

New Member

Nov 10th 2013, 6:20:43

Exclaimer! This article is brought to you, via leaked posts, unauthorized access to IP's, Secretly passed on secrets, and other devious methods certain to attract the attention of the FBI, NSA, and the general Earthwide community at large. A careful and proper reading of all the above mentioned confirms everything revealed in this EXPLOSIVE interview.

However, we can safely assure no admins were threatened in the writing of this article.

Mr Onion- Agent Orange, you are here today to make a powerful confession, would you like to share this confession with the AT community.

Agent Orange- Yes, I am here today to say that the fall of RD was not only planned, but it was part of a larger more elaborate plot to take down RD's #1 enemy of all time Helmet.

Mr Onion- That is indeed an EXPLOSIVE reveal. Why would RD be so anti-helmet, that it would literally destroy itself to take down Helmet.

Agent Orange- RD hates Helmet, and his baby SoF. RD Hates them with a passion. Due to the Omega DNA in Helmet's blood, Helmet refused to cooperate with the cheaters in their heydey, and so they botted SoF out of the game and chased them all the way to TEQ.

Mr Onion- Yes, that is history most of the game is familiar with, please continue.

Agent Orange- Well, that was RD's crowning achievement, to run SoF completely out of the game, the best war alliance in history, with the leader/founder of that alliance retiring from the game and never coming back. With SoF gone, no one could ever doubt the reach of RD, and its influence on the game.

Mr Onion- So far everything you are saying is known history. So what changed, why did RD become allies to SOF? Why did Helmet join RD?

Agent Orange- Well, when SoF came back, for a while they were small, and played 2nd fiddle to SoL. That was all well and good. What could be more humiliating than for Helmet's SoF, to be small, and SoL's tiny little b!tch. Doing as SoL ordered, when Helmet hated SOL above all. RD viewed this comeback as poetic justice.

Mr Onion- So what changed, why did RD become SoF's ally?

Agent Orange- Rd only pretended to become SoF's ally. Over time SoF showed signs of life. So RD reformed. RD knew that bots and blatant cheating couldn't accomplish their mission. So they developed a new plan and this whole time RD has been waiting for the perfect time, to bring down SoF.

Mr Onion- Are you saying that RD never truly liked SoF?

Agent Orange- I'm hear to tell you that RD has and always will hate Helmet. So RD came back, and slowly built, taking a few lumps and slowly became SOF's ally. Helping to seal SoF's rise as the dominant alliance in the game.

Mr Onion- This does not make any sense? Why would RD hate SoF yet help SoF become the dominant alliance in the game.

Agent Orange- It's RD you nitwit. Remember with the dogs, its always layers upon layers, schemes upon schemes, agenda's upon agenda's. I'm just revealing the source of all schemes.

Mr Onion- That RD made SoF the dominant alliance in the game, because they hate SoF?

Agent Orange- Yes. They used SoF's berserk, bloodlust, to create a hatred for SoF as it dominated the game. They reliably backed up SoF to help create the most dominant political block in the game. They planted one of their own, SoV, and gave him a bland name Vanilla, to cover up his devious long term plan. To destroy SoF.

Mr Onion- Sov has led the most dominant alliance for 2 years, I would not call that destroying an alliance. I would call that a smashing success.

Agent Orange- But see, SoF became dependent on RD's alliance to maintain control of the game. As Sov systematically and intentionally angered every alliance on the server. My case in point is starting eight months ago, SoV started killing countries of the Monsters, a former FDP that had helped SoF in a near server war. He dropped a FDP with LCN, and tagkilled LCN. For fun he slaughtered a hapless ICN. 3 neutral alliances, destroyed one reset.

Mr Onion- That does not seem to be a big deal.

Agent Orange- SoV was simply following orders from Silver. I don't think he really understood the implications of his actions.

Mr Onion- Are you saying SoV did not know he was destroying SoF?

Agent Orange- It's debatable and unclear if SoV knew he was simply RD's tool, or politically incompetant. The evidence I have can read both directions. Let me continue, Sov by hitting Monsters and LCN, made Omega unhappy. For both Monsters and LCN are longtime allies of Omega. This helped get Omega in gear and growing, so they could wield influence on LAF, who happens to be longtime FDP's of Monsters and LCN.

Mr Onion- Are you saying Omega was a part of this?

Agent Orange- No, it was just Rd's intention to get Omega active (remember Silver/Chump was a first reset Omegan), to help create pressure on LAF by having FDP's like Monsters, LCN, and Omega unhappy with the server politics.

Mr Onion- What about Rival what role did Rival have?

Agent Orange- None. Rival was clueless, Playgirl is hot, and they just got to enjoy the ride. Sucks to be Rival now they rode the wrong horse. Flamey took Playgirl along for the ride. The rumors are true! And then he disappeared in a puff of Smoke. After a smoke of course. Well played Mr Smoke, well played.

Mr Onion- Ok, so you're claiming that RD came back to destroy SoF, by becoming their allies, and either planting Sov, or influencing him by giving him a color, and convincing him to sell SoF on their true nature of war. To destroy and beat down anyone on a whim. And by doing so from on top, leading the games longest and most dominant coalition, thereby isolating SoF? This sounds absolutely incredulous,

Agent Orange- Yep. And just as SoF appears to be unstoppable, and celebrating a 75th reunion set, Rd goes rogue (preplanned) and focus' RD's and Rival's 80 countries onto tagkilling LCN (Servant is RD public enemy #2 historically after all) as MD and SOL pound on SOL...and just as LCN is being finished off, RD leaks Copper's hackings very quietly, leading to their own deletions and thus isolating SoF to be, tag killed, as RD's historically ally LAF pounds SOL. Now SoF is left with nowhere to turn but a small remnant of RD to outpost next reset in the very alliance they intend to bring down. Finally, with mission accomplished SoV,Xyle,MrVanilla will retire and walk away finally a RD Headship as his reward. (Conviently packaged through SoF/RD outpost/FDP agreement.

Mr Onion- What about Silver?

Agent Orange- Silver can retire happily, and come back as another color. His plan completed, he can graciously step away. Mission accomplished.

Mr Onion- Well then, who is Mr Maize? Was Helmet complicit in this by playing in RD?

Agent Orange- There is very little evidence to tie Helmet to Mr Maize. Whoever played Maize was very careful to only, and only play Maize from their cell phone. However, what little evidence there is, doesn't match up with Helmet. It matches up with someone else.

Mr Onion- Who?

Agent Orange- Alin of SoL. The icing on the cake of this whole thing is to have Helmet come back denying he is RD, making it look like he is indeed RD, while RD has once again taken down his baby. Alin is all to happy to have played this duel role as Mr Maize, and Alin the anti-helmet crusader to sully the good and ethical name of Helmet.

Mr Onion- And there you have it folks, from Mr I mean Agent Orange, on the death of SoF, and Rd's deliberate multi year diabolical plan to bring down their top enemy Helmet. I have seen the reports, and can confirm that everything in here is true, and if you don't believe it, you can bite my ARSE; I guarantee it'll bring EXPLOSIVE tears to your eyes.

Mr Snow


Nov 10th 2013, 6:53:00


and holy fluff are you on drugs, or exactly why would you put so much time into this?


tellarion Game profile


Nov 10th 2013, 6:59:28

SO DEVIOUS! I had no idea!

locket Game profile


Nov 10th 2013, 7:09:06

Alin you cheater!

iScode Game profile


Nov 10th 2013, 7:59:45

that sounds about right!
God of War


Erian Game profile


Nov 10th 2013, 8:11:04

lol, sounds legit this

mdevol Game profile


Nov 10th 2013, 8:19:00

what Alin is this referring to?

I am confused...
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

flgatorboy89 Game profile


Nov 10th 2013, 8:27:11

I believe Alin is MD... lol

<jon> off to bed fluffbeater :p
<mrford> i dont beat fluffs
<mrford> i eat them
<mrford> gosh
<jon> well, fluffeater
<Kat> oookay....

Makinso Game profile


Nov 10th 2013, 9:20:28

Alin of SOL


Alin Game profile


Nov 10th 2013, 9:29:03

lol. I like this pamphlet - i love pamphlets.

However, Helmet can not be cleared by a pamphlet.

Red X Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express & Team

Nov 10th 2013, 11:09:22

This sounds so legit doe.
My attitude is that of a Hulk smash
Mixed with Tony Montana snortin' bags of his coke stash

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 10th 2013, 13:02:33

Hey, where do you get your drugs? I need some that good over here.

How much do you pay above market price for the quality fluff you are smoking?

Can you handle shipping?

Those are some really good drugs there, let me tell you.

I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

XiQter MD Game profile


Nov 10th 2013, 14:00:26

so good!

tulosba Game profile


Nov 10th 2013, 15:17:55

Originally posted by TheOnion:

Agent Orange- RD hates Helmet, and his baby SoF. RD Hates them with a passion. Due to the Omega DNA in Helmet's blood..

Confirmed. 75 resets of experimenting with own alliance later, I extend an offer for Helmet to return to the Omega with what he can salvage and resume his position as an ALPHA team leader.
That's why SoF were the best war alliance anyways, Omegan DNA and ALPHA blood in their veins ;)

Originally posted by TheOnion:

Sov by hitting Monsters and LCN, made Omega unhappy. For both Monsters and LCN are longtime allies of Omega. This helped get Omega in gear and growing, so they could wield influence on LAF, who happens to be longtime FDP's of Monsters and LCN.

Mr Onion- Are you saying Omega was a part of this?

Agent Orange- No, it was just Rd's intention to get Omega active (remember Silver/Chump was a first reset Omegan), to help create pressure on LAF by having FDP's like Monsters, LCN, and Omega unhappy with the server politics.

I don't remember Chump as a first reset Omegan but am probably wrong with that, 3rd or 4th reset he definetely was a member.

But I love this story, it was really entertaining. Onion is a perfect nom-de-plum(?) as well. TheOnion having been like the bestest website of the early 2000's (it's meh now) and was quoted on AT a bazillion times.

But we got on gear to get growing a few months after I came back and got sucked into this game again. Active leadership is a big difference. And I don't want to steal credit from others, they've all helped so it's been a big team effort.
But 19 members and in isolation was not how I remembered us. I mean, imagine omegan boards quiet.. having a hard time? Well thats what I found!

But now my master plan is to get to 200, SoF merging in is gonna put us at 135 plus we'll recruit a bit. LCN will merge in then too, after all, they were also founded by Castejon (Omegan DNA) and Servant - well, there's more Omegan DNA for you!

Then we FS untaggeds out of protection, and police for them too.
Yes untaggeds. And police for them.

This is to cause sheer mayhem and chaos between the other clans, no land whatsoever - so they have to war each other. After a week or two of anarchy we FS all of them.
Yes all of them. At once.

Haven't fought for two years and whatnot you know? Need to make up for lost time.

But this reset has been really great. It's reminded me of 1999 all over again. I mean my scores list the entire reset has been:

And that's how I remember this game and how it should be ;)

archaic Game profile


Nov 10th 2013, 15:38:58

This is so spot on it should be added to the wiki as official canon of Earth history. I knew it all along, you guys thought we were crazy, our conspiracy theories - IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW!
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

henrik Game profile


Nov 10th 2013, 17:23:21

Amusing read :)

Nuketon Game profile


Nov 10th 2013, 18:07:56

Very informative!

MArs47 Game profile


Nov 10th 2013, 18:37:28

It all makes sense now!

Riddler Game profile


Nov 10th 2013, 20:30:59

Can't believe I read the whole thing

mdevol Game profile


Nov 10th 2013, 20:56:33

This thread has no merit.

No boobs, no kittens (pictures or facts), and no youtube videos.

Mr onion, you fail.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

CandyMan Game profile


Nov 10th 2013, 22:59:49

"I guarantee it'll bring EXPLOSIVE tears to your eyes."

DANGER alert :P

oats Game profile


Nov 10th 2013, 23:56:35

rear view mirror rear view mirror who is the greatest alliance of all time?

RD of course.



Nov 11th 2013, 12:13:15


Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 11th 2013, 21:55:01

I think I'm dumber for having read this. Entertained, but dummer.
Z is #1