Mcdonalds's country News on the Free For All ServerSeventy-third round: Feb 09, 2022 - Apr 10, 2022Go back to this country's status Showing All NewsSee All News Defending Spy Aid Feb 22, 22:11 NBK (#1533) declared peace with your country! Feb 22, 22:10 Natural Born Killer (#1529) declared peace with your country! Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2577) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2577) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2577) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2577) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2577) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2577) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2577) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Point and Shoot (#85) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2577) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Point and Shoot (#85) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Point and Shoot (#85) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2395) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Point and Shoot (#85) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Point and Shoot (#85) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Point and Shoot (#85) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Point and Shoot (#85) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Point and Shoot (#85) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Point and Shoot (#85) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Point and Shoot (#85) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2392) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Point and Shoot (#85) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2392) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2392) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2392) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2392) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2392) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2392) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Point and Shoot (#85) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2392) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Point and Shoot (#85) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2392) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2392) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2392) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2392) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Point and Shoot (#85) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2392) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Point and Shoot (#85) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2392) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2392) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2392) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2392) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2392) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2392) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2392) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Point and Shoot (#85) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2392) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Point and Shoot (#85) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Point and Shoot (#85) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2392) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2576) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2389) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2389) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2389) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2389) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2576) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2389) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2576) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2389) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2576) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2389) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2576) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2389) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2576) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2389) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2576) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2389) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2576) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2389) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2576) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2576) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2389) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2576) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2389) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2576) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2389) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2576) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2389) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2576) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2389) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2576) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2389) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2389) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2576) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2576) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2389) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2575) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2575) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2575) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2575) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2575) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2575) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2575) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2575) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2575) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2575) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2575) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#2575) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from NBK (#2573) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from NBK (#2573) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from NBK (#2573) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from NBK (#2573) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from NBK (#2573) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from NBK (#2573) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from NBK (#2573) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from NBK (#2573) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from NBK (#2573) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from NBK (#2573) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from NBK (#2573) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Smash and grab (#78) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from NBK (#2573) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from NBK (#2573) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:09 Guerillas from Smash and grab (#78) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Smash and grab (#78) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Smash and grab (#78) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Smash and grab (#78) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Smash and grab (#78) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Smash and grab (#78) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from (#2386) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Smash and grab (#78) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Smash and grab (#78) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Smash and grab (#78) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Smash and grab (#78) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Smash and grab (#78) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Smash and grab (#78) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Smash and grab (#78) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Smash and grab (#78) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Smash and grab (#78) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Smash and grab (#78) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Smash and grab (#78) have invaded your lands! Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#2573) have invaded your lands! Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#2573) have invaded your lands! Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#1537) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#1537) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#1537) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#1537) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#1537) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#1537) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#1537) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1535) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1535) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1535) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1535) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1535) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1535) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1535) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1535) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1535) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1535) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1535) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1535) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1535) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1535) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1535) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1535) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1535) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1535) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1533) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1533) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1533) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1533) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1533) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1533) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1533) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 A nuclear missile from Smash and grab (#78) was launched at your lands, destroying:
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1533) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1533) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1533) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1533) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1533) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1533) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1533) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from NBK (#1533) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#1529) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#1529) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#1529) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#1529) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#1529) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#1529) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 A cruise missile from Smash and grab (#78) was launched at your lands, destroying:
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#1529) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#1529) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#1529) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#1529) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#1529) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#1529) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#1529) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#1529) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#1529) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 Guerillas from Natural Born Killer (#1529) have invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 22, 22:08 A chemical missile from Smash and grab (#78) was launched at your lands, destroying:
Feb 22, 22:08 NBK (#1533) declared war on your country! Feb 22, 22:08 Natural Born Killer (#1529) declared war on your country! Feb 22, 22:05 Natural Born Killer (#1539) attempted to demoralize your forces! You killed 3766 enemy spies. Feb 22, 22:05 Natural Born Killer (#1539): Enemy operatives caused a drop in your readiness! Feb 22, 22:05 Natural Born Killer (#1539): Enemy operatives caused a drop in your readiness! Feb 22, 22:05 Natural Born Killer (#1539): Enemy operatives caused a drop in your readiness! Feb 22, 22:05 Natural Born Killer (#1539) attempted to demoralize your forces! You killed 3766 enemy spies. Feb 22, 22:05 Natural Born Killer (#1539) attempted to demoralize your forces! You killed 3766 enemy spies. Feb 22, 22:05 Natural Born Killer (#1539) attempted to demoralize your forces! You killed 3766 enemy spies. Feb 22, 22:04 Natural Born Killer (#1539): Enemy operatives caused 15,148 troops to leave your army! Feb 22, 22:04 Natural Born Killer (#1539): Enemy operatives caused 15,779 troops to leave your army! Feb 22, 22:04 Natural Born Killer (#1539): Enemy operatives caused 16,437 troops to leave your army! Feb 22, 22:04 Natural Born Killer (#1539): Enemy operatives caused 17,122 troops to leave your army! Feb 22, 22:04 Natural Born Killer (#1539): Enemy operatives caused 17,835 troops to leave your army! Feb 22, 22:04 Natural Born Killer (#1539): Enemy operatives caused 18,578 troops to leave your army! Feb 22, 22:04 Natural Born Killer (#1539): Enemy operatives caused 19,352 troops to leave your army! Feb 22, 22:04 Natural Born Killer (#1539): Enemy operatives caused 20,159 troops to leave your army! Feb 22, 22:04 Natural Born Killer (#1539) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 3766 enemy spies. Feb 22, 22:04 Natural Born Killer (#1539): Enemy operatives caused 20,999 troops to leave your army! Feb 22, 22:04 Natural Born Killer (#1538): Enemy operatives caused 21,874 troops to leave your army! Feb 22, 22:04 Natural Born Killer (#1538): Enemy operatives caused 22,785 troops to leave your army! Feb 22, 22:04 Natural Born Killer (#1538): Enemy operatives caused 23,734 troops to leave your army! Feb 22, 22:04 Natural Born Killer (#1538): Enemy operatives caused 24,723 troops to leave your army! Feb 22, 22:04 Natural Born Killer (#1538): Enemy operatives caused 25,753 troops to leave your army! Feb 22, 22:04 Natural Born Killer (#1538): Enemy operatives caused 26,827 troops to leave your army! Feb 22, 22:04 Natural Born Killer (#1538): Enemy operatives caused 27,944 troops to leave your army! Feb 22, 22:04 Natural Born Killer (#1538): Enemy operatives caused 29,109 troops to leave your army! Feb 22, 22:04 Natural Born Killer (#1538): Enemy operatives caused 30,322 troops to leave your army! Feb 22, 22:04 Natural Born Killer (#1538): Enemy operatives caused 31,585 troops to leave your army! Feb 15, 23:40 A brigade from 2me (#257) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 15, 23:40 A brigade from 2me (#257) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 15, 23:40 A brigade from 2me (#257) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Feb 15, 23:39 A brigade from 2me (#257) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
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