
HeadHunter Game profile


Jun 26th 2011, 22:23:14

A new set every few days, it's great :)
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Jiman Game profile


Jun 26th 2011, 22:57:39

Every week* :P

braden Game profile


Jun 26th 2011, 23:55:19

great fun

Kingme Game profile


Jun 27th 2011, 0:02:07

I agree, express can be the best server. If you join GDI and avoid all the idiots.

spoodini Game profile


Jun 29th 2011, 2:24:12

I like being an idiot!
The person below me is sexy.

HeadHunter Game profile


Jun 29th 2011, 20:17:51

Well I think they save the kill stats on the leaderboard so somebody is probably out for the #1 rank there hehe. If you can't netgain, you can always kill stuff. Just don't kill me
Error 354 - Signature too awesome

HeadHunter Game profile


Jun 29th 2011, 20:19:51

Oh wait that's not saved here in Express. Ok so you're a little stupid if you're out to kill without reason here hehe. The only thing saved is attack success as far as I could see
Error 354 - Signature too awesome

spoodini Game profile


Jun 30th 2011, 0:13:56

Nah, I like missiling people who double tap (or more) me. Be nice and you won't get missiled all set. :)
The person below me is sexy.

ZIP Game profile


Jun 30th 2011, 2:47:11

triple tap at most, more then that and the returns sux.

ya know it gets me when people complain that they get hit so much - check your nw/land ratio - if it is below 150 you have a big bullseye on your back - blame yourself.
fluff your 300 Spartans fool - i have 32 of the biggest fluffed mother fluffers made of titanium !!
A brigade from Blackstreetboyz (#91) has invaded your lands! Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away! Your military lost:1 Troops

Perkins Game profile


Jun 30th 2011, 4:19:26

sometimes (like today) i pick a country that always has the same name and has fluffed me off in previous sets, and cripple their country so their set is rendered a waste of time. i don't kill them, thats too easy. just make their set useless heh.
Fear thou

HeadHunter Game profile


Jun 30th 2011, 11:09:07

That's why you should never go with the same country name twice if you farm people like that.

But I don't really think anybody who double/tripple taps gets away with it. You'd have to be stupid to do that since it's so easy to suicide here, you get a few hundres turns to do some damage with hehe

Edited By: HeadHunter on Jun 30th 2011, 11:14:14
See Original Post
Error 354 - Signature too awesome

ZIP Game profile


Jun 30th 2011, 21:42:06

Originally posted by HeadHunter:
That's why you should never go with the same country name twice if you farm people like that.

now you tell me... -
<--- parking lot
fluff your 300 Spartans fool - i have 32 of the biggest fluffed mother fluffers made of titanium !!
A brigade from Blackstreetboyz (#91) has invaded your lands! Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away! Your military lost:1 Troops

jaabaa Game profile


Jul 2nd 2011, 2:33:44

i did to, Im thinking of playing again. yea, my job is not TIME friendly.

Fatty Game profile


Jul 2nd 2011, 4:06:49

nothing like logging into my tyranny, with 1M tanks and 360 turns.

Thats a good time.



Farming alliances since 2002.

CX LaE Game profile


Jul 2nd 2011, 4:26:36

... and no oil. LOL!
LaE | Monks | NA
Since 1999

joedro Game profile


Jul 2nd 2011, 7:39:44

Originally posted by HeadHunter:
That's why you should never go with the same country name twice if you farm people like that.

i havnt got any results that i wanted... thill this set some fluff called in two allies. now i cant say that i have deon the same but, lol defend stats WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYYYYY

But I don't really think anybody who double/tripple taps gets away with it. You'd have to be stupid to do that since it's so easy to suicide here, you get a few hundres turns to do some damage with hehe

any more then two hits is blantent disrespect, and deserves blanttenlt destruction! so if you hit me ore then 2 times(unless in the building phase and some one hits more then you) you had better expect to dies

i just wish that the admin (cough cough) wouldnt vae taken away the war stats for this server, the leader boards hvae 0 war stats fpr hit server. if they would have incorperated the war stats of this server i would carry more then1 records in this game but since war in express if probiteded in corraliation with trre war stats im screwd out of a #1 warstas for this entire game.

but what does it matter... this server is full of bottm feeders who attack 30 diffret countrys once, andabsoutly no punishment except a legitamate retal. But lets take a look at real life, what would the county of iraq or afganiqstan do if you "stole" one acre of land from them?

i bet if they had the resources to do so we would be dead or a parking lot
Team: recruit me

Alliance: recruit me
contact- - pm right here will work just fine tho

Assassin Game profile


Jul 4th 2011, 17:41:11

lemon curry?

spoodini Game profile


Jul 4th 2011, 21:50:09

Although I do appreciate CX LaE returning my message after he kept failing ops on me last set and saying he decided not to hit me. Very nice of him :)
The person below me is sexy.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 4th 2011, 21:54:07

There aren't warring leaderboards because there's barely any skill involved in ABing an unprepared opponent.

CX LaE Game profile


Jul 4th 2011, 21:55:19

LOL which one were you spoodini? Electric Church?
LaE | Monks | NA
Since 1999

spoodini Game profile


Jul 7th 2011, 1:25:54

Slagpit, and there's no skill FSing an unprepared alliance in Alliance or gangbanging an alliance. That's a poor excuse.

CX, I was 74 Bottles of Beer on the Wall.
The person below me is sexy.

CX LaE Game profile


Jul 7th 2011, 2:16:51

Ahhhhh, yeah damn. :P If you had ran turns about 30 mins later... BAM! :P
LaE | Monks | NA
Since 1999

HeadHunter Game profile


Jul 7th 2011, 13:41:24

FSing an unprepared alliance is probably as lame as suiciding/killing in express. But then alliances are supposed to be prepared, if they get FSed they probably have bad/inactive leaders who could not foresee an attack.
Error 354 - Signature too awesome

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 9th 2011, 18:30:35

I am not going to incentivize behavior that is bad for the game just because similar bad behavior takes place on other servers.

Jiman Game profile


Jul 10th 2011, 2:09:50

Yes because war is bad for the game... O wait...

spoodini Game profile


Jul 10th 2011, 3:58:01

If you aren't prepared for war in a game based around the concept of war, you aren't playing the game correctly. Express is not "NETGAIN AS FAST AS YOU CAN" server. The fact that there are not warring leaderboards in Express is an insult to the rest of the game.
The person below me is sexy.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 10th 2011, 6:26:39

Instead of posting platitudes and putting words in my mouth, try making an argument for what you want.

Rockman Game profile


Jul 10th 2011, 6:59:06

Originally posted by spoodini:
If you aren't prepared for war in a game based around the concept of war, you aren't playing the game correctly. Express is not "NETGAIN AS FAST AS YOU CAN" server. The fact that there are not warring leaderboards in Express is an insult to the rest of the game.

I thought it was based around the concept of attaining the highest networth possible.

Walding Game profile


Jul 10th 2011, 7:04:39

Originally posted by Rockman:
Originally posted by spoodini:
If you aren't prepared for war in a game based around the concept of war, you aren't playing the game correctly. Express is not "NETGAIN AS FAST AS YOU CAN" server. The fact that there are not warring leaderboards in Express is an insult to the rest of the game.

I thought it was based around the concept of attaining the highest networth possible.


Why did they give us Troops/Jets/Tanks/Missles/Spies?

How about some waterguns/paintball guns?



Jul 10th 2011, 14:49:00

Warring is just a waste of time and for thous that cant net they find meaning in killing or whatnot.

braden Game profile


Jul 10th 2011, 15:03:52

walding, why did they give those troops, jets and tanks, etc nw if the point was to destroy all your units in war?

bonesaw is an elite warrer :P

(shoot somebody in the throat with a paintball gun, see how happy he is, too :P)

spoodini Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 2:31:36

Honestly, I don't care either way. I'm still going to kill when I feel like or net when I feel like it whether stats are kept or not. I played this game when those stats weren't there so it's nothing new to me. But if you're going to keep those stats for other servers, it makes no sense just to keep it off the one server because you think it will cause more "problems". There are already enough problems with breaking rules like "team killing" and people are already randomly killing countries. I don't care enough to sit here and make an argument for you. Consider my argument to be it's something a customer would like to see implemented into the game.
The person below me is sexy.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 11th 2011, 3:32:30

I've always found it weird how people can be proud of the fact that they ruin the game for others, but admittedly I'm not very good with dealing with disrespectful customers who don't actually pay anything.

spoodini Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 3:48:09

So those little ads on the bottom of the screen...where does the money per impression every time I see them and every time I click them go?

And as you probably don't know, I was a Patron on the original Earth:2025 and plan on donating once again when Pang gets it set up. We don't need to go into semantics over "donating" and "monthly payment" because we both know where the money goes for each.

As far as being disrespectful, you love to blow things completely out of proportion don't you? I've seen that short fuse more than once. I can be disrespectful, but you don't want me to. That would get us nowhere with this now wouldn't it?

Listen, I'm not the only one who would like to see these stats added back into the mix. The reasoning behind leaving them out is absurd when the problems are continuing without the stats. If you have stats showing there are less people suiciding, killing, whatever then feel free to show me as I haven't been back long enough to know.
The person below me is sexy.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 11th 2011, 4:29:27

It pretty much goes into a blackhole.

I simply don't like to be informed by someone who has been playing for a few weeks what the Express server is and isn't about. I've spent the last year making it run smoothly and setting the rules. I'm sorry, but what exactly do you know?

Those stats were never available in the first place for Express. I know that because I literally designed and coded the leadersboards myself. Leaderboard categories can be placed in a few categories: skill, participation, and "just for fun". A statistic like "Pop Killed" is a fairly decent indicator of warring skill because it measures breaking power. A statistic like "Attacks" is a fairly decent indicator of warring participation. A statistic like kills or deaths is there just for fun.

What exactly does "Pop Killed" measure in Express? Perhaps how much fun a griefer is having at expense of other players? I see no reason to recognize or reward that.

It's true that alliances sometimes grief other alliances and kill them off without a good reason, but there can be real consequences for that behavior. It also can be a major investment of time. On a server like Express, griefers do not need to spend a lot of time to ruin the fun of others. They also don't suffer significant consequences as they just pick a new country name for the next restart or round.

I have a lot of respect for good country-to-country warrers. I've even offered to create a "one on one" warring server, but there was never even close to enough interest to create one. I have very little respect for players who ruin the fun of others or gang up on others in the name of "warring". I am not going to support that behavior, especially when there isn't a tangible benefit for doing so.

spoodini Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 4:56:49

And I don't like an attitude from someone who is supposed to be a representative of a game and a community. So seems like we are even in that regard.

As for only playing for a few weeks? Earth Empires wasn't the first game to have an Express server. I'm sure you remember Earth:2025 now don't you? See I played it there too, I know what "it's all about".

Pop killed measures exactly what it says and you said it measures. Not every war in the Express server is a I stated in another thread someone 5-tapped my defensive ally. I came in and started killing their country for 5-tapping someone. So I'm a griefer? It's a major investment of time for Express server too. Since time is sped up, I have to waste a large number of turns when I could of been just teching away. If I didn't do anything who's to say they wouldn't 5 tap my ally or another country again? I'd call 5 tapping someone repeatedly griefing too.

If you want to stop the people from intentionally ruining someone's set then program the rules so that you can't AB, GS, BR, missile, or harmful spy op someone who hasn't hit you x amount of times for the whole set instead of just the last 6 hours.

You should be able to gang up and kill a country if you are using it as a defense. Someone who triple taps you every 12 hours deserves to die and if they are doing it to multiple people you should be able to gang up and kill them. They absolutely deserve to die. That wouldn't be griefing on the defenders part at all, it's called defending your country and your land.

It seems you are pretty set in your ways though and no one will change your mind because they can't.

The person below me is sexy.

Rockman Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 14:05:36

Spoodini - if the warmongers on express would limit themselves to only killing a country who deserves to be killed, we wouldn't be having this discussion. The fact is, if we are ever going to have leaderboards for warring statistics on Express, then first the warmongers on Express need to start being reasonable with their target selection for their kills.

It is not the moderators fault for not including these statistics, they are doing the right thing by not rewarding the cowardly game play of killing a country over a single tap or killing all-explore countries. If Express warmongers manage to finally become reasonable with their target selection, and warring leaderboards are put in as a result, and then warmongers respond by killing all-explore countries without provocation again, merely to boost their standing on these leaderboards, then I hope and expect that the moderators would then remove these leaderboards.

The warmongers themselves are the reason we do not have leaderboards on Express.

Don't blame the administrators, take responsibility for it yourselves. Even if you don't participate in it yourself, the culture on the Express server deems killing a country just because its not in GDI, even though its an all-explore country, an acceptable action because the killers are 'having fun' killing another country without provocation, and to criticize their method of having fun is out of line.

Kingme Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 14:15:16

As a long time player in express (Earth 2025 and Earth Empires), I couldn't agree more with Rockman.

It's really sad that they had to implement GDI in this server the way they have, but they have at least made the change and kept it alive.

It's not a coincidence that express numbers have increased after the GDI rules were implemented. It's a really sad day for this game when new people coming over to express start their all-x country and get to turn 101 without GDI and get killed for no reason.

And it happens all the time...

HeadHunter Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 21:34:41

I'd like to see some stats on how many "innocent" players actually get killed in express. It should be possible.

Just thought of a new feature! Would be nice to be able to see past reset news connected to their countries. I think there was such a site back in the days, earthstats?
Error 354 - Signature too awesome

Rockman Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 21:41:05

Originally posted by HeadHunter:
I'd like to see some stats on how many "innocent" players actually get killed in express. It should be possible.

Just thought of a new feature! Would be nice to be able to see past reset news connected to their countries. I think there was such a site back in the days, earthstats?

With 30 hours left last set, there were already 16 countries killed. I'm not sure how many were innocent or not, but that is a rather ridiculously high number regardless.

HeadHunter Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 22:04:13

I would like to see the news for those countries. And for example it could be same players restarting and killing eachother (obviously I doubt this to be the case but still, would like to see their news)
Error 354 - Signature too awesome

Rockman Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 22:10:15

just replace the 19, with the rest of the numbers from this list


and while you're on eestats, feel free to check to see if any other countries were killed in the last 30 hours .. I'm sure there were.

HeadHunter Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 22:58:14

damn, didn't know about that site.

I'll check

#19 received 1 cruise missile and decided to kill that country. (actually he killed #7 so there's another kill)
Then he went on ABing #146 (#146, #174 and #175 looks like have killed him in a joined killrun, well 174 joined up later)

#31 was a double/triple tapper

#50 looks like have been landkilled right out of protection by #122

#53 farms #149 and a couple of others hard and gets killed.

#69 does a few double taps but gets killed by #161(gets grabbed once by #69) and #165 (looks to be a joined killrun

#95 triple tapper, gets killed by a bunch of countries, 165 and 161 joins in the takes the kill hehe

#103 landkilled out of protection by #93 and #122(who has done this before)

#106 gets triple tapped by 174 and goes all in. Ends up getting killed by 174 192 and 193

#122 is the landkiller who gets what he deserves finally, killed by #128

#124 farms 83 hard and ends up getting killed by him

#132 does 2 double taps in a short time (2 failed total) on #108 and a third country comes from nowhere and kills him hehe

#141 looks to be totally innocent, get BRed to death by #128
#166 also BRed by 128 without a reason
#172 third victim of #128
#178 fouth victim of #128
#194 fifth victim of #128

#128 gets killed finally by several countries

Error 354 - Signature too awesome

HeadHunter Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 23:06:32

Conclusion, don't get out of protection undefended (which no good player would do)

Don't double or triple tap, if you don't get killed by your victim there are those watching the news waiting to kill somebody like you hehe or they got multies (174 and 175 for example, and 192,193, looks like possible multies).

Don't overreact. If you get hit by one cruise(chem missile for example, it's not a big deal early on.

I don't know, from seeing the news I really don't feel it's that crazy, although 128 looks to be an idiot killing late starters for no reason other then getting easy kills.

Bucket of Brews (#128), who is this guy? :)
Error 354 - Signature too awesome

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 12th 2011, 1:47:35

Our version of Express is nothing like the other version.

If I was unwilling to accept the ideas of others, I would not be posting in this thread or even reading this board. You are the one who elected not to bother to create an argument; of course you aren't going to convince me in that case.

I see no reason not to classify groups of players ganging up on others as something that's bad for the server or even disgraceful. Express isn't a clan server. There shouldn't be organized killruns at all. If your d ally gets grabbed five times, why can't he handle it on his own? Why are you justified to kill any country that offends you as a group? Take that kind of behavior to the Team server where it belongs.

In case anyone is curious, over 300 countries have been killed on this server that didn't make a single attack. That amounts to almost half of the total kills done. I wonder how many of them were new players? They do make the easiest targets, after all.

alexbajd Game profile


Jul 12th 2011, 3:09:22

Good analysis, HeadHunter. Sometimes actually looking at the numbers gives a much better picture of what's really going on than trying to figure it out based on anecdotal evidence. Thanks!
Diplomacy is the art of saying "Nice doggie" until you can find a rock.



Jul 12th 2011, 6:38:49

I wanna buy a stealth suite to avoid getting dirty oped and liberated from cash and tech. Ill pay 8 bonus turns for this, WEEKLY!! :).

Can you add this slag? iam real tired of lossing heaps of my hard work to lame small dics and commies.

HeadHunter Game profile


Jul 12th 2011, 9:02:01

Slagpit, 300 countries in what, 85 resets? thats, 3-4 per reset.
Error 354 - Signature too awesome

Walding Game profile


Jul 12th 2011, 9:31:07

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Our version of Express is nothing like the other version.

If I was unwilling to accept the ideas of others, I would not be posting in this thread or even reading this board. You are the one who elected not to bother to create an argument; of course you aren't going to convince me in that case.

I see no reason not to classify groups of players ganging up on others as something that's bad for the server or even disgraceful. Express isn't a clan server. There shouldn't be organized killruns at all. If your d ally gets grabbed five times, why can't he handle it on his own? Why are you justified to kill any country that offends you as a group? Take that kind of behavior to the Team server where it belongs.

In case anyone is curious, over 300 countries have been killed on this server that didn't make a single attack. That amounts to almost half of the total kills done. I wonder how many of them were new players? They do make the easiest targets, after all.

Make an express team server then.

Kingme Game profile


Jul 12th 2011, 13:39:46

That's 3-4 possible new players per reset...