
Oceana Game profile


Jan 30th 2012, 13:32:46

How about looking at the running war news and jumping in on the enemies attack of one of your own and not noticing untill Full turns ran... Atleast I got the kill

Oceana Game profile


Jan 30th 2012, 13:26:57

So to sum it up Paul actually has a program, He's obviously ahead of all the others running, and we know OBummer doesn't

Oceana Game profile


Jan 25th 2012, 13:42:38

"He also happens to be a natural extremist, angry, resentful, vengeful. And he is all of this at a time when a great many Americans are deeply angry."

Wasn't a biased article was it?
but then of course it don't look like it was written toward many voters.... Oh CANADA

Oceana Game profile


Jan 25th 2012, 13:34:55

Originally posted by smikke:
Originally posted by qzjul:
gingrich is a bit of a nutter in any case; though at least he's committed to doing crazy things in space like mining the moon o.O hehe
love the jon stewart bit on how romney reacted to this: :)

ignore the MSNBC crap in that vid

Thought the Colbert "Norway Butter" story that followed was good too

Oceana Game profile


Jan 25th 2012, 13:19:45

ok read, Moar LoRider taxes.
3 years done, 2 with his party having a solid majority, so why are we still listening to campaign speechs?
Did he forget that when he was elected he was expected to actually try to pass those campaign promises. Well 1 more year to go, and we can start over.

Oceana Game profile


Jan 24th 2012, 9:19:33

So how long did it take to wake-up and smell the coffee! ?

Oceana Game profile


Jan 24th 2012, 9:17:46

I would say it goes two fold, the more you (Digital Owner try to protect product the more I would prefer to hack it/ obtain a hacked version... and over pricing I put in same category as Protecting from this aspect.)

and yes sorry I'm then most here not oldest by far!
If it is something I want and under $40ish I'd probably buy it not worth the hassel, though it rarely much hassel.
but when a maker knocks themselves out to prevent it from being hacked its like a Challenge call to see if you can.

I guess it goes to early days/ poorer days of computing I can remember when Some people and Their co-workers would all bring in THeir commodore 64 computer hard drives, a monitor and computer and Their software/ They mostly obtained off bullentin boards break a game then copy for each, occasionally They would chip-in buy a game and do the same, just cause They didn't want to wait for a copy to be found, However at $40 a game on a military salary then They probably couldn't afford/ so wouldn't have even wasted Their money on buying computers if software wasn't obtainable for less then full price.
Others would be burning E-proms to convert (vending), and changing the stickers on the side walls, game machines to the latest, would Pac-man have taken off as fast??

I would suspect for most of the world that is still true today, Remember most of the world (yes more then half) still live in poverty and that is when you recognize it by UN standards ($1 a day) but even those just poor (under $2.per day) would never pay for a computer, nor internet, nor any software products. but as they become only slightly wealthier and get exposed they too rationalize that if they can buy/obtain the equipment they can enjoy the software by the various means, and only for that reason they make the equipment purchase . So yes long inded way of saying the whole Computer industry would still be in the 1980's/ bulliten board/ telenet status it was if not for software pirating/hacking. The industry is well aware of this which is also why we are still today 30 years later only arguing/ proposing this point.

I suspect we are finally crossing the point where yes there are enough sales to "theft" ratio that makes it more viable to capture the sales and hard punish the "copiers' that make it more profitable, then to continue the status quo that has carried the whole industry for the past 30 years.

Oceana Game profile


Jan 24th 2012, 7:48:13

Stop by Valley Stream and shovel my mom out please.

Oceana Game profile


Jan 24th 2012, 7:46:43

So is this voluntary , I only pay taxes on what I want to protect with insurance? or do I get the random visit by the IRS to inspect/count and make sure I reported all forks, spoons and my kids teddy bear? why a need for repeat taxes, just charge a sales tax based on the item not a hard formula to compute the tax at time of purchase for the life of the item. Sought of a reverse to the depreciation expense we already do in the current tax system, though since raising taxes on the item (creates a discouragment to spending, might recess or depress the economy) instead of the current reducing taxes in accelerated fashion(accelerated more with almost each rewrite to the tax code, to encourage spending).
our problem is that we have encouraged spending so much, to the point of encouraging negetive spending(credit purchases) that we have little room to expand the economy except by removing the capital needed to expand business infrustrcture investment never my having so many in the whole means most have little to fall back on during economic downturns.
Just as money in the economy is created when a loan is made. money stock deminishes when there is default on/ or write downs of loans.

Oceana Game profile


Jan 23rd 2012, 20:02:26

Federal Reserve ?The source of Inflation?

Oceana Game profile


Jan 22nd 2012, 13:35:57


Oceana Game profile


Jan 22nd 2012, 13:17:25

Selling Automatic weapons to drug dealers.
Money Laundering for their bosses..
Invading a country only to hand it over to the Poppy Kings...

Yes, I trust them to come-up with another idea to keep us save.
How long before the story breaks about the gov't ran child-porn slave trade... shouldn't be long

Oceana Game profile


Jan 20th 2012, 13:18:37

Bonuses is a new change, make sure you get yours and apply them.
Otherise, not much, Initial settings are already set to atleast a workable level instead of the default 15% taxes.
Land grab is most beneficial if you are a close match in NW.... As in you grab country same NW you get 3K acres, but you buy up first and are almost double NW... you get 400 instead. Also Diminishing returns though those have existed before. lots of Ghost acres so you can land trade with someone to prosperity.

Oceana Game profile


Jan 20th 2012, 12:22:00

Vote ron Paul he'll let you other coutries have your own laws...

Oceana Game profile


Jan 20th 2012, 12:18:29

So when you you count assets to you subtract debt? nad is that all debt like the kind that payed for last nights out partying debt?

If not then when does the House become mine the day I buy it, using almost 100% of the banks funds, or does the bank have to count that as their Asset and pay the tax untill I pay it off?
The same for a car, a Couch, TV, table, and the shot of tequila.
So the old people whom had their house for 40 years now worth a few hundred thousand, but they living on SS and some small pension will now be paying almost all of their income to taxes.
Oh and do we reassess some of those furnishings as antiques and start charging them tax on the now inflated price?

Oceana Game profile


Jan 20th 2012, 10:29:35

Congrats, Well done and very appropriate !!!

Oceana Game profile


Jan 20th 2012, 10:22:56

Congrats ANON and all involved, it seemed fitting:

This seems to fit:

<div style="padding: 3px; width: 400px; text-align: center;"><object width="400" height="334"><param name="movie" value=";</param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="334"></embed></object></div><a href="">Lyrics</a> | <a href="">Talking Heads lyrics</a> - <a href="">Burning Down The House lyrics</a>

Edited By: Oceana on Jan 20th 2012, 10:27:29
See Original Post

Oceana Game profile


Jan 19th 2012, 18:43:22


Oceana Game profile


Jan 19th 2012, 11:05:59

The whole concept of there are different versions, is true as politics gets into anything/everything, And all religion is political.

now the bible itself is not one book it is a collection of numerous books, put together to tell a story.
Yes, man existed for many years before the bible... Man only recently began writting, while we have some old I call picturesque/Symbolisms occurred pre-2000 BC,
The first Alphebetic systems (Consonantale , Semitic began @ 2000, and in Phonecian areas some time later (@ 1800), So Now the current bibles begin @ 1500 BC (and yes written language still developing greeks deside to add Vowels @ 800 bc.
So we have stries wriiten by various author over years with archaic and different writing many from verbal stories past on.

Consolidation Old testemnt begins @ 500 BC 39 Books brought together Hebrew.
Then 200BC Greeks and add 14 more
Then again greeks in 1st century start adding new Testiment books, and then effort to bring all the books together under 1 language: in scholarly order was done, by having a dozen languistics translate the old writings seperately over years of effort and then compare their translated differences, to settle on a final consolidated version, and in addition to the translation effort there also was the consolidation to leave it as a story leaving out some writings that were seen as less complete or so redundant as to not add anything that wasn't already include by another book, (yes there is still overkill of redundancies, and yes as many will argue they also were selective in removing political troubling pieces that might lead one to draw other conclusions then the way they in-charge wanted the storys told). this was finished @400 AD.

We then put it into numerous languages ( so re-translates, and numerous other rewrites over the years. ex. King James version) and so now you have the DILEMMA you ask for help, not to mention you want to throw in other problems like The Koran, and less problematic the Torah (as the Jewish books at least are close to the old testaments version of the same books.)

So like all the rest of the world pick a version and call it the REAL BOOKS, they all had political hands over the years translate, interpret, include and exclude as the Group doing the Rewrite choose. Though Historical the fact that excluded books match so close to New Findings, shows that the efforts actually did not stray much from the oldest writing found, and there hasn't been much significant that can be found to have been deleted.

Oceana Game profile


Jan 19th 2012, 9:06:25

Originally posted by Deerhunter:
You know until now i was against the light rail program of Obama. Now i think we should run it from the boarder with mexico all the way to Canada. Let the illegals have free rides to Canada. They will both be happy and deserve each other.

Think I'm going to invest in Fencing, Is there a Fence Index Fund?

Oceana Game profile


Jan 19th 2012, 8:50:37

"He who sacrifices ██████████ for ██████████ deserves neither." Ben Franklin

Oceana Game profile


Jan 19th 2012, 8:47:44

Yes the Congress is screw-up and it defys all logic of reality , and brings extreme corruption to our system, as well as passes measures that are in total conflict of our Constitution. But here we go another measure as meaningful for there main point as Gun control is(if you ban guns the criminals will still have them) if you ban Piracy, Sharing, Hacking (oh yes, they are illegal already) the US Government will be able to control the internet as well as they did with Wikileaks... Oh but now they'll expand the illegal activity to include what most people do almost daily.... SO I guess we will all be criminals, as once you can no longer do anything with out breaking the rules you just ignore all rules..

Oceana Game profile


Jan 19th 2012, 8:32:40

Lots of good points: yes, it become a push for political points that caused the defeat.

Of course both sides are screaming Doom or gloom: It so save just like Fukishima, the Pumps and Gates around New Orleans, Valdez, BP's Gulf... ect. The Aquafiers will never get damaged, untill ooops that dam Tornado wasn't in our forecast and we saved some maintenance money so some valves failed so the spill is alittle bigger then it should have been, but its not our fault we outsourced that part of the project and it was approved my the Army Corp so its real the Government's fault. We've heard it before count on it happpening again.

Now there is so much Oil in Canada, and North Dakota, Seems like it might be just as practical and yes They cost billions (oh so does this pipeline) To just Build a Big Refinery in the North Midwest instead... Wow what a concept expand our refinery Capacity .. But wait that might cause prices to fall, we just spent 30 years closing refineries to ensure there was actually no excess capacity and now is at bare capability to meet the demand during good economic times especially when we shut them all down for mainetence in JUNE so to create the shortage before the summer season

Taxas or Texas : The oil will get sold on the world market anyways, but that doesn't help the refineries in the gulf.
As for tax base those refined products getting sold will pay taxes to the country that has the lowest tax base for them. As we are talking Multi-nationals with foreign holdings, I spend $100 to make products and sell them to my Foreign subsidiary, for the $100 and pay no taxes as I have no profit. that foreign Sub in low tax Nation now sells them products for there $400 value and pays the tax to that Low/No corp tax country, And as the holder I will only pay taxes here on the portion of the post tax profits that I bring back to the US. Oh but I can wait till they pass another Tax-free Repatriation of Currency measure that they did only about 6 years ago, and are again talking about. (Bringing all them billions home in 2005 really expanded the economy, and created mass prosperty... didn't

Oceana Game profile


Jan 17th 2012, 7:48:25

then it is

Oceana Game profile


Jan 17th 2012, 7:46:31

Maybe it was the only thing available to use for giving them their last rites. Or instead of all the virgins, they asked for a golden shower instead.

Oceana Game profile


Jan 14th 2012, 13:26:48

Its all part of the prep for when P.R.China takes over and sets the rules.

Oceana Game profile


Jan 14th 2012, 13:22:48

oh no now we'll have PETA out there blockading instead of the Iranians.

Oceana Game profile


Jan 14th 2012, 13:18:49

and what is the FacebookUupdate.exe/c/nocrashserver that somehow got added into my config.sys boot up lastweek ??? (yes Im sure it was one of my kids ) but it or a HP set of updates on the same day made my boot and shutdown go at snail pace., disabled boot and shutdowns back working norm

Oceana Game profile


Jan 14th 2012, 12:59:37

When are people going to learn that in todays world there is always some fool with a camera, and then they will eventually send that video to someone and yes it just might go Viral. So don't do anything in life that you don't want shared with the world.

Oceana Game profile


Jan 14th 2012, 12:46:28

Are you retaxing everyone assets every year?
Sounds like you will create high inflation, I will have to earn higher then the Tax rate to have a bank account, there by demanding higher interest rates, higher cost of money as well as all other cost ... So higher cost of doing business, or maybe I can find savings? as Will the TAXMAN stop by my department store and do Inventory for me?

Guess the cave dweller will do well.

Oceana Game profile


Jan 13th 2012, 16:28:58

There should be NO Ghost acres when hitting someone in your own clan.

Oceana Game profile


Jan 13th 2012, 13:05:09

We already have done the Bachelor President, So yesterday:
James Buchanan (1857–1861) oh maybe thats why a bunch of states quit.

Oceana Game profile


Jan 13th 2012, 12:49:39

Easy answer: money is created when a Bank makes a loan.

Oceana Game profile


Jan 13th 2012, 12:42:46

Originally posted by blid:
Racism is systematic oppression, that's why you can't be racist against white people

But being white is a minority.

Oceana Game profile


Jan 13th 2012, 12:41:09


Oceana Game profile


Jan 13th 2012, 11:58:27

ok the Congress unwilling to compromise...For real his first 2 years his party had a near Monopoly, All they needed was to get 1 pub in the senate to join onto any issue, its rare that a President has it that easy, but they counldn't bend to kiss the ass of anyone, so instead they accomplished almost Nothing. This guy couldn't lead his own pecker in a whore house, never mind the country. He is complete joke.

Edited By: Oceana on Jan 13th 2012, 12:01:23
See Original Post

Oceana Game profile


Jan 11th 2012, 13:22:47

The last one sounds good but, People who want intel already have the means... GET SPY's

Oceana Game profile


Jan 11th 2012, 12:51:53

Ok hop into a car and drive out to lake mead, Then go south see Hoover Dam, you can always keep going head to see Grand Canyon.

Or go North 15 toward Mesquite (pretty area).
or North on 95 Indian Springs. think theres a Big Whore House out there.
or head out 160 west and work your way over to Death Valley.

Or Just open the phone book and call an escort, Dam they do anything you want.

Oceana Game profile


Jan 11th 2012, 12:10:02

Yes, we should preemptively FS: IRAQ (country not found) guess that ones been done already...

Oceana Game profile


Jan 11th 2012, 11:57:41

we did away with money the Gov't just sends us coupons, and reloads our credit cards with what we are ENTITLED too.

Oceana Game profile


Jan 11th 2012, 9:53:31

yes Scientologist are Aliens waiting for their spaceship to return for them.

Are their enough beds in the white house for his wives, or will they continue living in the closet?
Now you kow how the press never like to leave a candidates side, Will Mitt invite them all into the Temple some weekends?

Oceana Game profile


Jan 10th 2012, 10:29:07

Congrats, Great Defense !!!

Oceana Game profile


Jan 6th 2012, 3:23:23

to Braden:"other than surviving fdr, what do you give truman so much credit for?

(actual question, no argument..).."

Dropping the bomb so Main Islands in Japan didn't have to get invaded, surely it saved ALOT of lives on both sides.

and then I guess the COLD WAR, but what was the choices to just continue it as a HOT war (it fairly was anyway with Korea,NAM and dozens of side show wars), or learn Russian.

Oceana Game profile


Jan 6th 2012, 3:18:27

Yes, pretty good.

Mitt summed nicely: he the reason the other guy leading changes every week. Because 75% know that Mitt is not the man, and the rest when they get the coverage as the leader shot themselves in the foot or stick it in their mouth.

Santorum can't be a WASP I guess you could call him a WASC, he isn't protestant, he's a catholic. He is the ultra conservative on Social issues, though he actually might have some reasonable economic ideas, like pro-Homemade manufacturing taxation, not sure if it wouldn't lead to WTO challenges.

Yes, Newt probably is the Smartest, but still manages to put the foot in mouth every so often. Could probably do a good job though... But like you said he really don't want the job, so isn't giving the effort to win the vote.

Poor Ron Paul, Looks like he on FOX they willn't actually say his name, Though looked like someone kept hacking their news graphic and get a half length scroll at the top of the screen that said RON PAUL CAME IN THIRD PLACE. as the speakers repeatedly talk about the 2 in a dead heat for 1st and then Newr was in 4th... Fool in 5th... etc.

Rick Perry, His puppetmaster cut the strings and went to the lowest bidder for the wi-fi service to mouth his mouth so unfortantely, he rarely can complete a sentence without screw-ups.
Huntsman and his 700 votes in IOWA even a good showing in New Hampshire, willn't help him get into the game.

Yes, honestly I think someone in the RNC bet the DNC, that anyone the pubs put up would beat O'Bummer, and so they let the DNC pick ten names to run.

DEMOCRAT: Obama - God lets hope change is coming, he is right there with Jimmy as the worst of the worst, he should drop out and become the head of the DNC, lets face it he knows how to campaign and fund raise extremely well, but LEAD for real, hasn't shown that he has learn that trick and he has had 3 years to start learning. Scary thing is because of the choices from the Pubs he will still be in a tight race and might actually come close to being re-elected.

Oceana Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 11:47:57

iscode: head out to a car see how easy those windows break with that rock...

Oceana Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 10:55:10

not much different the economy would still be screwed as he wouldn't have re-installed the regulations that Clinton allowed to go back to pre-Depression, especially since he would have had the same congress Bush had.
We would still be in Afganistan, probably Saddam would still be in power in Iraq., which might mean so would Guddafi and Mubarak, as I really expected that a democratic wave would come over the arab lands once it began, and we started that that wave in Iraq.
We would already have delt with some of his pro-enviro issue so our trade deficit might be smaller the dollar might be stronger, but again the economy would probably still suck, no better no worse. though deficit would clearly be smaller... Senate might be in Pub control right now and Obummer would probably never have been heard of... I doubt he would have ever been in federal office...he be still living in Chicago

Oceana Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 10:28:40

Yes, The court created NATIONAL LAW. Abortion wasn't illegal in the US before that ruling it was up to the States. And if the court was handed a case that they agreed to listen and decide on again, then abortion would be back to all the states to decide what THERE people wanted to do, and we would have but a rare few states that could actually fully ban ( I would say I doubt any ruling from The Supreme court would even come close to giving States the power to Completely Ban abortions anyway.) but this isn't the 50's early 60's. if a state blocked abortion it would be a tourism business in the towns surrounding that state.