Free For All Clan: Insane Multi Posse (IMP)

Current round: Jun 12, 2024 - N/A
Clan Standings
Membership Rank2 of 11
Total Networth Rank3 of 11
Average Networth Rank4 of 11
Scores & Ranks are updated every 5 minutes.
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
5 Ayam Cemani (#117) 14,199$16,835,869 D
67 There can be only (#2) 15,778$6,886,786 M
69 eagle (#23) 16,699$6,848,416 M
70 dolphin (#22) 16,053$6,846,925 M
71 Anaconda (#19) 15,432$6,837,334 M
72 hippo (#26) 16,085$6,823,100 M
73 llama (#30) 15,111$6,822,874 M
74 octopus (#33) 15,664$6,818,912 M
75 jaguar (#28) 15,323$6,817,789 M
76 giraffe (#25) 15,150$6,817,454 M
77 falcon (#24) 16,318$6,816,392 M
78 crocodile (#21) 15,304$6,816,160 M
79 monkey (#31) 15,403$6,815,894 M
80 Bengal tiger (#20) 15,345$6,813,468 M
81 nutria (#32) 15,611$6,811,741 M
82 kangaroo (#29) 15,103$6,811,002 M
83 Impala (#27) 15,475$6,808,203 M
159 Jersey Giant (#131) 12,600$4,807,761 M
212 Barnevelder (#129) 12,851$4,287,972 I
295 Welsummer (#128) 15,345$3,863,564 I
302 Speckled Sussex (#127) 13,327$3,847,410 I
414 Australorp (#119) 12,048$3,618,211 H
458 Rhode Island Red (#118) 11,556$3,528,584 H
548 Leghorn (#121) 11,304$3,362,785 H
620 Brahma (#126) 9924$3,263,802 H
621 Orpington (#120) 11,675$3,263,511 H
631 Ameraucana (#122) 11,578$3,245,750 H
687 Wyandotte (#124) 11,433$3,151,822 H
743 Cochin (#125) 10,576$3,093,363 H
872 Copper Maran (#123) 10,044$2,919,769 H
1038 Silkie (#132) 22,259$2,690,619 F
1202 dUccle (#130) 20,192$2,372,075 F

Total countries: 32

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