
snawdog Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 0:49:37

Originally posted by Popcom:
Originally posted by BP:

In the old FFA, this wouldn't just not be tolerated, it was cause for immediate killing of all countries involved, without the need for FA-contacts beforehand.

However, this isn't the old FFA, wherefore I'm asking for the general opinion in the current server regarding this.

In the old FFA all this self farming wasn't tolerated to.
the skill cap for this game has plummeted. and it will kill the game with a few months.
Why play when there is 0 challang to netting and u can juts self farm to a million acres and get 500 mill NW every set?

yup, I agree
ICQ 364553524

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 15th 2010, 0:49:40

snawdog i mean not common as in people dont two step very often

not uncommon as in people two step you then dont get killed

snawdog Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 0:51:52

Originally posted by enshula:
snawdog i mean not common as in people dont two step very often

not uncommon as in people two step you then dont get killed

Ok, got it,and it is STILL a capital offense,BP got shafted by LaE..
ICQ 364553524

Desperado Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 2:24:48

Originally posted by snawdog:
I was gunna edit my last post but i don't want this to get lost.
If LaE is gunna try this bully-assed horse fluff, I hope that every tag/untag out there will stand up and say F.O.C.U.S and not allow it.
It is a standard policy to kill the offending countries, and for LaE to try and shove their weight around because of their size proves nothing has changed there.

F.O.C.U.S. is a registered trademark of fluff Off Cause Ur Stupid and is protected by United States Copyright Law. Using the term focus without express written consent by the fluff Off Cause Ur Stupid Relations Committee is a violation of Earth Empires Law.

If you wish to be able to use said term, you must pay a 10 million bushel retainer, and 1 million bushels a day over the reset you intend to use it.

Originally posted by Primeval:
pants antler



Jun 15th 2010, 3:22:55

Is this surprising at all. Lae two stepping? hmmmm then kill someone for killing the two steppers... nope not surprised at all, fits right in with there beliefs
The Death Knights

NOW3P Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 6:58:59

Twain - you oughta write for're awfully good at getting something relevant out of an obviously sarcastic and meaningless post. If you can summarize our FA work in "*naked facestabs his member*", then you are either a FA guru beyond guru's, or filling in blanks with your own opinions.

Sorry guys, we don't do FA on AT. Never have, never will. Fact of the matter is, that player has been self-farming all set, including the country BP accused him of two-stepping from. If he happened to farm the country that he grabbed with, I'm not willing to call it two-stepping when he's been following the same routine day in and day out since the beginning of the set, or at the very least I'm not going to call it a kill worthy offense. We also don't take well to ultimatums being posted on public boards with no effort to contact us directly before hand, or after.

Mrford currently posts on FFAT from an iPhone, rarely is able to sign into our site to post stuff like this, has been on IRC that I've seen once in the past 3 weeks, and doesn't have any active involvement in our current FA team at all. By the time an actual LaE'er with involvement in FA posted, the countries were already dead. Y'all can take that as whatever you want, but anyone who kills LaE countries without talking directly with one of our easily accessible FA's is going to have the same happen.

RaHL - don't you have some goats to eat, or a bridge to hide under or something?

It is very interesting to me though that some of the same folks trolling this thread up right are the same folks who were griping and moaning about AoDT not following "proper" FA procedures by not posting a war dec until an hour into their FS on NBK...

LeftyHa8er Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 7:15:55

now now wait a min its been set in stone in FFA that two stepping gets u killed. I would not care if he was self farming everyday as u said he was its still two stepping. so dont go and say your member did nothing wrong and that killing Bp was fine cuz thats not kool. u guys are still trying to clean up your image so have some respect for the unwritten rules of ffa. also i was killed for killing your some countries that farmed me 2 sets ago when i was untaged i even contacted one of your leaders be4 i hit but u still killed a few of mine i let it go then but as fluff piles up we all remember. so u need to earn are respect back and stop talking out the side of your mouth. Respect keeps dropping every time u do crap like this.

NOW3P Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 8:10:41

I'm not necessarily saying the player was in the right, just that I don't consider it a kill-worthy offense given the situation.

In all fairness though, let's be clear was set in stone in OLD FFA that two-stepping gets u killed. So far as I'm concerned, if you wanna enforce that policy on LaE today, our actions won't be altered in the future as this is not OLD FFA. Luckily, I'm not the final call on that.

I hate to sound like a broken record here, but decisions made by old LaE leadership 2 sets ago aren't in any way connected to LaE's new leadership or our decisions this set, and I can't speak to them in any way as I wasn't even playing in LaE at the time.

Quite frankly though, I don't give two fluffs if you respect us or not - Someone's always gonna hate on you when you're sitting at the top, it might as well be someone we've obviously had no trouble killing in the past.

Mad Morticia Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 8:48:48

Just to clarify one of BP's first postings since he put a question mark there:

PANLV will NOT tolerate any two-stepping on a PANLV country by either an untagged or by a country from another clan.

Edited By: Mad Morticia on Jun 16th 2010, 7:04:07

ICe Man


Jun 15th 2010, 15:09:06

So, MM, you're saying PANLV will start retalling for untags? Thats cute.
Thank God, for I'm a blessed man.

Havoc Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 15:17:21

Yup, we're policing for all untags, even ones we grab. So we get to retal ourselves, so other people can't get land off us.
Unholy Monks | The Omega

ICe Man


Jun 15th 2010, 15:18:17

If so I'm going to make untags and let PANLV retal for me ;) I'd love to see what happens when AoDT or NBK grabs me :P
Thank God, for I'm a blessed man.

raz Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 15th 2010, 17:55:52

FFA is brutle now, admin need to make it so you can't self farm somehow, and the players that ruined it were the noobs of the old FFA.

Ahem LAE and co and its players/ guys do realize that the mass multies of OLD ffa have migrated to this clan right?

A few KEY notes from the old days:

1- two stepping = dead no discussion
2- self farming = frowned upon and only noobs use it as a method of netting (i.e llaar, how can you still self farm/cheat and net after all these years and still like this game? gt out of your moms basement and get a life)
3- FFA use to self police each other, back then leadership in clans were always diplomatic and regardless of what happened they still backed up each other to protect the game...while you now have clans like LaE creating policies is a joke...LaE never made it in OLD ffa and there was a reason why it didnt.

Originally posted by The_Hawk:
You win this round. I concede.

ICe Man


Jun 15th 2010, 17:58:37

I believe MrCobalt when he said he'd quit.

Our first reset I killed some SAINTS countries for 2-stepping. I would hope, and Think, LaE has since stopped this practice and will make things right.

However, I dont' agree with BP just killing them either.

and PANLV sucks, FOREVER.
Thank God, for I'm a blessed man.

Desperado Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 21:30:56

Originally posted by RaHL_DK:
Is this surprising at all. Lae two stepping? hmmmm then kill someone for killing the two steppers... nope not surprised at all, fits right in with there beliefs

this coming from a guy who last week killed a clan for retalling normal hits

Originally posted by Primeval:
pants antler

Twain Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 23:26:06

Originally posted by NOW3P:
Twain - you oughta write for're awfully good at getting something relevant out of an obviously sarcastic and meaningless post. If you can summarize our FA work in "*naked facestabs his member*", then you are either a FA guru beyond guru's, or filling in blanks with your own opinions.

NOW3P: Tell me where I went wrong, so I can understand.

mrford's response to BP, in my opinion:

1) shows a LaE leader acknowledging seeing this post.

2) does NOT make any attempt to make further contact with BP

3) does NOT ask BP to hold off until he talks to a representative of LaE.

4) seems to be an acknowledgement that the LaE member was doing something he shouldn't have (although, admittedly doing it in an over-the-top, humorous way).

If any of my assumptions are way off base, let me know, but this is how I see this. Your only real reason to kill BP is to say he didn't make sufficient contact with a LaE leader prior to acting, but mrford saw BP's first comment 15 minutes after he posted it and seemingly made no effort to contact BP about it.



Jun 15th 2010, 23:47:17

Originally posted by Desperado:
Originally posted by RaHL_DK:
Is this surprising at all. Lae two stepping? hmmmm then kill someone for killing the two steppers... nope not surprised at all, fits right in with there beliefs

this coming from a guy who last week killed a clan for retalling normal hits

Come on Desp, when Have I never Killed first and checked out the reasons later? I believe I killed 15 untags for two stepping in the first set of ffa restart aswell
The Death Knights

NOW3P Game profile


Jun 16th 2010, 0:25:23

Twain - what part of inactive doesn't register with you?

mrford has been posting on several EE forums for the past few weeks that he only has access right now via his iPod, and isn't currently very active in the game. I can show you the IRC convo I had with him a couple days after that post was made where he says outright he had no idea what it was about if you like. It even has time/date stamps to make it extra handy.

We fully agree that Cobalt shouldn't have been 2-stepping land, there's no argument there. What LaE disagrees with BP on is the method he went about enforcing his personal idea of justice, and failure to discuss it with a leader who knew what was going on and was able to address the issue prior to acting. We consider this common courtesy, and an important step in the process that was intentionally skipped.

No further attempts were made by LaE to contact BP prior to the kills because by the time a leader who was actually able to react to the post saw it, the countries were already dead.

Does that fill in the blanks for you? If not, please feel free to come talk with me personally. I'm in IRC 24/7 in #lae, or can be reached through the forums here.

This subject has been beaten to death on FFAT, and I don't see much more need to continue it in this format. Anyone who has further questions can find myself, bug, or Thunder and we'll be happy to chat it out w/ you.

Desperado Game profile


Jun 16th 2010, 2:08:39

*beats it some more*

i didn't say you killed people for twosteppiong rahl :P

Originally posted by Primeval:
pants antler

Mad Morticia Game profile


Jun 16th 2010, 7:09:13

Clarified the PANLV position on this issue as stated above. Should have been more precise when writing it but did want to give Icey a reason to pop into the discussion and also to reveal his delight with the pancake clan once more.

Edited By: Mad Morticia on Jun 16th 2010, 7:11:24

azmodii Game profile


Jun 16th 2010, 9:12:49

Originally posted by raz:
FFA is brutle now, admin need to make it so you can't self farm somehow, and the players that ruined it were the noobs of the old FFA.

Ahem LAE and co and its players/ guys do realize that the mass multies of OLD ffa have migrated to this clan right?

A few KEY notes from the old days:

1- two stepping = dead no discussion
2- self farming = frowned upon and only noobs use it as a method of netting (i.e llaar, how can you still self farm/cheat and net after all these years and still like this game? gt out of your moms basement and get a life)
3- FFA use to self police each other, back then leadership in clans were always diplomatic and regardless of what happened they still backed up each other to protect the game...while you now have clans like LaE creating policies is a joke...LaE never made it in OLD ffa and there was a reason why it didnt.

You said it Raz. The Old FFA had some dignity.
- EoEA ~ End Of Earth Alliance -

"I will slaughter them like a wolf among lambs! The rivers will run red with the blood of my enemies, the skies will rain fire! And when the land parts beneath them... I shall be the in emptiness waiting!"

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Jun 16th 2010, 19:14:54

Originally posted by Desperado:
Originally posted by snawdog:
I was gunna edit my last post but i don't want this to get lost.
If LaE is gunna try this bully-assed horse fluff, I hope that every tag/untag out there will stand up and say F.O.C.U.S and not allow it.
It is a standard policy to kill the offending countries, and for LaE to try and shove their weight around because of their size proves nothing has changed there.

F.O.C.U.S. is a registered trademark of fluff Off Cause Ur Stupid and is protected by United States Copyright Law. Using the term focus without express written consent by the fluff Off Cause Ur Stupid Relations Committee is a violation of Earth Empires Law.

If you wish to be able to use said term, you must pay a 10 million bushel retainer, and 1 million bushels a day over the reset you intend to use it.

so you can sell them at 5 bucks a bushel? too soon?

Desperado Game profile


Jun 16th 2010, 19:50:00

*kills bj's countries*


Originally posted by Primeval:
pants antler