
FailDiegoFail Game profile


Jun 19th 2014, 19:17:54

Oceana Game profile


Jun 19th 2014, 19:20:51

O' must be speed reading LBJ's notes

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Jun 20th 2014, 0:17:43

Originally posted by BladeEWG:

Should have vaporized that country when we had the chance.
Free parking for everyone!

but no,
we go in half @ssed.
Lose too many good men and women
for what?

Dealing with an area of the world where people have fought each other for centuries and we think we can stop it?
Pull the h@ll out and let them fight themselves.

and yes, I know this is so unlike me to get fired up on these forums.
but I just don't see the sense to keep doing this cr@p

275 marines armed with drones and precision air strikes? yah. they might want to start blowing themselves up a mile or two away from our embassy.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

iNouda Game profile


Jun 20th 2014, 15:22:10

Well if you destabilize a few countries who were stable and relatively peaceful sovereign nations by invading them, killing their people and then bombing their infrastructure back to the stone age, thus destroying any semblance of self-governance and security - allowing fringe elements free rein to do whatever they want because might is right whenever anarchy reigns - and then say; "Wow these guys are fluffed up uncivilized war-mongers who need to be nuked" then you seriously need your head checked. Iraq was doing fine. Afghanistan was actually peaceful and stable under the Taliban's arguably less than righteous reign. Everyone knew who was boss and what the rules were. People could walk the streets at night without expecting to be killed off randomly by explosions or bullets. Likewise Iran as a nation was an actual democracy before the US went in with the CIA and its goons and fluffed it up in 1953. Obama even acknowledged this fact in his 2009 speech to Egyptians. If it wasn't for the fact that the American public was sated on its bloodlust in retaliation for 9/11 and was tired of fluffing up other people's countries, Iran would have been invaded by now and would have become yet another Afghanistan or Iraq. The hypocrisy of wanting to "cleanse" the mess you created in the first place with "nuclear fire" is astounding considering how it's all your fault to begin with. You fluffing created and armed Al-Qaeda and the Mujahideen who are now running around wild recruiting more peeps in an ever escalating regional conflict. Your best bro Saudi Arabia is openingly funding terrorist and jihadist groups all over the world - even going so far as to taunt Putin that they control the jihadists in Russia and that they have the power to set them loose or to the rein them in right after the bombings in Russia. fluffing Pakistan, whose military you're funding and arming btw, is harboring terrorists in its backyard to use against India. Osama wasn't just conveniently chilling a mile away from a major military base for nothing. If you could fluffing stop messing around with other people's countries (including those of South America) and supporting insurgents and terrorists, and sanction those who are really responsible for the mess (i.e - Saudi Arabia and Pakistan) then the world would be a better place.

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Jun 20th 2014, 23:07:36

bah humbug. what the heck we supposed to do with our free time if we don't use it to mess with other countries? it ain't like you actually need to work for a living around here...
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

Hobo Game profile


Jun 21st 2014, 0:44:59


Angel1 Game profile


Jun 21st 2014, 1:15:25

Okay, you can argue about Iraq, arming the mujahideen, Saudi Arabia, etc., but when you suggest that we should have left the Taliban in power in Afghanistan, you go too far. The Taliban didn't have to face an American invasion. They could have kept their backwoods country, but they were too intertwined with Al Qaeda to kick AQ out and hand Osama over to the US after 9/11. Shall we go backwards in time to certain prominent historic events?

Attack on Pearl Harbor...US enters war against Japan and Germany. Germany escapes nuclear attack only by surrendering before the weapons were ready. Japan is not so lucky.

RMS Lusitania is sunk with Americans on board. The US demands Germany cease U-Boat warfare on commercial vessels regardless of flag. Zimmerman Telegram suggest German-Mexican alliance to divide America's attention and help Mexico recover lost territory. US eventually enters war and brings overwhelming force to bare on Germany...Germany surrenders.

USS Maine sinks in Havanna. US declares war on Spain and seizes Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and Guam.

Confederate forces fire on Fort Sumter and ignite America's bloodiest war. Confederate states brought to ruin, Atlanta GA burned to the ground.

Mexican forces attack American forces in disputed territory. US declares war, takes over Mexico and forces Mexico to surrender the northern half of their claimed territories.

A long and well established series of massive retaliations when another government wrongs the US should have convinced the Taliban that their survival depended on rejecting Al Qaeda and handing Osama bin Laden over. Instead, they left the US with little other choice than removing them and their terrorist allies from power.

BladeEWG Game profile


Jul 1st 2014, 10:47:23

and who didn't see this coming?
Now its up to 750
few hundred here, few hundred there and no one will notice.

Suicidal Game profile


Jul 1st 2014, 15:15:35

I would like to get the opinion from those who live in Kuwait. Yeah, just saw that Obama is sending 200 more "troops". It would be a lot easier to drill oil through glass....a lot less dust and sand storms. How many nukes would it take to turn the mideast to dust. Betcha the folks in Isrial know.

crest23 Game profile


Jul 2nd 2014, 3:56:46

Where's our useful idiot trife at?
The Nigerian Nightmare.