Alliance Clan: The Monsters (MONSTERS)

Seventh round: Dec 04, 2010 - Feb 02, 2011
Clan Standings
Membership Rank11 of 23
Total Networth Rank6 of 23
Average Networth Rank4 of 23
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
30 Christmas Monster (#185) 27,345$144,717,809 DG
47 Mamba Monster (#141) 27,543$130,201,767 DG
51 Engulf and Conquer (#172) 23,152$129,770,792 H
53 Militia X (#341)  Game profile 23,823$128,540,168 HG
59 Mike Wazowski (#1) 23,860$125,319,521 D
65 Strange Famous (#475)  Game profile 25,756$123,338,621 H
69 r a z o r w i r e (#345) 25,299$122,117,842 DG
71 Monster Disco Madness (#461) 23,555$119,516,715 D
82 found it on ebay (#143) 24,203$114,881,163 HG
89 Rock Lobster (#187)  Game profile 23,015$112,896,285 D
104 I Feel Like a Monster (#104) 22,103$106,269,668 D
113 Go Shockers (#452) 25,898$102,528,550 D
126 Sofa King We Todd Did (#194) 21,647$96,543,720 H
136 Bit By the trouser Monster (#387) 20,402$91,979,179 H
145 Richard Dawkins is GOD (#86) 21,291$89,576,987 D
162 1979 CBX (#560)  Game profile 26,926$81,761,000 RG
165 MEMNOCH THE DEVIL (#480) 25,594$79,848,254 R
169 Monster Holidays (#356) 28,476$77,094,580 D
176 Lunatic Fringe (#271) 23,966$73,925,845 D
179 Tutuwarrior (#55)  Game profile 19,537$73,669,139 H
185 Uncle J (#561)  Game profile 24,316$71,399,430 RG
195 on top (#587) 29,311$66,779,554 R
233 22 Mega Tons (#617) 19,429$52,346,448 R
235 Dont slay my Monster (#400)  Game profile 13,735$51,905,386 H
248 Grande (#263) 15,177$46,367,650 T
285 MoNster mOnSTER (#448) 19,303$36,072,879 R
321 Vanessa MONSTER (#343) 33,837$26,959,854 D
405 MCXII Monster (#125)  Game profile 15,234$12,254,953 D
fortfrack (#292) 11,510$17,931,514 H

Total countries: 29 (Show ranked countries only)

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