Earth Empires's country News on the Express Server

501st round: Jul 01, 2019 - Jul 07, 2019

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Jul 07, 20:52
GeorgeTown (#24): Enemy operatives stole $2,968,331 and destroyed $0 worth of cash!

Jul 07, 20:52
GeorgeTown (#24): Enemy operatives stole $2,980,252 and destroyed $0 worth of cash!

Jul 07, 20:52
GeorgeTown (#24): Enemy operatives stole $2,992,220 and destroyed $0 worth of cash!

Jul 07, 20:52
GeorgeTown (#24): Enemy operatives stole $3,004,237 and destroyed $0 worth of cash!

Jul 07, 20:52
GeorgeTown (#24): Enemy operatives stole $3,016,303 and destroyed $0 worth of cash!

Jul 07, 20:51
GeorgeTown (#24): Enemy operatives stole $3,028,416 and destroyed $0 worth of cash!

Jul 06, 14:05
Dan Backslide Steals a Runabout (#4): Enemy operatives stole $1,529,064 and destroyed $0 worth of cash!

Jul 06, 14:05
Dan Backslide Steals a Runabout (#4): Enemy operatives stole $1,535,205 and destroyed $0 worth of cash!

Jul 06, 14:05
Dan Backslide Steals a Runabout (#4): Enemy operatives stole $1,541,370 and destroyed $0 worth of cash!

Jul 06, 14:05
Dan Backslide Steals a Runabout (#4): Enemy operatives stole $1,547,560 and destroyed $0 worth of cash!

Jul 06, 14:05
Dan Backslide Steals a Runabout (#4): Enemy operatives stole $1,553,775 and destroyed $0 worth of cash!