
LittleItaly Game profile

Game Moderator
Alliance, FFA, & Cooperation

May 2nd 2012, 5:13:16

Need a new home? Dont like being self gifted 10m troops? Want to remember what its like to play with leaders you can trust?

Join us @

PS: We wont kill you for tag jumping during war.
-Discord: LittleItaly#2905
-IRC: #sol
-Apply today @ for Alliance

locket Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 5:14:49

If you gift me 10 million troops I will retag. And fyi 99% of us were apparently legit.



May 2nd 2012, 5:18:30

looks more like 98% *points at 951*, but thank you to those that played legit under the circumstances.
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

LittleItaly Game profile

Game Moderator
Alliance, FFA, & Cooperation

May 2nd 2012, 5:19:52

Originally posted by locket:
If you gift me 10 million troops I will retag. And fyi 99% of us were apparently legit.

And that means we should get alot of applicants!
-Discord: LittleItaly#2905
-IRC: #sol
-Apply today @ for Alliance

locket Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 5:20:17

Originally posted by LittleItaly:
Originally posted by locket:
If you gift me 10 million troops I will retag. And fyi 99% of us were apparently legit.

And that means we should get alot of applicants!

You guys have 900million troops to send? ;)



May 2nd 2012, 7:45:17

kicking an alliance while it's down?

I wouldn't join an alliance that does that, heck, I wouldn't join an alliance that condones a mouth piece such as dagga.

also, Makinso isn't exactly the type to trust either.

I either quit the game, or I stay in LaF.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

anoniem Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 7:47:34

Originally posted by Forgotten:
kicking an alliance while it's down

isn't that what LaF does? You've played there for years - why not join an alliance that you claim to do the same thing, but minus the cheating?


Alin Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 7:50:11

Laf is kicking folks that are down for a long period now. So why are you in Laf still ?

Sauron NBK Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 7:50:35

Originally posted by anoniem:
Originally posted by Forgotten:
kicking an alliance while it's down

isn't that what LaF does? You've played there for years - why not join an alliance that you claim to do the same thing, but minus the cheating?


Lol pwnage

Erian Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 7:53:54

lol, no, just no.

As long as there is LaF, I am LaF. So screw you :P

Jiman Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 7:58:23




May 2nd 2012, 7:59:31

Doing a recruitment campaign on LaF members now, is like doing one on ICN when Gary passed away.

The alliance just lost their leader to an unfortunate, and uncontrollable event. On top of that, we now have to face a giant PR smearing campaign by various trolls.

Did LaF deserve this? No.

If you are mad at HLW and TC, they are located in the state of California and Oregon respectively.

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

lostmonk Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 8:02:23

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Doing a recruitment campaign on LaF members now, is like doing one on ICN when Gary passed away.

The alliance just lost their leader to an unfortunate, and uncontrollable event. On top of that, we now have to face a giant PR smearing campaign by various trolls.

Did LaF deserve this? No.

If you are mad at HLW and TC, they are located in the state of California and Oregon respectively.

Uncontrollable? What hanlong accidentally hacked? The info he cheated with just appeared magically? This is really terrible.

Alin Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 8:03:43

WTF? Unfortunate and uncontrollable event ?

are you kidding us ?

Jiman Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 8:05:04

How DARE you compare this to someone passing away. That is HORRID! HOLY fluff.

Go fluff yourself.

Edited By: Jiman on May 2nd 2012, 8:23:00
See Original Post

Murf Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 8:06:01

Expect more from Sol than this

lostmonk Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 8:06:49

Originally posted by LittleItaly:
Want to remember what its like to play with leaders you can trust?

Pot, kettle, Stewie

Alin Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 8:07:20

managing to get Jiman "out" of his diplomat suit is something hard to achieve .

Congrats, you did it!

anoniem Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 8:08:45

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Doing a recruitment campaign on LaF members now, is like doing one on ICN when Gary passed away.

The alliance just lost their leader to an unfortunate, and uncontrollable event. On top of that, we now have to face a giant PR smearing campaign by various trolls.

Did LaF deserve this? No.

If you are mad at HLW and TC, they are located in the state of California and Oregon respectively.

Are you proposing we all travel to California and Oregon to track them down and give them a piece of our minds? Rofl.

You are also equating a death of a legitimate member of the community to those two. You really have no tact or class.

XiQter MD Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 8:09:04

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Doing a recruitment campaign on LaF members now, is like doing one on ICN when Gary passed away.

The alliance just lost their leader to an unfortunate, and uncontrollable event. On top of that, we now have to face a giant PR smearing campaign by various trolls.

Did LaF deserve this? No.

If you are mad at HLW and TC, they are located in the state of California and Oregon respectively.

I think you should stop posting now before you make it worse...

Drow Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 8:09:05

Originally posted by Forgotten:

The alliance just lost their leader to an unfortunate, and uncontrollable event. On top of that, we now have to face a giant PR smearing campaign by various trolls.

Neither unfortunate OR uncontrollable. your leader CHOSE to actively cheat in the worst way possible. LaF chose to trust him (admittedly you had no reason not to beyond his being secretive but still).
At the end of the day, the fact that your head was doing this entirely paints your alliances' leadership with the same brush.

It sucks, but that's reality. it's a fluff hand for LaF in general, but one brought on you by your own leader, who is still a member of your alliance so far as I can tell.
All I have seen so far is that hanlongs access has been gutted. you don't mention whether TC has been sanctioned or not.

I think my first action as an alliance leader would be to boot both of them, and make it public, then apologise to the earth community for their actions. Irrespective of whether they did it on their own or not, Hanlong in particular was a public representative of LaF, and as a result, his actions are also your actions.

Paradigm President of failed speeling



May 2nd 2012, 8:10:29

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Doing a recruitment campaign on LaF members now, is like doing one on ICN when Gary passed away.

The alliance just lost their leader to an unfortunate, and uncontrollable event. On top of that, we now have to face a giant PR smearing campaign by various trolls.

Did LaF deserve this? No.

If you are mad at HLW and TC, they are located in the state of California and Oregon respectively.

I nominate this for troll post of the week
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

anoniem Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 8:10:32

Originally posted by Murf:
Expect more from Sol than this

Expected more from SoF, but I won't even get into that.

anoniem Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 8:12:17

Also I'd like to note. LaF re-instated Lord Tarnava as a war leader, despite the fact he got caught with TWO game accounts, and was suiciding Evo, while we had a pact.

I wonder if LaF add those kind of things to their history pages :)

ebola Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 8:14:03

Seriously Forgotten, now would be a good time to stop posting for a day or tow.

iScode Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 8:14:08

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Doing a recruitment campaign on LaF members now, is like doing one on ICN when Gary passed away.

The alliance just lost their leader to an unfortunate, and uncontrollable event. On top of that, we now have to face a giant PR smearing campaign by various trolls.

Did LaF deserve this? No.

If you are mad at HLW and TC, they are located in the state of California and Oregon respectively.

Are you serious? comparing this to someone's death? You really should stay out of this thread, i wouldnt come back and read this if i was you. fluff thats an idiotic thing to say.

there was nothing unfortunate and and uncontrollable about this event, he had full control of what he was doing.
God of War


Murf Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 8:18:02

Lol anoniem get over your hardon for Sof already, Sof had our site hacked also or did you miss that part in Pangs post.

Alin Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 8:22:21

Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by Forgotten:
Doing a recruitment campaign on LaF members now, is like doing one on ICN when Gary passed away.

The alliance just lost their leader to an unfortunate, and uncontrollable event. On top of that, we now have to face a giant PR smearing campaign by various trolls.

Did LaF deserve this? No.

If you are mad at HLW and TC, they are located in the state of California and Oregon respectively.

Are you serious? comparing this to someone's death? You really should stay out of this thread, i wouldnt come back and read this if i was you. fluff thats an idiotic thing to say.

there was nothing unfortunate and and uncontrollable about this event, he had full control of what he was doing.

I think he was speaking for himself only. For him it might be "unfotunate and uncontrollable" event. He will eventually grow up and will realize that this event is the right thing to happen.

Drow Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 8:23:49

basically other than possibly imag and evo? EVERYONE had their site hacked.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

anoniem Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 8:24:30

Where did I mention hacking and SoF? Are you seriously trying to infer from my post that I accused SoF of hacking?

See my other posts - where I've accused SoF of bullying alliances into wars and being a LaF lapdog. I'll get over my hard-on when you get over yourself.



May 2nd 2012, 8:25:37

Could any legit LaF member see this coming?
Could any legit LaF member control this event?
Could any legit LaF member prevent this from happening?

The answer is no, no, and no.

Stop the smear campaign, and go back to Orgrimmar.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~



May 2nd 2012, 8:27:10

Originally posted by Drow:
basically other than possibly imag and evo? EVERYONE had their site hacked.

evo's site was mentioned in the post that started this fluffstorm
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

ebola Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 8:27:35

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Could any legit LaF member see this coming?
Could any legit LaF member control this event?
Could any legit LaF member prevent this from happening?
The answer is no, no, and no.
Stop the smear campaign, and go back to Orgrimmar.

Thing is, we don't know, and neither do you. Pretty sure none of the blue/green people in LaF had any idea, but did none of the leaders know? I don't know, I would like to believe so, but as (I believe) Highrock posted in another thread, it's going to take more than just "believe us on this one" to regain the trust of several allies.

Drow Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 8:28:35

Forgotten: once again, Hanlong was the face of LaF. whether membership knew or could control it is irrelevant. Your heads represent your alliance as a whole. You chose to trust him as an alliance, even when he was refusing to divulge how he had all this information.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

Alin Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 8:29:25

The event is not unfortunate ... actually it is fortunate.

And you can`t just compare that with someones dead.

But whatever ...

Alin Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 8:30:51

Originally posted by anoniem:
Where did I mention hacking and SoF? Are you seriously trying to infer from my post that I accused SoF of hacking?

See my other posts - where I've accused SoF of bullying alliances into wars and being a LaF lapdog. I'll get over my hard-on when you get over yourself.

Actually no - hanlong is accused of hacking Sof site too.

anoniem Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 8:31:10

I know that SoF messaged an Evo ally this week, asking whether a certain member of theirs was now a head. The only way that could have come about is hanlong reading my private messages on EE and the EVO site.

We thought there may have been a leak, but clearly not. It must have been hanlong hacking.

anoniem Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 8:33:08

Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by anoniem:
Where did I mention hacking and SoF? Are you seriously trying to infer from my post that I accused SoF of hacking?

See my other posts - where I've accused SoF of bullying alliances into wars and being a LaF lapdog. I'll get over my hard-on when you get over yourself.

Actually no - hanlong is accused of hacking Sof site too.

I already know that, but murf was insinuating that I was accusing SoF of hacking, which I was not.



May 2nd 2012, 8:34:04

HLW is pretty much dead to me if you ask me, and he left LaF in a terrible position.

@ebola that's for the admins to find out, they have logs. but like I said, it's up to our allies to decide what they want to do, or not do. Posting AT smears does nothing for the game, or alliances involved.

Admins will do the work, and they will be able to tell if anyone gained benefits from this.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Murf Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 8:36:33

Wasnt what I meant at all, just wanted to know how you expected more from SoF.

ebola Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 8:38:49

Admins have the logs that show Hanlong/TC did all these things, the question is whether anybody else knew about it in LaF (and yes, if anybody it won't be more than 0-3 or so people, but still, if they exist, they should be flushed out).
Hanlong telling people is not really something the admins can find out (unless those people also did hacking, which seems unlikely).

Drow Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 8:39:11

That said, this thread IS pretty cheap.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

dagga Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 10:56:02

Originally posted by anoniem:
I know that SoF messaged an Evo ally this week, asking whether a certain member of theirs was now a head. The only way that could have come about is hanlong reading my private messages on EE and the EVO site.

We thought there may have been a leak, but clearly not. It must have been hanlong hacking.

signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22

Sifos Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 11:32:04

Originally posted by Forgotten:
I wouldn't join an alliance that does that, heck, I wouldn't join an alliance that condones a mouth piece such as dagga.

You two have a lot in common :P

Edited By: Sifos on May 2nd 2012, 11:48:06. Reason: IDK about that rly
See Original Post
Imaginary Numbers
If you're important enough to contact me, you will know how to contact me.
Self appointed emperor of the Order of Bunnies.
The only way to be certain your allies will not betray you is to kill them all!