
Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 4th 2013, 22:15:49

Was causing me to have some depression. Has anyone else experienced this? I've been completely off any artificial sweeteners and feel better (both mentally and physically). The only thing I've changed is artificial sweeteners (NutraSweet).

I'm kind of alarmed at how much better I feel after 3 months off them. I can only imagine what kind of damage they may have caused.

Anyone else have any averse effects from artificial sweeteners (more specifically NutraSweet) I'd be interested to hear. I need to read up on them I've been told the FDA has some interesting information about NutraSweet.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 0:00:12

stick to booze if you want to be depressed. people have been using it for thousands of years.
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Rockman Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 1:00:14

I rarely ever drink soda - diet or normal. I simply prefer tea or juice. Regular soda tastes alright, I just prefer to drink something healthier. But diet tastes weird, and I don't do diet food. And I don't do soda.

Why would people choose to drink soda so much when other options are so readily available?

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 5th 2013, 1:48:02

Speaking for myself I like the carbonation.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Mar 5th 2013, 4:16:08

I have heard of this. And my ex drinks like a bunch of diet sodas a day and he is always depressed. I think it is the aspertain in it

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

keivisuaL Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 4:21:10

you need sugar to be happy..

another alternative is..

Innocence is something we all forget. I haven't quite, I'm naive.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 5th 2013, 4:38:44

DOTA 2 FTW I agree!

iNouda Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 5:33:48

Dota 2 is more likely to make you angry and stressed out.

Trife Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 5:43:36

some molly will cheer you up!@

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 8:27:18

Originally posted by galleri:
I have heard of this. And my ex drinks like a bunch of diet sodas a day and he is always depressed. I think it is the aspertain in it

aspartame? i quit drinking it because i think it prolonged the withdrawal of alcohol from my system. tend to stick with water, coffee and booze. soda is too expensive for something that doesn't have a kick.
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SirSepher Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 13:01:52

Here's a neat little article for you:


"In October of 2001, my sister started getting very sick She had stomach spasms and she was having a hard time getting around. Walking was a major chore. It took everything she had just to get out of bed; she was in so much pain.

By March 2002, she had undergone several tissue and muscle biopsies and was on 24 various prescription medications. The doctors could not determine what was wrong with her. She was in so much pain, and so sick she just knew she was dying.

She put her house, bank accounts, life insurance, etc., in her oldest daughter's name, and made sure that her younger children were to be taken care of.

She also wanted her last hooray, so she planned a trip to Florida (basically in a wheelchair) for March 22nd.

On March 19, I called her to ask how her most recent tests went, and she said they didn't find anything on the test, but they believe she had MS.

I recalled an article a friend of mine e-mailed to me and I asked my sister if she drank diet soda? She told me that she did. As a matter of fact, she was getting ready to crack one open that moment.

I told her not to open it, and to stop drinking the diet soda! I e-mailed her an article my friend, a lawyer, had sent. My sister called me within 32 hours after our phone conversation and told me she had stopped drinking the diet soda AND she could walk! The muscle spasms went away. She said she didn't feel 100% but, she sure felt a lot better.

She told me she was going to her doctor with this article and would call me when she got home.

Well, she called me, and said her doctor was amazed! He is going to call all of his MS patients to find out if they consumed artificial sweeteners of any kind. In a nutshell, she was being poisoned by the Aspartame in the diet soda.. and literally dying a slow and miserable death

When she got to Florida March 22, all she had to take was one pill, and that was a pill for the Aspartame poisoning! She is well on her way to a complete recovery. And she is walking! No wheelchair! This article saved her life.If it says 'SUGAR FREE' on the label; DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!I have spent several days lecturing at the WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL CONFERENCE on 'ASPARTAME,' marketed as'Nutra Sweet,' 'Equal,' and 'Spoonful.'In the keynote address by the EPA, it was announced that in the United States in 2001 there is an epidemic of multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus. It was difficult to determine exactly what toxin was causing this to be rampant. I stood up and said that I was there to lecture on exactly that subject.

I will explain why Aspartame is so dangerous: When the temperature of this sweetener exceeds 86 degrees F, the wood alcohol in ASPARTAME converts to formaldehyde and then to formic acid, which in turn causes metabolic acidosis. Formic acid is the poison found in the sting of fire ants. The methanol toxicity mimics, among other conditions, multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus.

Many people were being diagnosed in error. Although multiple sclerosis is not a death sentence, Methanol toxicity is!

Systemic lupus has become almost as rampant as multiple sclerosis, especially with Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi drinkers.The victim usually does not know that the Aspartame is the culprit. He or she continues its use; irritating the lupus to such a degree that it may become a life-threatening condition. We have seen patients with systemic lupus become asymptotic, once taken off diet sodas.

In cases of those diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, most of the symptoms disappear. We've seen many cases where vision loss returned and hearing loss improved markedly.

This also applies to cases of tinnitus and fibromyalgia. During a lecture, I said, 'If you are using ASPARTAME (Nutra Sweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc) and you suffer from fibromyalgia symptoms, spasms, shooting, pains, numbness in your legs,
Joint pain,
Unexplainable depression, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, blurred vision, or memory loss you probably have ASPARTAME poisoning!' People were jumping up during the lecture saying,'I have some of these symptoms. Is it reversible?'

STOP drinking diet sodas and be alert for Aspartame on food labels! Many products are fortified with it! This is a serious problem. Dr. Espart (one of my speakers) remarked that so many people seem to be symptomatic for MS and during his recent visit to a hospice; a nurse stated that six of her friends, who were heavy Diet Coke addicts, had all been diagnosed with MS. This is beyond coincidence!

Diet soda is NOT a diet product! It is a chemically altered, multiple SODIUM (salt) and ASPARTAME containing product that actually makes you crave carbohydrates.

It is far more likely to make you GAIN weight!

These products also contain formaldehyde, which stores in the fat cells, particularly in the hips and thighs. Formaldehyde is an absolute toxin and is used primarily to preserve 'tissue specimens.'

Many products we use every day contain this chemical but we SHOULD NOT store it IN our body!

Dr. H. J. Roberts stated in his lectures that once free of the 'diet products' and with no significant increase in exercise; his patients lost an average of 19 pounds over a trial period.Aspartame is especially dangerous for diabetics. We found that some physicians, who believed that they had a patient with retinopathy, in fact, had symptoms caused by Aspartame. The Aspartame drives the blood sugar out of control. Thus diabetics may suffer acute memory loss due to the fact that aspartic acid and phenylalanine are NEUROTOXIC when taken without the other amino acids necessary for a good balance.

Treating diabetes is all about BALANCE.. Especially with diabetics, the Aspartame passes the blood/brain barrier and it then deteriorates the neurons of the brain; causing various levels of brain damage, Seizures, Depression, Manic depression, Panic attacks, Uncontrollable anger and rage.Consumption of Aspartame causes these same symptoms in non-diabetics as well. Documentation and observation also reveal that thousands of children diagnosed with ADD and ADHD have had complete turnarounds in their behavior when these chemicals have been removed from their diet.

So called 'behavior modification prescription drugs' (Ritalin and others) are no longer needed.Truth be told, they were never NEEDED in the first place!Most of these children were being 'poisoned' on a daily basis with the very foods that were 'better for them than sugar.'It is also suspected that the Aspartame in thousands of pallets of diet Coke and diet Pepsi consumed by men and women fighting in the Gulf War, may be partially to blame for the well-known Gulf War Syndrome.

Dr. Roberts warns that it can cause birth defects, i.e. mental retardation, if taken at the time of conception and during early pregnancy. Children are especially at risk for neurological disorders and should NEVER be given artificial sweeteners.

There are many different case histories to relate of children suffering grand mal seizures and other neurological disturbances talking about a plague of neurological diseases directly caused by the use of this deadly poison.'
-Sir Sepher
Old Fogey learning to play again
For the glory of Camelot

madjsp Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 14:43:37


joe3: bater sucks so bad imag could teach him a thing about war

Trife Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 14:51:10

The people that think aspartame causes cancer and the folks that think vaccines cause autism are in the same camp, in my opinion. That's the 'awww thats cute, science isn't your thing, you should stick to church' camp.

oats Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 16:14:59

Aspartame is still crap. If you want to feed your body, and not your sodypop addiction, then you shouldn't ingest it.

But that story reads like some fear mongering email forwarded by older people.

Unsympathetic Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 16:23:25

wrong, trife. Don't conflate the two.

Aspartame is only legal in the US out of all the g8, and only after a significant marketing campaign - by donald rumsfeld.

Vaccines never did cause autism, there's zero proof of any of that.

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Mar 5th 2013, 16:27:54

Aspartame is used in rat poison.
As an aside the only no calorie artificial sweetener that (as far as is known) has virtually no side effects is stavia which is a plant. The reason for it is that the sugar in the leaves cannot be digested.

@Trife: no. although it's pretty much amount dependent.
"Upon ingestion, aspartame breaks down into residual components, including aspartic acid, phenylalanine, methanol in ratio of 4:5:1 by mass[28] and further breakdown products including formaldehyde and formic acid"
Phenylalanine = amino acid. Harmless to most people
Methanol: Toxic in high enough amounts and probably causes depression like ethanol does.
Formaldehyde: Proven carcinogen. Of course this is amount dependent and probably overall there is too little of it produced to have any impact based on the amount people tend to consume.

It probably depends on how much artificial sweetener one consumes (chances are the amount in soda is safe).

I should also say that compared to regular soda, you are probably doing no worse.

Keep in mind that even though the artificial sweetener itself doesn't give you toxic levels of anything, some of them are cumulative so if you are ingesting them elsewhere as well then it's not helping.

The bottom line is that high fructose corn syrup (makes you fat) and artificial sweeteners (could be bad for you too) are both not the best and realistically one shouldn't consume either.
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


Unsympathetic Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 16:37:40

Also avoid everything with acesulfame potassium - aka Splenda, Equal - even if they don't have high-fructose corn syrup.

Edited By: Unsympathetic on Mar 5th 2013, 16:40:35
See Original Post

Trife Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 17:07:35

Originally posted by martian:
@Trife: no. although it's pretty much amount dependent.

so it's about as dangerous as dihydrogen monoxide? or sand?

lets ban it! down with DHMO! down with aspartame! BAN SAND!

Trife Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 17:16:33

ericownsyou5 Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 17:50:55

I simply don't drink soda at all.

Water, Iced Tea, Milk and random juices. I sometimes crave carbonation, so I drink soda water w/lime or beer.

^This kinda sucks, but once you adjust to life without Soda/Energy Drinks.. you feel much healthier. I eat fairly healthy and work out regularly and have never felt better.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 5th 2013, 18:37:53

Wikipedia hehe ohhh trife!

Trife Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 19:18:46

Originally posted by Requiem:
Wikipedia hehe ohhh trife!

game over, flip flip flip flip

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 5th 2013, 20:47:45

Do you consume it?

K_L Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 20:49:30

LIES! I drink 1½ litres every day and look at the healty body of m...

Oh crap!

Now I'm depressed.

mrford Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 21:44:40

i think the fact that you call it "pop" is depressing you.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

SirSepher Game profile


Mar 6th 2013, 0:31:50

Did you know there's a substance out there when, if you consume too much, it will drown u? When heated to a high enough temperature will release a gas that will scathe and burn you? When frozen causes mass hysteria and wide spread accidents? Yes folks, sign the petition to ban h2o! Eradicate this harmful substance at once!
-Sir Sepher
Old Fogey learning to play again
For the glory of Camelot

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 6th 2013, 1:36:14

Sepher I hope you're not trying to draw a comparison between NutraSweet and water!

SirSepher Game profile


Mar 6th 2013, 4:23:41

I'm feverish and haven't slept in 3 days... Lord knows what's going to come out of my head these days
-Sir Sepher
Old Fogey learning to play again
For the glory of Camelot

Syko_Killa Game profile


Mar 6th 2013, 5:01:16

eat gold if you want to live long and regain your health
Do as I say, not as I do.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Mar 6th 2013, 5:03:55

also if you smoke weed will be happy. But than your lungs are fluffed.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Mar 6th 2013, 8:25:57

Originally posted by Requiem:
Sepher I hope you're not trying to draw a comparison between NutraSweet and water!

everything in moderation.
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