Free For All Clan: Insane Multi Posse annex (IMPx2)

Forty-second round: Dec 05, 2016 - Feb 03, 2017
Clan Standings
Membership Rank3 of 26
Total Networth Rank7 of 26
Average Networth Rank12 of 26
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
33 Fade to Black (#1632) 4286$614,456,366 H
231 Worm Drink (#1634) 22,131$88,753,514 H
241 Ashley At Home (#100) 81,909$81,058,188 R
244 Pschotron (#1633) 29,886$79,352,087 H
245 Ashley At Home (#109) 102,195$78,827,460 T
252 cedric (#1056) 29,452$75,020,538 R
270 Ashley At Home (#102) 42,725$65,327,714 R
295 Ashley At Home (#101) 41,791$57,985,993 R
319 Ashley At Home (#99) 42,307$53,521,067 R
324 Ashley At Home (#108) 43,372$51,258,327 T
331 Little Whip (#1639) 33$48,875,002 H
336 Ashley At Home (#110) 43,198$48,308,234 T
339 maximusfaith (#18) 73,191$48,097,462 F
341 Ashley At Home (#98) 33,056$47,085,109 R
345 Ashley At Home (#103) 45,968$45,909,199 T
350 Ashley At Home (#107) 40,143$45,059,035 T
351 james (#1052) 39,361$44,795,939 F
352 Ashley At Home (#105) 40,153$44,705,803 T
357 Ashes in Your Mouth (#1642) 24,941$44,241,666 H
366 Ashley At Home (#97) 31,973$43,331,863 R
374 Ashley At Home (#96) 32,376$42,837,367 R
379 roland (#1053) 40,200$42,418,935 F
387 Ashley At Home (#104) 45,537$41,867,601 T
398 maximusfaith (#13) 75,936$40,155,689 F
399 IMP WAR MACHINE (#453) 117,712$40,077,710 M
401 A Tout le Monde (#1641) 24,991$39,820,154 F
402 IMP WAR MACHINE (#456) 146,232$39,789,267 M
428 maximusfaith (#14) 87,166$37,722,085 F
429 IMP WAR MACHINE (#445) 127,015$37,676,866 M
430 maximusfaith (#15) 83,871$37,228,017 F
436 IMP WAR MACHINE (#442) 120,232$36,789,335 M
439 IMP WAR MACHINE (#447) 145,052$36,250,478 M
446 Sistinas (#1640) 24,228$35,561,536 F
455 maximusfaith (#16) 84,375$35,008,629 F
457 Make my Day (#1097)  Game profile 62,644$34,940,992 I
466 Golf (#405) 196,592$34,438,094 F
471 IMP WAR MACHINE (#435) 126,493$33,813,211 M
475 IMP WAR MACHINE (#452) 128,276$33,304,161 M
476 Peace Sells (#1631) 24,941$32,379,784 H
480 SAY GOODBYE (#157) 111,567$31,058,158 M
487 maximusfaith (#17) 79,398$30,406,654 F
490 IMP WAR MACHINE (#440) 119,745$30,330,760 M
494 Sandpaper Sally (#1103)  Game profile 45,070$30,249,772 I
497 IMP WAR MACHINE (#437) 116,734$30,119,036 M
500 Hit the Lights (#1644) 29,631$29,856,474 F
507 So Fluffin What (#1637) 27,715$29,354,704 F
509 IMP WAR MACHINE (#449) 111,176$29,276,741 M
514 LET YOU DOWN (#155) 114,279$28,507,780 M
527 Am i Demon (#1645) 27,381$28,229,499 F
537 IMP WAR MACHINE (#430) 109,626$28,071,154 M
538 IMP WAR MACHINE (#433) 113,151$28,045,958 M
542 GIVE YOU UP (#154) 118,789$27,938,174 M
543 Kilo (#409) 73,704$27,860,126 F
544 Mother (#1638) 25,182$27,790,348 F
546 Echo (#403) 55,596$27,573,425 F
548 WARHORSE LIFE (#1099)  Game profile 41,263$27,351,794 I
550 MAKE YOU CRY (#156) 118,962$27,218,899 M
551 Lock and Load (#1104)  Game profile 35,801$27,063,923 I
553 Foxtrot (#404) 134,407$26,698,391 F
555 REVX WARHHORSE (#1102)  Game profile 34,064$26,510,667 I
561 Oscar (#413) 76,638$26,228,940 F
563 Alpha (#399) 49,704$26,031,323 F
567 Barney with 2 bullets (#1110)  Game profile 29,930$25,495,277 I
574 Right up my alley (#1106)  Game profile 25,248$23,784,477 I
575 Oh YES you DID (#1101)  Game profile 40,078$23,735,708 I
581 NOT a GOMER (#1111)  Game profile 28,307$23,320,621 I
583 just what do you mean (#1108)  Game profile 35,304$22,867,977 I
585 Barbershop Quartets (#1098)  Game profile 40,606$22,507,601 I
588 Delta (#402) 47,290$22,349,618 F
591 Take it to the BANK (#1107)  Game profile 25,212$22,211,831 I
593 lemme think on it (#1100)  Game profile 29,386$22,093,525 I
596 Check this JARHEAD (#1105)  Game profile 32,210$21,708,658 I
602 HEAVEN can WAIT (#1112)  Game profile 25,753$21,337,276 I
603 Lima (#410) 78,066$21,253,610 F
604 Bravo (#400) 46,021$20,965,893 F
639 Hotel (#406) 63,005$19,331,102 F
675 India (#407) 70,636$17,829,900 F
699 Am I Evil (#1636) 25,551$17,408,281 F
701 SAD SACK (#1109)  Game profile 29,260$17,357,001 I
717 November (#412) 71,442$17,113,397 F
886 Mike (#411) 69,393$15,661,559 F
942 Charlie (#401) 59,159$15,169,959 F
948 Juliet (#408) 69,627$15,106,326 F
979 Speed of Light (#1635) 22,143$14,778,344 H
1226 Profits of Doom (#1643) 28,103$11,748,444 F
1284 The Regulator (#1646) 27,054$10,056,052 F
1318 Lionland (#466) 4485$8,828,210 D
1376 Tigerland (#465) 4441$7,339,063 D
1384 Ser Lucamore Strong (#267)  Game profile 11,499$7,196,796 M
1403 Elephant land (#464) 4347$6,755,105 D
1408 Ser Gerold Hightower (#256)  Game profile 16,161$6,714,230 M
1453 Ser Criston Cole (#262)  Game profile 11,882$6,243,894 M
1464 No need to net (#396) 10,147$6,176,556 D
1505 Ser Corlys Velaryon (#261)  Game profile 11,968$5,921,476 M
1512 Ser Jonothor Darry (#258)  Game profile 11,280$5,894,057 M
1564 Ser Roland Crakehall (#265)  Game profile 12,005$5,557,320 M
1582 Bearland (#467) 14,168$5,415,886 C
1625 Wolfland (#468) 4470$5,123,974 F
1646 Ser Gwayne Gaunt (#257)  Game profile 11,475$4,865,004 M
1671 Ser Oswell Whent (#259)  Game profile 10,634$4,591,347 M
1672 Ser Duncan the Tall (#260)  Game profile 11,541$4,587,013 M
1681 Ser Raymont Baratheon (#266)  Game profile 11,776$4,542,258 M
1682 Ser Robin Darklyn (#268)  Game profile 11,843$4,536,213 M
1684 Ser Arthur Dayne (#254)  Game profile 10,907$4,514,638 M
1709 Ser Lewyn Martell (#253)  Game profile 10,203$4,391,567 M
1713 Ser Barristan Selmy (#255)  Game profile 10,055$4,377,784 M
1719 Ser Alyn Connington (#264)  Game profile 12,149$4,330,681 M
1739 Ser Clarence Crabb (#263)  Game profile 10,566$4,149,608 M

Total countries: 108

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