
Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 19th 2015, 3:13:52

I have fired two missiles to make it official.

You have 90 minutes to prepare for war!

In accordance with rules:
(ref 1)
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Dissident Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 5:42:03

didnt even get a kill?



Jun 19th 2015, 5:48:45

I think their style of clan war is more admirable than how others engage in it at least. First there was a warning. Even though its probably bull fluff anyway because they probably haven't logged on or read the forum. But then they use missiles to at least give them a chance to fight back instead of just straight up KR. And they equalize the damage to all players and not do focused fights. They're basically asking for a fair fight. This is more like a clan war. The other style, is not a clan war. That's just clan slaughter.

Dissident Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 5:54:39

war is about doing things fairly? i mean, book is crippled...

Dissident Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 5:55:41

this is just dragging it out at this point. when you hunt for deer, do you want to shoot it in the leg to give it a shot of getting away? or do you shoot it in the heart?



Jun 19th 2015, 6:00:45

Boxing has rules. Why do people enjoy boxing and watching it as a sport? Because its a game. Your style of clan war is like a drunken bar fight with one guy throwing a sucker punch to KO a guy and then running off. No. Worse. Its like those guys who do the knockout games. Totally random. Targets never have a chance to fight back. His style is like a mike tyson fight in the ring. There are rules. There are rounds. As they say, "may the better man win", not "may whoever randomly strikes first win".

Nerrus Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 6:20:14

Xerxes was interrogating some Arcadians after the Battle of Thermopylae. He inquired why there were so few Greek men defending the Thermopylae. The answer was "All other men are participating in the Olympic Games". And when asked "What is the prize for the winner?", "An olive-wreath" came the answer. Then Tigranes, one of his generals uttered: "Good heavens! Mardonius, what kind of men are these against whom you have brought us to fight? Men who do not compete for possessions, but for virtue."
^..^ Surren ^..^

The only secrets you know are the secrets I deliberately let you know.

Colo Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 7:02:24

Originally posted by id1028s:
I think their style of clan war is more admirable than how others engage in it at least. First there was a warning. Even though its probably bull fluff anyway because they probably haven't logged on or read the forum. But then they use missiles to at least give them a chance to fight back instead of just straight up KR. And they equalize the damage to all players and not do focused fights. They're basically asking for a fair fight. This is more like a clan war. The other style, is not a clan war. That's just clan slaughter.

*farts and wafts to my nose*



Jun 19th 2015, 7:10:50

Originally posted by id1028s:
Boxing has rules. Why do people enjoy boxing and watching it as a sport? Because its a game. Your style of clan war is like a drunken bar fight with one guy throwing a sucker punch to KO a guy and then running off. No. Worse. Its like those guys who do the knockout games. Totally random. Targets never have a chance to fight back. His style is like a mike tyson fight in the ring. There are rules. There are rounds. As they say, "may the better man win", not "may whoever randomly strikes first win".

needs more liver kicks
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Dissident Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 7:11:06

You can wax poetic about anything to try and make your case. You might even convince some people... but despite your passionate diatribes it doesn't take away from the fact that you're playing earthempires with a bunch of pirates.

Tell me, what did book do to deserve all of your missiles? Explain that to me poetically. Did they agree to be part of your virtuous competition? Ya... I didn't think so. here's the thing with boxing (and any other sport), both parties agree to be part of the competition. So don't act all high and mighty just because you didn't kill them outright. It's better to be an executioner than to be a torturer.

Gurgel Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 9:35:59

...and it is more honourable to be the victim than the evildoer,
not the mim multi would agree.
We shall see if we can getted him banned.

Gurgel, Lord of The Smurfs



Jun 19th 2015, 9:39:06

If I was trife I'd be making a gargamel account about now.
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 19th 2015, 9:55:39

3c) Provocation is defined as at least 1 grab or harmful spyop.

You can thank Warboss(#61) [book] for the war. Remember him? The one that xBaDx helped Elders kill?
At least we gave you 90 mins to prepare. We sent in-game message, 2 nukes and a forums war declaration. /shrug.

Oh, and great job on getting 3 missiles through on 95% SDI., that's quite impressive.

Do you see any special attacks? there was no objective to killing. I know this concept is going to come difficult, but you have to understand that killing a player is not always the best route to take.

Edited By: Celphi on Jun 19th 2015, 10:10:12. Reason: [ Irrelevant ]
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Dissident Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 11:48:02

i dont "have" to understand anything mother...

Dissident Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 11:55:03

its always been my understanding that the most effective way to disable a country is to kill it. anything else is just adding glitter.

Dissident Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 12:12:36

also... where in your retal policy does it say that you will goto war over 1 grab or harmful act? you should read all of the rules

Grazi07 Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 12:18:24

[quote poster=Celphi; 36484; 661575]@gurgel:
3c) Provocation is defined as at least 1 grab or harmful spyop.

You can thank Warboss(#61) [book] for the war. Remember him? The one that xBaDx helped Elders kill?
At least we gave you 90 mins to prepare. We sent in-game message, 2 nukes and a forums war declaration. /shrug.

Wait a minute, you're declaring war now due to Ops performed by a country that's been dead for almost a week now.... and that was killed by a completely different tag? I just want to make sure I'm clear on this... yawn.

*Edit* per your comments, a country who was killed by TWO completely different tags than your own.

Edited By: Grazi07 on Jun 19th 2015, 12:21:16
See Original Post



Jun 19th 2015, 12:28:10

welcome to post redx team server! where the rules are greyer than grey and the only way to do something about it is to fight the rules themselves.

I had to get deleted in order to get the provocation clause in the first place.

what was it tella said to me while I was purple and arguing I had the right to defend myself? oh yeah "that's why I'm the mod and you're the player." who won that one in the end tella?
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 19th 2015, 12:35:50

It's not mandated to announce your retal policy.

The rule is simple., if you want to avoid war, do not conduct any LGs or harmful spyops. How long ago your friend died is irrelevant. The rule was put in place to protect netters from having to war. I find it funny that dissident is investigating my actions when he's guilty of violating his own announced retal policy (against xNx):

Originally posted by Dissident:
The Elders tag is a war tag. While we will not engage in a war without some form of instigation, we will kill a country who grabs us while we are at war. We are ALWAYS looking for an excuse to war even if that means we goad a clan into a war.

Grab us once, we will retal. Grab us twice, you will die. If your alliance doesn't like it, they are welcome to join the kerfuffle. The more the merrier.

Merry Christmas.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Dissident Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 12:43:04

oh and technically Elders is at war with book... remember that county we killed? warboss.

weve just been building up for a stronger attack and then mim decides to double team book...

can i get a moderator ruling on this?

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 19th 2015, 12:46:43

Dissident's integrity at it's finest!
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.



Jun 19th 2015, 12:47:45

Originally posted by Celphi:
The rule was put in place to protect netters from having to war.

Not quite. This is why
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 19th 2015, 12:52:03

I guess you gave a warning but secretly was going to attack later, right?

I'm curious though, why not include xBaDx's whenever attacks too? Oh, that's right, because you two are 'policing' for each other.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 19th 2015, 12:53:17

Originally posted by tellarion:
My personal reasoning for this is that it protects netters as long as they don't provide provocation. It allows warriors some leeway to do what they do best. It doesn't protect untagged countries, but also doesn't allow them to abuse loopholes.

Again, I would stress the importance of making your policies public. If I am netting, I would like to know who will obliterate me for grabbing them, and who won't. I call it the DANGER policy :D
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 19th 2015, 12:57:34

Check out the times:

2015-06-05 00:24:03 GS The Prehistoric Primordial (#37) Elders Warboss (#61) book 2C 35 F
2015-06-05 00:24:02 GS The Prehistoric Primordial (#37) Elders Warboss (#61) book 2C 35 F
2015-06-05 00:24:00 GS The Prehistoric Primordial (#37) Elders Warboss (#61) book 2C 35 F
2015-06-05 00:23:55 GS The Prehistoric Primordial (#37) Elders Warboss (#61) book 2C 35 F
2015-06-05 00:23:51 GS The Prehistoric Primordial (#37) Elders Warboss (#61) book 2C 35 F <------------------------- 4 mins apart *****
2015-06-05 00:19:29 GS WhereverWhenever (#45) xBaDx Warboss (#61) book 2C 38 F <------------------------------- 4 mins apart *****
2015-06-05 00:19:28 GS WhereverWhenever (#45) xBaDx Warboss (#61) book 2C 38 F
2015-06-05 00:19:27 GS WhereverWhenever (#45) xBaDx Warboss (#61) book 2C 38 F
2015-06-05 00:19:24 GS WhereverWhenever (#45) xBaDx Warboss (#61) book 2C 38 F
2015-06-05 00:17:45 GS WhereverWhenever (#45) xBaDx Warboss (#61) book 2C 38 F
2015-06-05 00:17:44 GS WhereverWhenever (#45) xBaDx Warboss (#61) book 2C 38 F
2015-06-05 00:17:42 GS WhereverWhenever (#45) xBaDx Warboss (#61) book 2C 38 F
2015-06-05 00:17:41 GS WhereverWhenever (#45) xBaDx Warboss (#61) book 2C 38 F
2015-06-05 00:17:40 GS WhereverWhenever (#45) xBaDx Warboss (#61) book 2C 38 F
2015-06-05 00:17:39 GS WhereverWhenever (#45) xBaDx Warboss (#61) book 2C 38 F
2015-06-05 00:17:38 GS WhereverWhenever (#45) xBaDx Warboss (#61) book 2C 39 F
2015-06-05 00:17:37 GS WhereverWhenever (#45) xBaDx Warboss (#61) book 2C 39 F
2015-06-05 00:17:35 GS WhereverWhenever (#45) xBaDx Warboss (#61) book 2C 39 F
2015-06-05 00:17:34 GS WhereverWhenever (#45) xBaDx Warboss (#61) book 2C 39 F
2015-06-05 00:17:32 GS WhereverWhenever (#45) xBaDx Warboss (#61) book 2C 39 F
2015-06-05 00:17:31 GS WhereverWhenever (#45) xBaDx Warboss (#61) book 2C 39 F
2015-06-05 00:17:29 GS WhereverWhenever (#45) xBaDx Warboss (#61) book 2C 39 F
2015-06-05 00:17:28 GS WhereverWhenever (#45) xBaDx Warboss (#61) book 2C 39 F
2015-06-05 00:17:27 GS WhereverWhenever (#45) xBaDx Warboss (#61) book 2C 39 F
2015-06-05 00:17:25 GS WhereverWhenever (#45) xBaDx Warboss (#61) book 2C 39 F
2015-06-05 00:17:22 GS WhereverWhenever (#45) xBaDx Warboss (#61) book 2C 39 F
2015-06-05 00:17:19 GS WhereverWhenever (#45) xBaDx Warboss (#61) book 2C 39 F
2015-06-05 00:17:14 GS WhereverWhenever (#45) xBaDx Warboss (#61) book 2C 39 F
2015-06-05 00:16:40 CM WhereverWhenever (#45) xBaDx Warboss (#61) book 92B 25 C <------------ 6mins apart *****
2015-06-05 00:10:11 GS Dendrolithic (#15) Elders Warboss (#61) book 3C 43 F <---------- 6 mins apart *****
2015-06-05 00:10:10 GS Dendrolithic (#15) Elders Warboss (#61) book 3C 43 F
2015-06-05 00:10:09 GS Dendrolithic (#15) Elders Warboss (#61) book 4C 43 F
2015-06-05 00:10:05 GS Dendrolithic (#15) Elders Warboss (#61) book 4C 43 F
2015-06-05 00:08:39 GS Dendrolithic (#15) Elders Warboss (#61) book 4C 43 F
2015-06-05 00:08:37 GS Dendrolithic (#15) Elders Warboss (#61) book 4C 43 F
2015-06-05 00:08:01 GS Dendrolithic (#15) Elders Warboss (#61) book 4C 43 F
2015-06-05 00:08:01 GS Dendrolithic (#15) Elders Warboss (#61) book 4C 43 F

And why did he attack?
2015-06-02 05:10:25 SS Warboss (#61) WhereverWhenever (#45) xBaDx 15A (24A)
2015-06-02 03:51:54 SS Warboss (#61) Dallas Cowboys (#47) 11A (18A)
2015-06-02 03:51:38 SS Warboss (#61) Dallas Cowboys (#47) 12A (19A)

So if you want to point a finger at someone, point it at your 'policing clan'.

Originally posted by tellarion:

1) 2+ teams are NOT allowed to work together to kill other teams.(This includes joint killruns and sharing break information)

Edited By: Celphi on Jun 19th 2015, 13:04:54. Reason: [ Irrelevant ]
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.



Jun 19th 2015, 13:16:00

Trust me celphi. I was there. I'm the reason it was brought up.
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Dissident Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 13:16:15

oh so youre saying mim is the third team onboard? delete em

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 19th 2015, 13:19:16


So you're saying xBaDx should be deleted too? Not that I expect a straight answer. I expect a 'policing' answer.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.



Jun 19th 2015, 13:45:18

Celphi is delusional as fluff.

this is impressive

Dissident Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 15:00:57

bad was definitely in violation of the cherry picking rules. theres no denying it

Link Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 16:22:43

if your implying that we worked with bad then your a moron lol.

I Am a meat popsicle.


Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 19th 2015, 16:32:37

I'm fairly certain that xBaDx was trying to cherry pick a kill during the 7 mins that both Elders were not attacking.
But seeing how pro-active Dissident is, why didn't he annouce on boards that xBaDx tried to cherry pick your kill? I mean if anyone else tried stealing your kill wouldn't you post something here? But, nothing happened.

The point I was making is that Dissident has an arbitrary way of accusing people of violating the rules but his motivation seems to deflate when his buddy Dreckon is the violator. (And yes Dreckon = WhereverWhenever).

Originally posted by Dreckon:
Elders will be policing for xBaDx... retals and/or kills at their discretion...

Seems quite accurate to me.

Edited By: Celphi on Jun 19th 2015, 16:39:14. Reason: [ Irrelevant ]
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Thunder Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 16:52:21

I guffaw at your notions!
ICQ 56183127

2010 Armchair GMs League Champion

NA FA/Senate

Ninja since born....Awesome Forever!

Thunder Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 16:52:44

*walks behind Celphi*

*rings bell*
ICQ 56183127

2010 Armchair GMs League Champion

NA FA/Senate

Ninja since born....Awesome Forever!

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 19th 2015, 17:00:00

lol- sorry man- but it's true.

Look I get it that some of the stuff I've posted is uncalled for. There's some very cool peeps in Elders; but, if *anyone* comes at me with some double standard crap, or if you blantaly lie about something and I have proof, then I'm going to call you out on it.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Dreckon Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 17:17:16

Originally posted by id1028s:
Boxing has rules. Why do people enjoy boxing and watching it as a sport? Because its a game. Your style of clan war is like a drunken bar fight with one guy throwing a sucker punch to KO a guy and then running off. No. Worse. Its like those guys who do the knockout games. Totally random. Targets never have a chance to fight back. His style is like a mike tyson fight in the ring. There are rules. There are rounds. As they say, "may the better man win", not "may whoever randomly strikes first win".

total BS... we "watched" boxing to watch Tyson take someone's head off and "hoping" to see someone get knocked out... plus MMA is more popular now, why? because it's more decisive and violent.

You should have jumped someone that knows what they are doing - they would be KILLING you while you blow up buildings and acres... this isn't honorable, this is pathetic...

braden Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 17:19:12

i watch both for the ring girls. this server needs more ring girls. signs reading what set it is, how many days are left, tellas phone number, etc

Dreckon Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 17:24:01

that's what pause on the DVR is for Braden....

Dissident Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 17:38:48

if bad would have actually cherry picked the kill... we wouldnt have complained on the forum. we would have just gone to war against them. lol.

you seem to think theres a plan... there really isnt. i dont know dreckon except for these two encounters. you can accuse me of asking bad for help for that kill. the truth of the matter is we were waiting for someone to log in. this is boring...

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 17:39:45

Originally posted by braden:
i watch both for the ring girls. this server needs more ring girls. signs reading what set it is, how many days are left, tellas phone number, etc


Gurgel Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 21:49:19

Methinks now would a good time to join book, we still have 2 slots.

Grazi07 Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 23:21:40

^ we're generally easygoing people.



Jun 20th 2015, 1:08:14

Originally posted by Thunder:
*walks behind Celphi*

*rings bell*

Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 20th 2015, 1:39:52




Jun 21st 2015, 1:56:08

you might shake something else at the first part of that
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Link Game profile


Jun 21st 2015, 2:58:57


I Am a meat popsicle.




Jun 21st 2015, 3:01:21

I'd share my shame there
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.