Top Players - Express

Current round: Mar 10, 2025 - N/A Prev Reset

Scores & Ranks are updated every 5 minutes.
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There are currently 83 countries in the Express server.

1 The is Seremban SOL (#12) 2706$319,922 MG
2 Shogun (#7) 2139$182,635 MG
3 Cardon (#65) 1234$156,234 C
4 Silly Pluto (#23) 967$154,270 C
5 Samot Staph Cardon (#30) 1073$152,073 C
6 Sedar Bein (#35) 917$147,017 C
7 Calene Lox (#58) 958$143,910 CG
8 Larva Red (#47) 990$142,193 C
9 Ibfist Shardo (#41) 839$130,602 CG
10 Yellow Color Elephant (#53) 773$122,801 CG
11 Link (#20) 1446$122,723 FG
12 w h o p l a y s s u n d a y s (#59) 1104$113,418 CG
13 Peter Redblade Redblade (#68) 1153$113,262 H
14 bat chit crazy (#2) 1081$111,523 MG
15 Gosform of the Horde (#39) 1132$107,155 HG
16 Im Trippin Im Slappin (#37) 1201$101,453 TG
17 FoalFoal (#73) 1056$100,804 HG
18 Bernins Savages (#63) 994$96,676 H
19 Eritais Limbo (#9) 847$83,922 HG
20 F o o l s P a r a d I s e (#10) 1005$79,768 HG
21 Synestra (#75) 744$77,059 CG
22 Blackman Walker Darkblade (#27) 930$76,668 DG
23 Frozen Gothar (#70) 741$76,100 CG
24 Fiend Fast (#34) 941$75,983 H
25 Dorian Vhampir (#51) 921$75,900 TG

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