Top Clans - Free For All

Current round: Aug 12, 2024 - N/A Prev Reset

Top 13 (out of 13) clans ranked by total networth
NameTagMembersTotal WorthAvg WorthGDI
Natural Born Killers NBK 107 $3,441,448,411 $32,163,069
Insane Multi Posse Imp 40 $2,235,489,302 $55,887,233
Lords of ChAoS LoC 80 $1,515,835,218 $18,947,940
Pandora Last Vikings PANLV 16 $847,935,471 $52,995,967
Insane Clownz W/Dope xICDx 20 $548,822,469 $27,441,123
Nuclear Retaliation Nuke 16 $258,100,049 $16,131,253
WILD TIGERS WILD 16 $246,185,867 $15,386,617
Unknown Unknown 8 $148,612,012 $14,861,201
PewPew PewPew 10 $110,069,201 $11,006,920
The kings Order TKOwnd 16 $9,129,344 $570,584
Ares ARES 16 $1,024,727 $64,045
Hooked on Phonics HoP 16 $535,440 $33,465
GoH Guards 4 $229,351 $22,935

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