
ridsect_sof Game profile


Dec 27th 2012, 0:49:45

contact needed
SOF Alliance Server
Jun 24, 01:47 Ridsect of SOF (#674) SoF Havoc Does EE again (#939) MD 1 B 7 C
Aug 4, 06:22 Ridsect of SOF (#1576) SoF SoLe SuRViVoR (#1429) (SOLdier) 5 B / 8 C
Mar 25, 18:34 Awesome Kickin (#300) (SoF100) (#20) (SoL) 25 B



Dec 27th 2012, 2:05:47

checking it out amigo, be withya shortly...thx
Netters, LOWER your expectations so I can live UP to them !!!



Dec 27th 2012, 2:37:53

ok sent ya a PM. jut respond and let me know...we'll do it right.
Netters, LOWER your expectations so I can live UP to them !!!



Dec 27th 2012, 2:46:02

Real Mature RAZ...

Netters, LOWER your expectations so I can live UP to them !!!

Crippler ICD Game profile


Dec 27th 2012, 2:55:07

I dont see raz ?:P

[14:26] <enshula> i cant believe im going to say this
[14:26] <enshula> crippler is giving us correct netting advice



Dec 27th 2012, 3:04:37

lol crippy yer always good for a laugh...thanks..I need to laugh..been a tuff set with growing pains...
Netters, LOWER your expectations so I can live UP to them !!!

Maxipad09 Game profile


Dec 27th 2012, 6:09:05

I just want to say one thing...if your gonna rage quit then do it without acting like a 12 yr old douche bag! Gets old to have to pay reps just so you can CRY over a game and then leave!
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
~ Edmund Burke

raz Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 18th 2013, 20:07:11

Maxi-I launched what 15-20 missiles at a 5 man tag before I quit I could have done a lot more damage than that and I quit because you invited suiciders to pretty much hit KSM which was for the 2nd time me...I quit because I am not putting time into building something to get suicided on. That isn;t a rage quit, a rage quit would be stocking turns and missiles (like I had) and going after NBK/Pan/CC etc. then quitting.

But keep running your mouth "douche" and I will make sure to add 16 countries each set and gear them at KSM. Piss off b4tch!
Originally posted by The_Hawk:
You win this round. I concede.



Jan 18th 2013, 20:29:18

So the guy that is leaving the game is back stirring fluff...go whine that you're being badmouthed but your actions speak for you and the only one I see throwing names around is you..

I've always said there are two types of players, ones with integrity and ones without...I HEAR YA MAN YOUR ACTIONS SPEAK VERY LOUD !!!

do what ya gotta do...we will...
Netters, LOWER your expectations so I can live UP to them !!!

xXxWaNgErxXx Game profile


Jan 18th 2013, 20:58:52

Tbag... lol To be honest we really have no excuse for bashing a human over a fixable solution... It is not our character to call a respected player such as RAZ a douche bag... He was angry and did things his way... Yes it would have been nice of him to detag but we come and go as individuals.. Some of us stay together and some of us leave alone... RAZ left "his" way and we fixed it for "us"... Bashing any individuals for selfish behaviour is as bad as doing the wrong...

xXxWaNgErxXx Game profile


Jan 18th 2013, 21:02:47

Raz... I understand your anger for being suicided while netting... I understand your anger for disrespect... I also understand that "you" as a individual will play this game to satisfy your personal needs as do all of us... If your satisfaction comes from suiciding and doing what pisses you off the most then we will play with you :) lol Sounds stupid lol

Hey Raz??? Wanna play :) After supper :)



Jan 18th 2013, 22:13:38

fine...however if ya read Maxi's post it is a general players that rage quit period...I fail to see any Name in there at all.

however so be it...

Raz appology extended..even tho I have never called you anything except amigo.

Netters, LOWER your expectations so I can live UP to them !!!

Dragon Game profile


Jan 18th 2013, 23:08:21

Raz IS a Douche. But he's MY Douche and don't you forget it.

Maxipad09 Game profile


Jan 18th 2013, 23:56:20

Like Tbag said my statement was directed in general at folks who did that never once did I imply your name in any of it.

Do what you gotta do bud, and we will do the same
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
~ Edmund Burke



Jan 19th 2013, 0:02:55

Wipes the dust off his feet.
Netters, LOWER your expectations so I can live UP to them !!!

Tin Man


Jan 19th 2013, 2:48:48

no offense raz, but if you felt that strongly about KSM inviting suiciders how did you not see it coming?

no one was forcing you to play for KSM, ya dig?

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 19th 2013, 9:04:14

LOL This is too funny. It's amazing that no one called the other guy a douche nozzle. LOL
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!



Jan 19th 2013, 13:06:35

Last set we were hit by suiciders without any invitation to do so, so this set we decided to dedicate some countries for killing, and stated that on ffat for all to we have done every step of the way since KSM was founded, to be transparent and honest for all to if that is inviting by responding correctly so be it.

I and everyone else in KSM prefers to run silent and fully supports solo tags and honest players...all we ask is that solo tags show a little respect by stating their tag so FFA knows they are not hiding as a suicider...Heck we'll give Pacts out like candy to any legit player that wants one...

that is our standing period, we remain as neutral as possible towards other clans and solo tags that post their tag.

and as all can see this set KSM had a increase in membership, along with that as everyone knows came growing pains..with new players making mistakes and some not so honest and not so new players getting culled out of KSM for their actions or by choice.

so its all normal stuff to any clan that has started up and is still have all seen it before...

We at KSM still plan on being open and honest in our efforts, and we place more stock in friendships with other players and game playing with integrity...We have had GREAT SUPPORT and ASSISTS from ALL ALLIES and we appreciate it and acknowledge it.

if all that flips yer boat and makes ya mad, I suggest ya get out of the boat so yer feet don't get wet.
Netters, LOWER your expectations so I can live UP to them !!!

Landorian Game profile


Jan 19th 2013, 13:46:48

Raz is correct, we invited a suicider. We did this by accepting a new member, who came highly recommended by Raz himself. This member brought baggage, but we stood up for him and he stood up for us. Fair and even and no big deal really, except of course that we had to deal with that suicider. But we were and still are willing to stand up for each member, as long as he sticks to the rules. Rules, which are fair to every legit player of FFA.
KSM ~ Janitor

Warster Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jan 19th 2013, 13:52:28

i would comment on what you just said, but i cant be bothered :)
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332