Alliance Clan: Sons of Liberty (SOL)

Current round: Feb 24, 2025 - N/A
Clan Standings
Membership Rank1 of 13
Total Networth Rank1 of 13
Average Networth Rank2 of 13
Scores & Ranks are updated every 5 minutes.
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
1 This is Seremban SOL (#40) 6106$1,162,241 M
9 Suicidal (#27) 5788$739,951 I
13 The Den (#36) 7406$679,125 F
15 Spoiler Alurt (#33) 4503$669,035 M
23 Beyond the Pale (#164) 6943$630,570 M
24 southern mam dont need you aroun (#248) 7436$615,778 M
26 Carpe Cerevisi (#5) 4727$611,819 M
27 Brujo (#255) 4521$604,778 M
41 Chungas revenge (#389) 6579$555,361 T
52 YoYoYoYo (#6) 4132$523,248 R
69 Big Nosed Clown (#257) 6625$494,810 T
74 She is DarkMere (#3) 6280$480,887 T
96 Faithful Sinner (#7) 4305$446,334 F
131 Ground Clown (#460) 4572$412,601 M
154 killingkind (#373) 4098$401,767 R
205 ForksKnivesFurys (#303) 3833$365,434 R
206 SOLdiersPride (#463) 4152$365,140 R
418 YellowEmpire (#449) 2700$220,747 C
441 Nama Saya Amin (#253) 1410$126,492 T
452 Universal SOLdier (#157) 504$39,843 M
453 EYE EX PIE (#11) 469$38,348 M

Total countries: 21

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