island.

People from the South don’t usually venture up to Northland too often because it’s far too expensive. Or they’re racists and don’t like that Northland is full of brown people. Ask any Kiwi if they were surprised that, of all the places for a mosque to be shot up, it was in Christchurch.

That flips for Northland people going down South too. Why go down to “Honkeyville” just to freeze your arse off and wonder why the only breakfast option they have is plain toast?

Literally, NZ is like maybe four towns dressed up as cities, and everything in between is farm farm farm church pub farm farm pub church farm farm farm beach overpriced tourist cafe pub church farm farm farm - with a lot of it populated by small town farmers, Church goers and surfers/fishermen who are friendly enough but won’t be able to get through five consecutive sentences without saying something racist or bigoted.

tl;dr - NZ isn’t murderous but we’re pretty good racists.

Source: I grew up in the South and my wife is from the north of the North. We’re equally racist to our mixed race baby.

This is unfortunately very accurate. I moved from. Ngaruawahia to Christchurch at 13 (from north to south) and couldn't believe how racist the south island is. It's pretty embarrassing at times.

And thanks for your thoughts as an expat!
God of War


ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 21st 2020, 23:11:35

Seriously. We were just waiting until you got really drunk, braden. That is when the magic happens.

braden Game profile


Jul 21st 2020, 23:38:58

Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by BROmanceNZ:
Originally posted by ZEN:
Also, now that we have the entire population of NZ posting.

He always told me that the north end of NZ was a lawless murdering region where you needed to be native to survive. Like people from the southern parts don't even go there.

Unbiased response please. If scode wasn't such a chode, i'd be willing to talk about our issues. Keep in mind that some of us love this place.

The guy was talking out his arse. Northland is fine as far as people go, and it has some of the most beautiful countryside up those ways too. Small towns, though, but not dissimilar in size and “Sweet fluff all happening” as the majority of the South Island.

People from the South don’t usually venture up to Northland too often because it’s far too expensive. Or they’re racists and don’t like that Northland is full of brown people. Ask any Kiwi if they were surprised that, of all the places for a mosque to be shot up, it was in Christchurch.

That flips for Northland people going down South too. Why go down to “Honkeyville” just to freeze your arse off and wonder why the only breakfast option they have is plain toast?

Literally, NZ is like maybe four towns dressed up as cities, and everything in between is farm farm farm church pub farm farm pub church farm farm farm beach overpriced tourist cafe pub church farm farm farm - with a lot of it populated by small town farmers, Church goers and surfers/fishermen who are friendly enough but won’t be able to get through five consecutive sentences without saying something racist or bigoted.

tl;dr - NZ isn’t murderous but we’re pretty good racists.

Source: I grew up in the South and my wife is from the north of the North. We’re equally racist to our mixed race baby.

This is unfortunately very accurate. I moved from. Ngaruawahia to Christchurch at 13 (from north to south) and couldn't believe how racist the south island is. It's pretty embarrassing at times.

And thanks for your thoughts as an expat!

Christchurch itself by definition is racist and you're all scum.

braden Game profile


Jul 21st 2020, 23:39:30

Originally posted by ZEN:
Seriously. We were just waiting until you got really drunk, braden. That is when the magic happens.

Back by popular public drunkenness?

braden Game profile


Jul 21st 2020, 23:42:58

zen is racist because I dont think he comes from a quiet or complacent place so he steals and literally proclaims as himself theft of .. culture.. ideology? It occurs to me now im iffy on the theft zen by her

(If I dont know anything I do know zen enjoys his lady parts)

((I hope somebody is clever enough to see the hilarity of the joke.. or even the joke itself)

(((No it's not me)))

braden Game profile


Jul 21st 2020, 23:45:35

where are you going to move, scode, when you arent allowed on your island anymore?

When i have to leave Canada illgo back to Wales and be a subject of my already Queen. Maybe run for welsh rule of law and start a fluffing war like men do. When i win all you Pacific's are going back to prison from whence you came. Scum.

braden Game profile


Jul 21st 2020, 23:50:53

Just watch CNN its against the law for anything you say to be racist against a white person.

Wait.. after murca gives it back to the slave owning murderous Sioux amd apache the blacks ate all going back to Africa, without roads or schools or a welfare state to support them?

Nono no too far.

Uh oh. That might get me kicked out of monsters..

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 21st 2020, 23:52:57

Originally posted by braden:
zen is racist because I dont think he comes from a quiet or complacent place so he steals and literally proclaims as himself theft of .. culture.. ideology? It occurs to me now im iffy on the theft zen by her

(If I dont know anything I do know zen enjoys his lady parts)

((I hope somebody is clever enough to see the hilarity of the joke.. or even the joke itself)

(((No it's not me)))

One step away from enlightenment my friend. The acknowledgment that we are nothing. Pretty damn poetic if you ask me.

braden Game profile


Jul 21st 2020, 23:53:25

I can edit myself but I think the mods can see what I still said but trying to be funny is different than being a fluffing unaware fluffing idiot. And that was..

braden Game profile


Jul 22nd 2020, 0:00:40

Originally posted by ZEN:
Originally posted by braden:
zen is racist because I dont think he comes from a quiet or complacent place so he steals and literally proclaims as himself theft of .. culture.. ideology? It occurs to me now im iffy on the theft zen by her

(If I dont know anything I do know zen enjoys his lady parts)

((I hope somebody is clever enough to see the hilarity of the joke.. or even the joke itself)

(((No it's not me)))

One step away from enlightenment my friend. The acknowledgment that we are nothing. Pretty damn poetic if you ask me.

Um science people tell me there's a camera in space that can prove im not the center of the universe but they only exist when i watch them with my eyes and when I dont they don't exist. When I press send zen ceases to exist..

If i quit rhe game entirely right now marshal wouldn't ever fluffing have existed..


Nate Game profile


Jul 22nd 2020, 0:14:14

Originally posted by braden:
Originally posted by ZEN:
Originally posted by braden:
zen is racist because I dont think he comes from a quiet or complacent place so he steals and literally proclaims as himself theft of .. culture.. ideology? It occurs to me now im iffy on the theft zen by her

(If I dont know anything I do know zen enjoys his lady parts)

((I hope somebody is clever enough to see the hilarity of the joke.. or even the joke itself)

(((No it's not me)))

One step away from enlightenment my friend. The acknowledgment that we are nothing. Pretty damn poetic if you ask me.

Um science people tell me there's a camera in space that can prove im not the center of the universe but they only exist when i watch them with my eyes and when I dont they don't exist. When I press send zen ceases to exist..

If i quit rhe game entirely right now marshal wouldn't ever fluffing have existed..


Schrodinger's camera hard at work, or is it?

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jul 22nd 2020, 0:16:11

Originally posted by Gerdler:
You were barking up Norway before, and my point is that Norway defended you while in Nato, and you didn't defend them while in Nato. So when you are saying they can't defend you its just a misunderstanding on your part. We(Sweden now) also dont have a share of NATO, as I wished you'd somehow understood by now.

If you want to defend us thats all on you, nothing binds you to do so, and nothing binds us to defend you. We also helped NATO in Libya, Gulf of Aden, Kosovo, Afghanistan and other multinational operations all voluntarily.

You're welcome
/the swedish taxpayer

He was barking up Norway's stuff before as an example.
Then we had: "Sweden has entered the chat"
I have spoken.
It is the way.

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 22nd 2020, 0:16:24

Originally posted by ZEN:

Just because you "state" an opinion, doesn't make it true.

For Example: I am stating that sweden (I chose not to capitalize this even though I have a deep fear of red underlines) is full of big breasted blondes, and if that offends you....well clearly you don't like boobs or women. I accept when my opinions collide with facts, you should try it.

ZEN, an opinion cant be true or false. It can be stated tho.

The premises can be true or false. I didn't state them which was due to lazyness and perhaps it was a mistake.

If you say Sweden is full of big breasted blonds the only subjective and not controllable part of that(which could be an opinion) is what you view as being "full" of. Even if we had only 1 big breasted blond in all of Sweden and that was a fact(a premise if you will) we were both privy to, you could still have and state that opinion and I wouldn't be able to say its false. We could argue if your definition of 'fullness' limits its semantic usefulness, I guess. But that's it.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jul 22nd 2020, 0:24:07

Originally posted by braden:
I can edit myself but I think the mods can see what I still said but trying to be funny is different than being a fluffing unaware fluffing idiot. And that was..

Originally posted by Slagpit:
I don't like having to waste my time moderating the forums, so knock it off braden.

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

iScode Game profile


Jul 22nd 2020, 0:28:24

Originally posted by braden:
where are you going to move, scode, when you arent allowed on your island anymore?

When i have to leave Canada illgo back to Wales and be a subject of my already Queen. Maybe run for welsh rule of law and start a fluffing war like men do. When i win all you Pacific's are going back to prison from whence you came. Scum.

Only the aussies are convicts. Us kiwis came from the middle class.

And they are my islands by birth right. I will defend them and any Kiwi who resides here from any foreign invader. Especially if that invader is of Canadian geese origin!

Edited By: galleri on Jul 22nd 2020, 0:32:58. Reason: had to fix scode's quote fails :P
See Original Post
God of War


iScode Game profile


Jul 22nd 2020, 0:28:55

Once again I suck at editing.

*I helped you ;) - galleri

Edited By: galleri on Jul 22nd 2020, 0:34:05
See Original Post
God of War


Soviet Game profile


Jul 22nd 2020, 0:35:55

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
You were barking up Norway before, and my point is that Norway defended you while in Nato, and you didn't defend them while in Nato. So when you are saying they can't defend you its just a misunderstanding on your part. We(Sweden now) also dont have a share of NATO, as I wished you'd somehow understood by now.

If you want to defend us thats all on you, nothing binds you to do so, and nothing binds us to defend you. We also helped NATO in Libya, Gulf of Aden, Kosovo, Afghanistan and other multinational operations all voluntarily.

You're welcome
/the swedish taxpayer

He was barking up Norway's stuff before as an example.
Then we had: "Sweden has entered the chat"
I have spoken.
It is the way.

Norway hasn't needed to be defended by us. The original thread was about where all the gun loving Americans are. And then a bunch of anti gun freedom deprived people responded about how America doesn't need guns because a few people die from them. My point originally, if you recall, was comparing the idea of why I love guns and my freedom in contrast to why Norway and by extension many socialized countries love their free healthcare and higher education. Zen said it well earlier "I couldnt understand any decision made without first understanding your culture, history, challenges, growths, etc." You don't understand us, and that's okay. We're a big fish in a world with a couple other big fish and I don't put a drop of trust in Norway, Germany ,or Sweden to come save my ass when I truly need it. So that's why I have guns.
Imaginary Numbers

Nate Game profile


Jul 22nd 2020, 0:38:10

Originally posted by iScode:
Once again I suck at editing.

*I helped you ;) - galleri

A sick part of me wants to see a grammar nazi mod just break from the constant edits.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 22nd 2020, 0:42:02

Originally posted by Soviet:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
You were barking up Norway before, and my point is that Norway defended you while in Nato, and you didn't defend them while in Nato. So when you are saying they can't defend you its just a misunderstanding on your part. We(Sweden now) also dont have a share of NATO, as I wished you'd somehow understood by now.

If you want to defend us thats all on you, nothing binds you to do so, and nothing binds us to defend you. We also helped NATO in Libya, Gulf of Aden, Kosovo, Afghanistan and other multinational operations all voluntarily.

You're welcome
/the swedish taxpayer

He was barking up Norway's stuff before as an example.
Then we had: "Sweden has entered the chat"
I have spoken.
It is the way.

Norway hasn't needed to be defended by us. The original thread was about where all the gun loving Americans are. And then a bunch of anti gun freedom deprived people responded about how America doesn't need guns because a few people die from them. My point originally, if you recall, was comparing the idea of why I love guns and my freedom in contrast to why Norway and by extension many socialized countries love their free healthcare and higher education. Zen said it well earlier "I couldnt understand any decision made without first understanding your culture, history, challenges, growths, etc." You don't understand us, and that's okay. We're a big fish in a world with a couple other big fish and I don't put a drop of trust in Norway, Germany ,or Sweden to come save my ass when I truly need it. So that's why I have guns.

Norway and Germany has already saved you. You should be more grateful.

Sweden didn't do fluff. And you wont do fluff for Sweden. Lets keep it that way. :)

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 22nd 2020, 0:42:12

Originally posted by Soviet:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
Again, everyone defends you and you've defended no one since WW2.

Sweden aircraft carriers: 0
Sweden submarines: 5
Swedish aircraft/helicopters: 207
Again did you miss the point when I said are You going to defend me in the case of an invasion?

We are not part of NATO so why would we expect you to "save us" and why would we care about you if you get attacked? Isnt that why you have formed NATO?
Unless there is a FDP signed i don't think there is any expectations from either side. US used to be that country that took it upon themselves to be the world leader but you have resigned from that position.
Don of LaF

beerdrinker75 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 22nd 2020, 0:44:16

All I have to say about this thread is that I agree with iScode...I'm tired of canada geese fluffting in my yard.
Just shut up and have another beer

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 22nd 2020, 0:46:28

Yes, you have basically a NAP with Sweden and an FDP with Norway and Germany. And when Al-Queda hit you is the only time that FDP was activated. So it doesnt make sense either that you put us in the same basket or that you say you dont trust them to defend you when they actually have. If anything it should be them who could have doubts about your willingness and ability to defend them.

I don't know if I should be offended or if I should blush from this aggressive solicitation from Soviet. No means no, Soviet.

Edited By: Gerdler on Jul 22nd 2020, 0:53:14

braden Game profile


Jul 22nd 2020, 0:56:27

it was their fluffting ground before anybody crossed the straight.

All of north central and south America belong to Canadian geese.

Ha fluff you. I already live under the cangoose law. Welcome to the new world order you fluffing non gissers

(Again is somebody clever enough?)

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jul 22nd 2020, 1:13:31

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Yes, you have basically a NAP with Sweden and an FDP with Norway and Germany. And when Al-Queda hit you is the only time that FDP was activated. So it doesnt make sense either that you put us in the same basket or that you say you dont trust them to defend you when they actually have. If anything it should be them who could have doubts about your willingness and ability to defend them.

I don't know if I should be offended or if I should blush from this aggressive solicitation from Soviet. No means no, Soviet.

I should have warned you, because I am not sure if you have ever had a forum discussion with Soviet before, he won't quit. Well he will eventually, but he likes the last word :p.
Don't worry you aren't special.
Kisses etc etc

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Bug Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 22nd 2020, 1:20:47

boo, thread got moved..

iScode Game profile


Jul 22nd 2020, 1:53:15

Originally posted by iScode:
Once again I suck at editing.

*I helped you ;) - galleri

Thank you!

And yes bug boooo.

As a developer surely you have the power to move it's not like anything happens on at anyway.
God of War


Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 22nd 2020, 1:55:07

Originally posted by Mr Gainsboro:
Originally posted by Soviet:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
Again, everyone defends you and you've defended no one since WW2.

Sweden aircraft carriers: 0
Sweden submarines: 5
Swedish aircraft/helicopters: 207
Again did you miss the point when I said are You going to defend me in the case of an invasion?

We are not part of NATO so why would we expect you to "save us" and why would we care about you if you get attacked? Isnt that why you have formed NATO?
Unless there is a FDP signed i don't think there is any expectations from either side. US used to be that country that took it upon themselves to be the world leader but you have resigned from that position.

When Russia comes for you don't forget you said this!

Nate Game profile


Jul 22nd 2020, 1:56:05

Originally posted by Requiem:
Originally posted by Mr Gainsboro:
Originally posted by Soviet:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
Again, everyone defends you and you've defended no one since WW2.

Sweden aircraft carriers: 0
Sweden submarines: 5
Swedish aircraft/helicopters: 207
Again did you miss the point when I said are You going to defend me in the case of an invasion?

We are not part of NATO so why would we expect you to "save us" and why would we care about you if you get attacked? Isnt that why you have formed NATO?
Unless there is a FDP signed i don't think there is any expectations from either side. US used to be that country that took it upon themselves to be the world leader but you have resigned from that position.

When Russia comes for you don't forget you said this!

Pretty sure they have to go through Finland first ;)

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 22nd 2020, 1:58:54

Oh yes, Marshal will stop them. Never mind!

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 22nd 2020, 2:00:20

Regardless of what gains or I or soviet say the fact is that Sweden is not part of NATO. I bet both I and Gains will succumb to Soviet eventually and accept Sweden is in fact part of NATO, when our energy runs out. But it doesn't make it so.

Nate Game profile


Jul 22nd 2020, 2:04:06

Originally posted by Requiem:
Oh yes, Marshal will stop them. Never mind!

KL will stop them

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 22nd 2020, 2:06:58

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Regardless of what gains or I or soviet say the fact is that Sweden is not part of NATO. I bet both I and Gains will succumb to Soviet eventually and accept Sweden is in fact part of NATO, when our energy runs out. But it doesn't make it so.

Correct me if I am wrong, I don't feel so inclined to google it, but doesn't Sweeden at least work with NATO in some compacity? Let's give him half a point. I feel like I have read about that before.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 22nd 2020, 2:21:14

Originally posted by Requiem:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
Regardless of what gains or I or soviet say the fact is that Sweden is not part of NATO. I bet both I and Gains will succumb to Soviet eventually and accept Sweden is in fact part of NATO, when our energy runs out. But it doesn't make it so.

Correct me if I am wrong, I don't feel so inclined to google it, but doesn't Sweeden at least work with NATO in some compacity? Let's give him half a point. I feel like I have read about that before.

Of course. Sweden has excercises with Nato troops, both in and outside Sweden. We partake in military operations like enduring freedom in gulf of Aden, Afghanistan, libya and Kosovo. The point is we dont have an FDP. You dont have to protect us and we dont have to protect you.

Now in real life if Russia invaded Sweden, for that to happen would take a major conflict like WW3 and what we have is maybe a strategic importance. If we have strategic importance to the Russians, it means its strategically important to stop them from taking it for NATO, probably. If ISIS/boko haram/al-queda or another terrorist organization, perhaps state sponsored, attacks sweden in a 9/11-like fashion, there is no article 5 to invoke that makes USA come to our aid tho.

So the US will only defend Sweden if it is in their strategic intrest to do so. That is until Soviet comes to Sweden and starts convincing our leaders we are already in NATO and they join just to make him stop...

archaic Game profile


Jul 22nd 2020, 2:24:22

I think the issue here is that you guys don't understand the fundamental psyche of america. We fluffing despise government, your government, our government, all government. As the newest of the major powers our government is still young enough that they have only just started dipping their toes in the pool of tyranny. Every government that has ever existed has only ever grown and grown and taken more and more power from the people until the day that the field of liberty gets fertilized with the blood of tyrants (and patriots).

When I say that I would rather die than live like an englishman in a nation where there is one state surveillance camera for ever 9 subjects - its not hyperbole - the thought literally makes my skin crawl. Watching the heavy handed meddling of Brussels in the Irish tax code this year was an appalling attempt to seize Irish sovereignty. Don't even get me started on China and Singapore and Turkey and Russia and Indonesia and the Philippines and . . . . so many other first world tyranny's

Am I happy that the price of having a failsafe tyranny insurance policy costs 11k Americans killed last year - no, absolutely not. Do I think there are means by which that number could be reduced without threatening my liberty - yes absolutely so. Am I willing to cancel that insurance policy to buy myself a little bit of safety - hell no. There is a reason that after the founders chose as our very first endowed right to be the right to protest and speak freely against our government - that the second right we were endowed with was the right to fight for the first right.

Sic semper tyrannis

Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov