
Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

May 29th 2016, 5:01:11

The age old question, right?

If you are, like me, disgusted by the two "party" choices put before the American people as "electable" and "presidential" candidates, what are you to do?

In the first instance, assuming that you don't vote and allow the vote to fall where it may, does that imply that an American citizen supports the "winning" candidate, or does it simply illustrate that the average voters vote doesn't really count in the final analysis?

Is a vote for Trump an "Anti-Hillary" vote?

Is a vote for Hillary a green light for political animals to lie through their teeth even more blatantly than they've been doing for the last 50 years or so?

Is a vote for Trump proof that the American Presidency is just as "For Sale" as the local county sheriff?

I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Red X Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express & Team

May 29th 2016, 5:34:00

You can also vote libertarian. There are other options. Get informed.
Originally posted by Coalie:

Good job man. We’re all out here playing chess. While you and Leto are playing checkers.

Well played.

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

May 29th 2016, 5:53:17

Originally posted by Red X:
You can also vote libertarian. There are other options. Get informed.

Sure, there are always other options. I could write in any candidate I like as well.

So, the question remains, with the options that are realistic, what is the answer? Or if you prefer not to answer, are we going to simply sling fluff like we're all about to watch on the nightly news?
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Dissident Game profile


May 29th 2016, 6:11:54

Bernie is an Independent.

Sooo... i take it youll just vote for him then.

conspiracy theory


May 29th 2016, 6:26:53

THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!!!!11!!!1ONE!1!!!

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

May 29th 2016, 6:34:39

Originally posted by conspiracy theory:
THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!!!!11!!!1ONE!1!!!

Obviously, your sky fell quite some time ago and hit you in the head real hard.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Red X Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express & Team

May 29th 2016, 14:03:55

I am being realistic. I'm voting libertarian
Originally posted by Coalie:

Good job man. We’re all out here playing chess. While you and Leto are playing checkers.

Well played.

Scott Game profile


May 29th 2016, 14:13:57

Originally posted by Red X:
I am being realistic. I'm voting libertarian

Me too. For those cowards willing to sacrifice their personal freedoms for government handouts should be striped of citizenship.

archaic Game profile


May 29th 2016, 14:30:47

Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Scott Game profile


May 29th 2016, 15:01:15

Originally posted by archaic:


Red X Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express & Team

May 29th 2016, 15:26:54

He has not got the nomination yet I don't think. Last I knew they were still voting.
Originally posted by Coalie:

Good job man. We’re all out here playing chess. While you and Leto are playing checkers.

Well played.

Scott Game profile


May 29th 2016, 15:31:17

They are still voting - but I would support him

Red X Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express & Team

May 29th 2016, 15:40:05

Originally posted by Scott:
They are still voting - but I would support him

He is a little too statist for me; however, I know he is our best chance at ballot access.

I'd rather see McAfee, or Perry to be honest.
Originally posted by Coalie:

Good job man. We’re all out here playing chess. While you and Leto are playing checkers.

Well played.

Rockman Game profile


May 29th 2016, 15:44:09

There are about 8 or 10 states in the USA where your vote for president matters if its for the Democrat or Republican. In those states, the race between the two is close enough that as a group, the on the fence voters will determine which person that states' electoral votes go to.

In the other 40-42 states, it doesn't really make a difference if the Democrat wins 58-40 or 57-40, or if the Republican wins 62-35 or 61-35. In most states, it's already known where their electoral college votes are going.

In all 50 states it does make a difference if you vote for a Green Party, Libertarian Party, or Constitution Party candidate. For those candidates it does make a difference if they get 1% or 2% in the election nationally.

Red X Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express & Team

May 29th 2016, 15:47:49

Some states require 14 or 15% nation wide some require 10% however I could be wrong. This election is about ballot access issues to me.
Originally posted by Coalie:

Good job man. We’re all out here playing chess. While you and Leto are playing checkers.

Well played.

Red X Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express & Team

May 29th 2016, 16:58:03

Gary just got it
Originally posted by Coalie:

Good job man. We’re all out here playing chess. While you and Leto are playing checkers.

Well played.

Stryke Game profile


May 29th 2016, 18:10:22

If people really wanted change in this country, they'd stop voting for the same Senators and Representatives in Congress, and the politicians like them. The real issue with this country is that of entrenched politicians, people who are so stuck in their ideologies and practices that aside from a generous kickback by someone wanting their opinion or vote to change, nothing ever gets done. These entrenched bastards are the same reason we've had government shutdowns, if no one agrees with their opinion, or line of thinking, they get pissy and refuse to do anything until eventually the other side is forced into a compromise just to get these bastards to the table, just to get things moving.

And in the meantime while these assholes are using their political clout to hold the government, and by extension We The People hostage over their embittered ideological differences, nothing gets done... and THEY STILL GET PAID FOR IT. So think about that when it comes time to elect your Senators and Representatives when the time comes.
SOTA (President/HFA) • Elders • Darkness

a.k.a. NightShade
Originally posted by kemo:
this dudes either a great troll or a seriously stupid fluff. the kind that takes the pepsi challenge and chooses jiff

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

May 30th 2016, 0:07:27

What we as a people need to do is to examine the demographic of the "professional politicians" and you'll notice one very obvious and definitely important attribute, they are ALL lawyers, every stinking one of them.

How could we the people continually elect people who's sole purpose is to serve as parasites upon our very financial system? They teach freaking courses at law schools nowadays called "Situational Ethics".

Think about that when you are asked to cast your vote.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

mrford Game profile


May 30th 2016, 0:11:06

How can you even talk through all that pessimism?
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

archaic Game profile


May 30th 2016, 5:10:03

His therapist told him to make 10 constructive posts per week, he's trying ford, cut him some slack - cold turkey optimism is hard
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Rook Game profile


May 30th 2016, 5:26:15

If one chooses not to vote, is that not tantamount to tacit support? I think the answer to OP's question is no. The vote itself is not presupposed - the act of voting is itself the first vote, a choice to participate in or abstain from the political process in that specific regard. One might have reasons for abstaining as well considered and principled as reasons for participating.

One of the first acts in the process of expression is exercising the discretion of choosing when to use one's voice. It can even be held that choosing not to speak is itself a speech act, especially in certain circumstances. The choice not to speak is explicitly an act of withholding support, and cannot be misconstrued as support for a candidate, even in a tacit capacity.

Edited By: Rook on May 30th 2016, 5:28:24. Reason: preposition error

Dissident Game profile


May 30th 2016, 5:50:29

Originally posted by Cerberus:
What we as a people need to do is to examine the demographic of the "professional politicians" and you'll notice one very obvious and definitely important attribute, they are ALL lawyers, every stinking one of them.

How could we the people continually elect people who's sole purpose is to serve as parasites upon our very financial system? They teach freaking courses at law schools nowadays called "Situational Ethics".

Think about that when you are asked to cast your vote.

After finishing college in 1964 with a degree in political science, Sanders lived on a kibbutz in Israel before settling in Vermont. He worked a number of jobs, including filmmaker and freelance writer, psychiatric aide, and teaching low-income children through Head Start, while his interest in politics grew.

Not a lawyer

Scott Game profile


May 30th 2016, 5:53:30

Originally posted by Dissident:
Originally posted by Cerberus:
What we as a people need to do is to examine the demographic of the "professional politicians" and you'll notice one very obvious and definitely important attribute, they are ALL lawyers, every stinking one of them.

How could we the people continually elect people who's sole purpose is to serve as parasites upon our very financial system? They teach freaking courses at law schools nowadays called "Situational Ethics".

Think about that when you are asked to cast your vote.

After finishing college in 1964 with a degree in political science, Sanders lived on a kibbutz in Israel before settling in Vermont. He worked a number of jobs, including filmmaker and freelance writer, psychiatric aide, and teaching low-income children through Head Start, while his interest in politics grew.

Not a lawyer

Sanders won't be the Nominee thanks to the rigged system of nominating candidates. He can thank the lawyers I suppose.

mrford Game profile


May 30th 2016, 5:55:58

Vote in congressional elections or stop fluffing. They are the ones that matter.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Angel1 Game profile


May 30th 2016, 14:57:06

Unless you are offered the choice of a candidate that wants specific changes, then you are voting for a person and not for issues.

Long term for the US Federal Government is I think the inevitable reality that the federal government simply has too much to argue about. If the people of this country want well run government, then they should push governing to the lowest levels possible and as close to home as possible. It's a lot easier to run corrupt/dumb people out of your current home town, city, county than it is to run them out of your state capital or Washington, DC. What is the fundamental difference between Washington, D.C. and your home city? The Mayor answers to all the people, immediately. The President and the Congress can hide from their people.

It's this reality that has me looking for candidates that are naming specific ways to reduce and eliminate extraneous parts of the federal government.

Badde Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 16:34:18

In my opinion, if one doesn't exercise the civic duty to vote, it is in practice a vote to keep the current system the way it is.

There can be no change in policies or politics as long as the majority doesn't make their voices heard.

That said, if there are no viable choices, it gets tougher, and that's where the write in votes becomes crucial.
Imagine if all the people that don't normally vote, voted for themselves.
All of a sudden the president candidates only get 15-20% each of the total number of votes.

Sure, they might not care, but it would scare them. And I am sure the non-state run media would love it!

Scott Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 18:53:16

Originally posted by Badde:
In my opinion, if one doesn't exercise the civic duty to vote, it is in practice a vote to keep the current system the way it is.

There can be no change in policies or politics as long as the majority doesn't make their voices heard.

That said, if there are no viable choices, it gets tougher, and that's where the write in votes becomes crucial.
Imagine if all the people that don't normally vote, voted for themselves.
All of a sudden the president candidates only get 15-20% each of the total number of votes.

Sure, they might not care, but it would scare them. And I am sure the non-state run media would love it!

Ok, so come over to my house tonight ofr dinner. We are serving cat fluff or dog fluff for dinner tonight. If you dont want to eat either, you can have leftover horse fluff from last night. Either way, you are eating fluff... also your fault for eating fluff.

Stryke Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 22:02:36

Originally posted by Stryke:
If people really wanted change in this country, they'd stop voting for the same Senators and Representatives in Congress, and the politicians like them. The real issue with this country is that of entrenched politicians, people who are so stuck in their ideologies and practices that aside from a generous kickback by someone wanting their opinion or vote to change, nothing ever gets done. These entrenched bastards are the same reason we've had government shutdowns, if no one agrees with their opinion, or line of thinking, they get pissy and refuse to do anything until eventually the other side is forced into a compromise just to get these bastards to the table, just to get things moving.

And in the meantime while these assholes are using their political clout to hold the government, and by extension We The People hostage over their embittered ideological differences, nothing gets done... and THEY STILL GET PAID FOR IT. So think about that when it comes time to elect your Senators and Representatives when the time comes.

Originally posted by mrford:
Vote in congressional elections or stop fluffing. They are the ones that matter.

At least he gets it. *high-fives mrford*
SOTA (President/HFA) • Elders • Darkness

a.k.a. NightShade
Originally posted by kemo:
this dudes either a great troll or a seriously stupid fluff. the kind that takes the pepsi challenge and chooses jiff

Badde Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 22:25:36

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Badde:
In my opinion, if one doesn't exercise the civic duty to vote, it is in practice a vote to keep the current system the way it is.

There can be no change in policies or politics as long as the majority doesn't make their voices heard.

That said, if there are no viable choices, it gets tougher, and that's where the write in votes becomes crucial.
Imagine if all the people that don't normally vote, voted for themselves.
All of a sudden the president candidates only get 15-20% each of the total number of votes.

Sure, they might not care, but it would scare them. And I am sure the non-state run media would love it!

Ok, so come over to my house tonight ofr dinner. We are serving cat fluff or dog fluff for dinner tonight. If you dont want to eat either, you can have leftover horse fluff from last night. Either way, you are eating fluff... also your fault for eating fluff.

You and i know this is not how it works, so please come back with an actual argument or stay away.

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 4th 2016, 0:57:49

Originally posted by Dissident:
After finishing college in 1964 with a degree in political science, Sanders lived on a kibbutz in Israel before settling in Vermont. He worked a number of jobs, including filmmaker and freelance writer, psychiatric aide, and teaching low-income children through Head Start, while his interest in politics grew.

Not a lawyer

It must have happened to him when he was working as a psychiatric aide then. They tell you it's not catchy, but the democratic party is empirical evidence to the contrary so far.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Red X Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express & Team

Jun 4th 2016, 1:50:25

He was a independent until now. He joined because of ballot access.
Originally posted by Coalie:

Good job man. We’re all out here playing chess. While you and Leto are playing checkers.

Well played.

Scott Game profile


Jun 4th 2016, 2:03:35

Originally posted by Badde:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Badde:
In my opinion, if one doesn't exercise the civic duty to vote, it is in practice a vote to keep the current system the way it is.

There can be no change in policies or politics as long as the majority doesn't make their voices heard.

That said, if there are no viable choices, it gets tougher, and that's where the write in votes becomes crucial.
Imagine if all the people that don't normally vote, voted for themselves.
All of a sudden the president candidates only get 15-20% each of the total number of votes.

Sure, they might not care, but it would scare them. And I am sure the non-state run media would love it!

Ok, so come over to my house tonight ofr dinner. We are serving cat fluff or dog fluff for dinner tonight. If you dont want to eat either, you can have leftover horse fluff from last night. Either way, you are eating fluff... also your fault for eating fluff.

You and i know this is not how it works, so please come back with an actual argument or stay away.

This is exactly how it works. Buy everything in the candidates grocery cart or vote to buy the other guys gocery cart... pick one or be accused of not picking one... it really is quiet a joke.

Edited By: Scott on Jun 4th 2016, 4:11:49
See Original Post

Heston Game profile


Jun 4th 2016, 2:24:54

Who ever is the next potus will be as big of a SON of a fluff as every last one before HIM.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Badde Game profile


Jun 5th 2016, 21:22:49

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Badde:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Badde:
In my opinion, if one doesn't exercise the civic duty to vote, it is in practice a vote to keep the current system the way it is.

There can be no change in policies or politics as long as the majority doesn't make their voices heard.

That said, if there are no viable choices, it gets tougher, and that's where the write in votes becomes crucial.
Imagine if all the people that don't normally vote, voted for themselves.
All of a sudden the president candidates only get 15-20% each of the total number of votes.

Sure, they might not care, but it would scare them. And I am sure the non-state run media would love it!

Ok, so come over to my house tonight ofr dinner. We are serving cat fluff or dog fluff for dinner tonight. If you dont want to eat either, you can have leftover horse fluff from last night. Either way, you are eating fluff... also your fault for eating fluff.

You and i know this is not how it works, so please come back with an actual argument or stay away.

This is exactly how it works. Buy everything in the candidates grocery cart or vote to buy the other guys gocery cart... pick one or be accused of not picking one... it really is quiet a joke.

By choosing to heat horse fluff, I show you that your main courses weren't worth trying.
In political terms, my going to the election and casting the ballot on one that is not one of the two major contenders, you show that you want to vote, but there is nothing to vote on.

Democracy is not where one person have a great effect on things, but where millions of persons have a great effect on things.

Schilling Game profile


Jun 5th 2016, 21:44:59

Ahhhh, the illusion of choice and progress. The only good thing that ever came of an election was a free cup of Starbucks coffee.

Scott Game profile


Jun 6th 2016, 0:34:47

Originally posted by Badde:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Badde:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Badde:
In my opinion, if one doesn't exercise the civic duty to vote, it is in practice a vote to keep the current system the way it is.

There can be no change in policies or politics as long as the majority doesn't make their voices heard.

That said, if there are no viable choices, it gets tougher, and that's where the write in votes becomes crucial.
Imagine if all the people that don't normally vote, voted for themselves.
All of a sudden the president candidates only get 15-20% each of the total number of votes.

Sure, they might not care, but it would scare them. And I am sure the non-state run media would love it!

Ok, so come over to my house tonight ofr dinner. We are serving cat fluff or dog fluff for dinner tonight. If you dont want to eat either, you can have leftover horse fluff from last night. Either way, you are eating fluff... also your fault for eating fluff.

You and i know this is not how it works, so please come back with an actual argument or stay away.

This is exactly how it works. Buy everything in the candidates grocery cart or vote to buy the other guys gocery cart... pick one or be accused of not picking one... it really is quiet a joke.

By choosing to heat horse fluff, I show you that your main courses weren't worth trying.
In political terms, my going to the election and casting the ballot on one that is not one of the two major contenders, you show that you want to vote, but there is nothing to vote on.

Democracy is not where one person have a great effect on things, but where millions of persons have a great effect on things.

We live in a democracy? Interesting

Badde Game profile


Jun 6th 2016, 1:49:53

That would be my next comment too, the united states of america is not exactly a democracy, (if you want an explanation, I'm happy to explain my stance, but it's a wall of post), and voter apathy is only reinforcing the current system.

If the people want change, the people have to force the change.

Scott Game profile


Jun 6th 2016, 3:51:36

Originally posted by Badde:
That would be my next comment too, the united states of america is not exactly a democracy, (if you want an explanation, I'm happy to explain my stance, but it's a wall of post), and voter apathy is only reinforcing the current system.

If the people want change, the people have to force the change.

Violent revolution IS an option as well.

I won't vote for anyone who tramples on my liberties... Hence why I have only voted for Rob Paul for the last 12+ years. Even if he is not on the ballet, I write him in.

Badde Game profile


Jun 6th 2016, 6:27:20

I wish more people would vote as you!
I don't know about this specific guy, but at least you vote, and therefor tries to change the system.

I personally come from a politically very different country, but the general principles ought to be the same.


EE Patron

Jun 6th 2016, 10:40:33

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Badde:
That would be my next comment too, the united states of america is not exactly a democracy, (if you want an explanation, I'm happy to explain my stance, but it's a wall of post), and voter apathy is only reinforcing the current system.

If the people want change, the people have to force the change.

Violent revolution IS an option as well.

I won't vote for anyone who tramples on my liberties... Hence why I have only voted for Rob Paul for the last 12+ years. Even if he is not on the ballet, I write him in.

ouch hope you spell his name correctly when it comes to the actual writing-in part


Scott Game profile


Jun 6th 2016, 14:42:18

Originally posted by paradox:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Badde:
That would be my next comment too, the united states of america is not exactly a democracy, (if you want an explanation, I'm happy to explain my stance, but it's a wall of post), and voter apathy is only reinforcing the current system.

If the people want change, the people have to force the change.

Violent revolution IS an option as well.

I won't vote for anyone who tramples on my liberties... Hence why I have only voted for Rob Paul for the last 12+ years. Even if he is not on the ballet, I write him in.

ouch hope you spell his name correctly when it comes to the actual writing-in part


Clearly you do not own an IPhone.

mdevol Game profile


Jun 7th 2016, 0:33:47

Just vote 3rd party. I am voting Libertarian. I would certainly prefer McAfee, but Johnson will work. Also, if they poll around 15% they get on the stage for the debates and that in itself is a game changer. Especially with the candidates being as polar opposite as they will be, the libertarian will be able to look at both of them on stage and point out how batfluff crazy they are.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

slip Game profile


Jun 7th 2016, 2:04:08

Is everyone here actual libertarians? Libertarianism can seem just as crazy as hillary/trump to an undecided person. I think it's initially appealing because it appears to be conservatism without the tea party BS. But in reality, I personally like things like libraries and the police force.

Are you guys just moderate republicans with no options, or, like the idea of very, very limited government.

Scott Game profile


Jun 7th 2016, 2:34:31

Originally posted by mdevol:
Just vote 3rd party. I am voting Libertarian. I would certainly prefer McAfee, but Johnson will work. Also, if they poll around 15% they get on the stage for the debates and that in itself is a game changer. Especially with the candidates being as polar opposite as they will be, the libertarian will be able to look at both of them on stage and point out how batfluff crazy they are.


Stryke Game profile


Jun 8th 2016, 8:41:35

Originally posted by Cerberus:
What we as a people need to do is to examine the demographic of the "professional politicians" and you'll notice one very obvious and definitely important attribute, they are ALL lawyers, every stinking one of them.

How could we the people continually elect people who's sole purpose is to serve as parasites upon our very financial system? They teach freaking courses at law schools nowadays called "Situational Ethics".

Think about that when you are asked to cast your vote.

Kind of funny considering that the most prevalent occupation *most* former U.S. Presidents have had prior to becoming President is that of a lawyer. Second most prevalent is that of military service.
SOTA (President/HFA) • Elders • Darkness

a.k.a. NightShade
Originally posted by kemo:
this dudes either a great troll or a seriously stupid fluff. the kind that takes the pepsi challenge and chooses jiff

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 8th 2016, 16:57:28

How about the congress, Stryke? Even as we speak, most of them are lawyers.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Heston Game profile


Jun 8th 2016, 18:34:29

All politicians are worthless hand me down collectors on a wholesale level. They all want to moderate the other flufftarded side of the isle. Its truly a miracle people stay engaged with issues like taking a fluff, women down range and fluffhole mexico getting fighting for our scraps . i would very much like to see a government program teaching illegals and immigrants that its procedure to wipe your ass and flush the paper with the fluff instead of tossing the paper in the trash.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Neofight Game profile


Jun 10th 2016, 6:52:29

Originally posted by Cerberus:
The age old question, right?

If you are, like me, disgusted by the two "party" choices put before the American people as "electable" and "presidential" candidates, what are you to do?

In the first instance, assuming that you don't vote and allow the vote to fall where it may, does that imply that an American citizen supports the "winning" candidate, or does it simply illustrate that the average voters vote doesn't really count in the final analysis?

Is a vote for Trump an "Anti-Hillary" vote?

Is a vote for Hillary a green light for political animals to lie through their teeth even more blatantly than they've been doing for the last 50 years or so?

Is a vote for Trump proof that the American Presidency is just as "For Sale" as the local county sheriff?


Vote for the Meteor, Please let it end. (Bumper sticker recently spotted in Seattle)

trumper Game profile


Jun 10th 2016, 15:13:01

Bonus--Make EE Great Again