
mrford Game profile


Dec 10th 2011, 1:12:52

Originally posted by Cabrito:
Then US history books need to be rewritten. The USS Ward (a ww1 destroyer) fired upon and sunk a Japanese midget sub some 3-5 hours before the planes even took off from their carriers. However the crew did not even know if they had even hit the sub. One of the crew members who was there did find out 60 something years later when they finally pulled the sub from the bottom, with a hole in the conning tower.

And BTW I heard somewhere that there was 6 carriers that took place in the raid not the 4 that ended up at the bottom 6 months later during the battle for Midway. But I can not remember where I seen it at.

Originally posted by Cabrito:
Ah but what they dont teach ya is that US warships were already firing and sinking German u-boats even before Dec 7. Or was it just firing on them. Ah who cares the point is the US unofficially entered the war long before Dec 7 just by firing at u-boats.

Is it u-boats or uboats?

i knew this information long ago. it was taught in my school, and was all over any Pearl Harbor documentary shown on many channels here in the US. your perception seems to be incorrect.

your timeline is also incorrect. the US minesweeper detected the midget sup at about 4am and signaled the USS Ward about it, however the Ward was unable to confirm the detection until around 6:45am when it detected and dropped depth charges on the sub. when it surfaces it fired its 5in gun at the minisub and the first shot misses, and many sailors report that the 2nd shot hit, and the sub slowly sinks. the USS Ward reports the encounter at around 6:55am

the first waves started taking off from the japanese carriers at around 6am.

so you can see, you are just as ignorant and assuming as you accuse the "american textbooks"

also, the USS Ward, while you may consider it to be a WWII destroyer, was commissioned mere weeks from the formal CF.

thank you come again

edit, ill take it further, the USS Ward's message was sent in code at 6:55am, and took until around 7:15am to be decoded by the brass. At around 7:05am the infamous radar station detected the incoming waves of Japanese fighters, but they were dismissed to be a scheduled wave of B-17s from the mainland. the first wave of planes struck Pearl Harbor at around 7:50am

so you see, there wasnt exactly a massive HOURS of warning like you seem to be portraying.its kinda embarrassing that you would attempt to chastise american teachings when your recollection is inface so incorrect. you might wanna look up the timeline, because ofc i did this all from memory of my fluffty american history lessons. i could be wrong, but i know im not.

Edited By: mrford on Dec 10th 2011, 1:21:58
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Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford