
joedro Game profile


Oct 7th 2010, 3:10:14

I see all these posts about lae. Which is in ffa. Did any one notice what board this is? Well since no one seems to have noticed please click in the black area and hit backspace, and read EXPRESS! Please take this ranting, raving, and name calling back to junior high. Because im sick of seeing crap like, "you anal wart you," or "you fag," or what ever bullfluff you guys come up with. at least come up with some new comeback unless u wanna still use the same ones as they did in 600 B.C. I gotta give it to the anal wart guy tho, that was good, even tho i find it pretty offensive due to the fact that i have anal warts due to being raped... great huh?

Edited By: joedro on Oct 7th 2010, 3:19:24
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