Xninja's country News on the Free For All ServerTenth round: Jul 30, 2011 - Sep 30, 2011Go back to this country's status Showing Defending NewsSee All News Defending Spy Aid Aug 16, 2:28 Natural Born KnifeWieldingFreak (#379) declared peace with your country! Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Walt puts bacon in his mouth (#1203) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Walt puts bacon in his mouth (#1203) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Walt puts bacon in his mouth (#1203) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Walt puts bacon in his mouth (#1203) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Walt puts bacon in his mouth (#1203) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Walt puts bacon in his mouth (#1203) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Walt puts bacon in his mouth (#1203) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Walt puts bacon in his mouth (#1203) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Natural Born Killer (#2436) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Natural Born Killer (#2436) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Natural Born Killer (#2436) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Natural Born Killer (#2436) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Natural Born Stripper (#452) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Natural Born Killer (#2436) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Natural Born Stripper (#452) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:26 An air wing from Natural Born Killer (#2436) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt puts bacon in his mouth (#1203) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Killer (#2436) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kevin (#1351) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Killer (#2436) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Stripper (#452) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Killer (#2436) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Killer (#2436) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Killer (#2436) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Stripper (#452) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Killer (#2436) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Stripper (#452) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Killer (#2436) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Killer (#2436) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Stripper (#452) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Killer (#2436) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Stripper (#452) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Killer (#2436) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Killer (#2436) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Stripper (#452) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Killer (#2436) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Stripper (#452) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Stripper (#452) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Killer (#2436) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Stripper (#452) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Stripper (#452) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kitty (#378) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Stripper (#452) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Walt Puts BooBies in his mouth (#2414) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kite (#348) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 An air wing from Natural Born Kiosk (#376) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
Aug 16, 2:25 Natural Born KnifeWieldingFreak (#379) declared war on your country! Aug 09, 14:25 A brigade from Purple (#1315) has invaded your lands! Their forces broke through your defences!
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