Top Players - Team

Next Reset 119th round: Feb 10, 2020 - Mar 11, 2020 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 59 countries in the Team server.

1 Gammaray burst (#57) 93$84,094,660 HG VILLAINS
2 Fear of the Dark (#22) 10$83,300,355 HG Darkn3ss
3 Slightly Stupid (#18) 17$80,135,213 H ZigZaG
4 Gotta find better name than Fann (#41) 35$79,872,453 H ZigZaG
5 Good Game (#24)  Game profile 24$79,292,810 HG HCaFC
6 Pontiac 6000 Safari (#27)  Game profile 19,371$74,437,826 R HCaFC
7 Zombies (#56) 120$72,938,611 HG VILLAINS
8 The Fate of Vultures (#53) 43$69,451,096 H ZigZaG
9 Zentropa (#48)  Game profile 21,772$67,688,156 DG HCaFC
10 Wots Uh the Deal (#31) 52$61,665,071 HG HCnFC
11 Changed Name In Protection (#13) 598$60,941,229 H ZigZaG
12 Trump 2020 (#35)  Game profile 100$57,423,714 HG ZigZaG
13 Zorpulous (#15)  Game profile 18,231$54,500,000 H HCnFC
14 Meteorite (#61) 17,694$52,947,852 H VILLAINS
15 I am not Mr Bean (#14)  Game profile 103$51,757,178 HG HCaFC
16 Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria (#6)  Game profile 25,814$50,361,273 C Darkn3ss
17 N0T Y0U AGA1N (#9) 20,981$44,018,060 F darkness
18 Camaroland (#46)  Game profile 17,735$41,889,680 H HCnFC
19 Shooter McGavin (#50) 22,810$39,248,799 C FDC
20 2 And 2 Do Not Always Equal 4 (#8)  Game profile 14,296$37,224,325 H HCnFC
21 villainous (#55) 10,877$32,036,866 RG VILLAINS
22 FFS Im Not A Bot (#12) 17,515$31,970,320 DG FDC
23 Miguel Rodriguez Orejuela (#17)  Game profile 22,555$29,604,237 D Darkn3ss
24 Angel Of Death (#10) 16,432$27,852,320 F darkness
25 How To Succeed At Murder (#4) 14,970$26,294,184 F CWG
26 Powerball is my retirement plan (#21)  Game profile 155$25,659,594 HG d4rkness
27 Where The Shadows Lie (#3)  Game profile 15,380$23,791,256 R SLACKERS
28 Oiler (#59) 17,609$23,720,915 FG OIL
29 Radiation (#60) 11,823$23,276,591 R VILLAINS
30 Taker (#29) 14,601$22,159,629 F CWG
31 WhAtThEfLuFf (#49) 8088$21,876,058 DG weedylar
32 A M A T E R A S U (#7)  Game profile 13,995$21,212,734 FG d4rkness
33 Lone Wolf (#51) 13,762$21,146,992 C FDC
34 SuMDuMRuMBuM (#44)  Game profile 10,973$20,806,994 I CWG
35 MicroteK (#20) 19,014$20,408,960 F d4rkness
36 My Tesla stock blew up (#30)  Game profile 14,389$20,333,266 F darkness
37 kerafyrm (#26) 14,562$18,458,633 H HCaFC
38 Double Bonus (#38)  Game profile 34$18,382,105 H darkness
39 Wrath of Symbolic (#28) 16,576$14,899,024 F darkness
40 eevess (#40) 13,958$13,841,693 D d4rkness
41 Pandora Last Vikings (#33)  Game profile 14,469$13,686,011 H panlv
42 Sweet (#16) 10,779$13,452,151 H CWG
43 Unfinished (#37) 16,141$13,234,092 C OIL
44 Pandora live (#52) 14,540$12,614,335 H panlv
45 NEEDLE IN A HEMPSTACK (#32)  Game profile 14,009$10,614,175 R Darkn3ss
46 wadybamba (#64)  Game profile 10,967$10,284,735 FG  
47 higgins (#54)  Game profile 12,769$9,846,927 T d4rkness
48 Saskatoba (#19)  Game profile 12,888$9,201,041 R FANG
49 Iseedeadpeople (#58) 13,326$9,045,718 M CWG
50 Wuhan is me (#36) 11,533$8,824,771 D Darkn3ss
51 Balls more deeper (#68)  Game profile 1495$1,099,641 M BB
52 VPn testing (#69)  Game profile 5712$928,802 D panlv
53 DIRT (#39) 5918$634,665 M  
54 Steamboat Carnage (#5) 700$31,667 M  
55 Donnie Trumpet (#65) 200$9217 M  
56 A New Golden Age (#23) 180$8317 M  
57 LaF unLoads in Boltars Backdoor (#45)  Game profile 160$7417 M  
58 (#2) 120$5617 M  
59 Bandaria (#34)  Game profile 120$5617 M  

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