
trumper Game profile


Jan 12th 2011, 14:12:08

Originally posted by Trife:
'in contrast to the rest of the server who decided pointless wars were a thing of the past'

Sweet, I'm glad there won't be anymore pointless wars anymore!

Trife 1
BiffBuff 0

In all seriousness, SOL did what they said they would do and LCN didn't tolerate being pushed around by Rage. I honestly don't see anything wrong with either Rage's decision to call in SOL, SOL's decision to join or LCN's decision to settle it all.

trumper Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 21:44:57

Especially confusing for Floridians.

trumper Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 20:51:45

Is that the same Angel1 who once played in LCN?

trumper Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 20:51:04

Originally posted by TheORKINMan:
Hey Pang, hooked me up with an Earth Empires shirt and I'll wear it at the ACC Tournament/NCAA Tournament this year I'm always on TV then because of where my seats are ;)

Getting a little ahead of ourselves with the NCAA tournament now aren't we? I'm not even sure my team will make it despite playing Duke so close =p (ps we missed your assessment of the game!)

trumper Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 20:50:04

Originally posted by Kyatoru:
His nickname was YaleRob

YaleRob as Tiesto. That's funny. I know YaleRob although I haven't talked to him in ages. The last time I talked to him he owned a rental car franchise.

trumper Game profile


Jan 10th 2011, 14:20:31

Originally posted by BlackMamba:
I think some junior staffers in politics might enjoy alliance game politics though :p earth empires (e2025) Alliance Server politics can be just as vicious as real life politics lol

There is some truth to this at least in the manner of seeing human nature and understanding it. I would say the politics of 5-10 years ago was more helpful than the politics of today (too small now that its more theatre than politics).

trumper Game profile


Jan 9th 2011, 21:22:01

Originally posted by Garry Owen:
On the subject of LCN whining - you started the war with an over 2-1 advantage and STILL were so scared of Rage you sent untagged suiciders and allies to grab and harrass Rage before the war. As soon as the numbers got better you started looking for excuses for your poor warfighting skills. Well make any excuse you want it doesnt change your abilities (or lack of...)

I'm an alien too. Because if I say so, it must be true.

LCN didn't run any suiciders and largely avoided grabbing Rage all reset. Your historical revisionism is amusing to say the least.

trumper Game profile


Jan 9th 2011, 21:18:44

They can't pass a repeal of ObamaCare with current their lone House majority, but they can defund healthcare initiatives such as the IRS inspectors who would be required to effectively implement parts of the law. However, if you look closely you will see funds shifted in last years CRs to give certain agencies multi-year budgets in one budget year.

I still find it amusing that the CBO rates a net savings. It's like saying you will irrigate the Vegas desert with a puddle.

trumper Game profile


Jan 9th 2011, 17:01:22

AxA and Speaker, check your private messages

trumper Game profile


Jan 9th 2011, 13:52:30

Please provide them with every post, ip address and any relevant information that you can. It was absolutely tragic what happened and I can't even begin to fathom what I would say if he had shot anyone I know on the Hill. Even if you don't think the information is relevant, they will want the information.

trumper Game profile


Jan 5th 2011, 17:49:34

Looks like a rogue member

trumper Game profile


Jan 5th 2011, 0:15:26

Originally posted by Trife:
Oh wow, this thread got quiet pretty quickly...


It got quiet because we have been so busy planning our super-secret multie suiciders for next reset! haha. Man, the hyperbolic nonsense on AT has been popcorn worthy. Who knew we all spent our existence finding any which way to mess with DL

trumper Game profile


Dec 30th 2010, 2:12:34

I guess this puts us on Imags side? I live the intracies of the game sometimes.

trumper Game profile


Dec 29th 2010, 16:24:56

11th best

trumper Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 18:38:12

Originally posted by Assassin:
congratulations, frisky, you've won idiot of the year for 2010. fabulous late rally to capture the prize.

I was going give Frisky the benefit of the doubt and assume that he probably drunk. But then I saw his perfectly coherent troll response to you. Definitely no XX Man-of-the-year award for Frisky.

trumper Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 18:34:46

I wish TDM was a higher kill threshhold. 7500 ends so quick sometimes. Also HATE the server dropping issues.

Nazi zombies is decent, but playing online everyone steals kills, doesnt knife first few rounds, etc.

Biggest plus to black ops is allowing 2 person online playing experience simultaneous.

trumper Game profile


Nov 29th 2010, 14:47:22

Originally posted by Dragonlance:

On a personal note you may be right about the game... earth2025 has done some awful things to me personally and i feel that some of us here myself included have at times been addicted to the game to an unhealthy level on par with WoW addictions in some other gamers:/

Agreed on this point. It's why I only play casually. Don't have time for it. Plus playing real life politics is more complicated, but it pays.

trumper Game profile


Nov 29th 2010, 2:03:47

Dragonlance--note, still no denial that you are Ravi's angry love child and Assassin's gay lover.

trumper Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 19:48:55

Note that Assassin also did deny you were his gay lover, DL. Therefore it must be.

trumper Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 15:53:31

DL, I can't categorically say anything on LCN's behalf because for the 11th time I'm not a leader in LCN.

Again though, just because someone did not deny something explicitly does not mean that the converse is true. If that were the case then you would in fact be Ravi's angry love child and Assassin's gay partner.

trumper Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 6:07:44

"This war is in this context, the suicider was the straw that broke the camels back. LCN's leadership supported ravi, this you have not denied."

Well, since we're using observational selection might I add that I also did not deny that you're possibly Ravi's angry love child, Assassin's gay partner, and/or the Queen of England. With that said, I'm not sure that because I didn't deny something therefore makes it true.

I hardly think that the LCN leadership's decision to attack and attempt to kill a valued LCNer's country constitutes supporting the same member.

Circling back around to my original point (and utilizing a little bit of your logic), since you didn't explicitly deny Rage is classless therefore Rage is classless.

Also I did not deny I know the winning Powerball numbers. Thus I shall win the $95 million jackpot. I hope you're right about this non-denial stuff because I sure would enjoy the money :-).

trumper Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 3:16:01

Nothing to dry up SS, I was explaining why I thought (and think) Rage is classless :). I don't really care about finishes much or honestly the game, that's why I don't do leadership or even landgrabbing because the time I spend on this is amusement for me. Right now i'm just nursing a hangover from tailgating earlier today.

trumper Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 2:32:46

And Ravi did suicide on Rage since Rage was just screwing around on paying reps as SS said. LCN's leadership took responsibility for Ravi's suiciding despite Rage's obvious disregard when it comes to being responsible for your own tag. We (LCN) broke down Ravi's country (8mil+ troops taken out) and scheduled a warchat to kill Ravi's country.

And yes, some of us (aka simple members like me) disagreed for varying reasons. In my case, I just thought you guys fluffed LCN over.

It'll be a fun war.

trumper Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 2:28:20

Yes, classless--absolutely and positively. Rewriting history is an exercise in futility and I suspect particularly for you, DL.

It began by your member grabbing an LCNer and then whining when he was retaled. In fact, the guy then threatened suicide. LCN warns you guys of his threat and you shake it off. Low and behold he suicides. Does Rage take responsibility? Of course not. Instead of just sending reps you spend your time trying to see if your suicider will pay up:

"Silent Sentinel
Posts: 97
"Nearly a day before a change of heart? Bullfluff. And it wasn't a change of heart, it was after being able to contact the suicider and get him to agree to reps and land. Which I got to Trife as quick as I could from my phone, from work. LCN chose to ignore this because they got all affronted because I didn't polish their balls the second they came to me."

trumper Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 2:08:38

You're right AxA, but then again did anyone expect them to act classy? I didn't. They can't net so they decide to stir up a war. C'est le vie.

trumper Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 2:48:24

Since our leadership feels AT is the place to air their grievances I'll add in that I absolutely opposed the decision of our FA and President in this situation and think they were absolutely wrong.

trumper Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 2:47:01

See below

Edited By: trumper on Nov 23rd 2010, 2:50:04
See Original Post

trumper Game profile


Nov 13th 2010, 19:13:03

Originally posted by Pang:
In all honesty, if you think me being in LaF makes them farm MORE, you are absolutely clueless.

I've been holding back their farming for years :p

That being said, if it's not LaF, it's Evo... or NA, or LCN.... there will always be players who want to pretty on the lower NW/new players.... when we have a big player base, that's not a huge issue, but with a limited one... it's not good.
That's why we have looked into other avenues for that side of the player experience argument.

There's not as many small/new/multi/inexperience players as there used to be (by many, many times) so we are looking for solutions to solve that problem so that when new players DO come to servers like this one they won't become an obvious target.

All I can say is 'blah, blah.' I've done maybe 10 landgrabs in the Alliance Server. Mainly I'm too lazy/don't have enough time to look the stuff up.

Blaming the politics of the game is stupid in my opinion. The politics have changed with the times and evolved. If enough people get fed up then they just institute new policies. Some of us remember the great top-feeding battles in the early part of the decade very end of the 90s. Really I'm thinking of Griffey burning up all my jets as an offensive ally. Needless to say, the politics changed with the times.

trumper Game profile


Sep 30th 2010, 19:12:33

The irony is we don't start the conflicts, but our resolution method seems to work.

trumper Game profile


Sep 30th 2010, 12:23:00

We killed you and Llaar and Paolo's having fun now too. And yes, like I said, a trend:

Message from Nice Empire (#78) sent on 09/28/2010 03:55:09
Report this message
You hit my clanmate paolo 3 times, idiot. We play as The Nameless Elite every set. Bring it. Reply


Message from Nice Empire (#78) sent on 09/28/2010 15:44:50
Report this message
So you RoRd on that hit? Awesome, I'm glad that we chose you. Idiot. Reply


essage from Nice Empire (#78) sent on 09/28/2010 15:48:48
Report this message
Also, saying it was reps instead of saying it was a retal is because English isn't his first language, bright boy.


trumper Game profile


Sep 29th 2010, 14:47:56

Originally posted by Vic Rattlehead:
No, dummy, last set we were attacked by FBI. We had a member killed early in the set, before the MKR dustup, before the lone suicider. We were down to three members.

FBI helped kill that country as a show of "goodwill" for participating in a KR on us earlier, and hitting with Wrath as well.

I'm noticing a trend here too, Rattelhead. Anyone you disagree with you call stupid/dummy/kid. But to be honest, I can't tell if that's some sort of self-confidence problem of yours or just a big ego. Either way, I will admit it provides great entertainment and so I should thank you for it.

trumper Game profile


Sep 29th 2010, 14:46:15

Originally posted by Vic Rattlehead:
Yes, we have never seen non-English speakers in this game before, and they never have confused a similar abbreviation like that. It was a real stretch to figure that out.

Either way, FBI has just permanently made our fluff list, which is not cool considering our history with Zen. This is not our first incident with you guys. Rest assured it won't be the last.

Rattlehead, I didn't post your message to me because I thought it was funny that there were non-English (more English as a second or third language speaker than "non" since non implies he speaks no English) speakers in the game. I posted your message because I thought it was funny that you expected me to know that the player didn't speak English as a first language. Maybe an analogy will work better for you: I saw the movie Inception, but when I left the theater I knew it was fiction. Can you say the same?

The grand irony to the whole situation is that I never hit you guys to begin with and your non-native speaking friend hit me for "reparations" which you claim to mean retal. I'm fine with retals, but when there was a hit to begin with to justify them. I haven't landgrabbed all set and have spent most of my time killing other countries.

trumper Game profile


Sep 28th 2010, 16:38:18

Message from Nice Empire (#78) sent on 09/28/2010 15:48:48
Report this message
Also, saying it was reps instead of saying it was a retal is because English isn't his first language, bright boy.


This is by far my favorite NE moment. Call someone else stupid for not knowing what language their players speak.

trumper Game profile


Sep 16th 2010, 20:18:22

Good riddance.

trumper Game profile


Sep 16th 2010, 20:17:17

Maybe you should go with a different Team next set then LT?

trumper Game profile


Sep 16th 2010, 18:00:20

:-) we're childish. I take that as a compliment!

trumper Game profile


Aug 30th 2010, 12:21:40

Originally posted by Dragon:
What I'd really rather do is put this behind us and try to actually become friends. If that's even possible.

I'm not real good at holding grudges forever. In my case, they're shortish but intense.

And every time I see your name, I think of Ravioli. My wife bought ravioli at the supermarket today. I don't really care for Ravioli but I love my wife. And she loves ravioli.

Go figure.

Your wife loves Ravi? I see what all this triple tapping is about when you mention Assassin and Ravi.

trumper Game profile


Aug 27th 2010, 23:05:45

Are you offering to buy, Ravi?

trumper Game profile


Aug 27th 2010, 14:35:39

Here's the sequence of events:

Rag country hits Zen country A 14x
Zen country A retals
5 days pass
Same Rag country hits same Zen country 2x
Zen country A retals and Zen country B retals
Rag retals Zen country B 2x
Zen country B retals for his land
Rag country B retals Zen country B saying stop over-retaling
Zen country B retals again and points out not only did they farm his D ally, but then hit him again
Rag country B retals again and launches almost 30 missles
Zen country B responds by launching 2 missles at Rag Country B and Ab-ing the crap out of Rag country A

So this started with Rag farming a Zen country. Then, Rag decides to be antagonistic again and the original farming country hits the same Zen country, again. When he gets retaled, all of Rag starts whining about over-retals and starts launching missles.

Now the post is in the right place

trumper Game profile


Aug 27th 2010, 13:18:32

Here's the sequence of events:

Rag country hits Zen country A 14x
Zen country A retals
5 days pass
Same Rag country hits same Zen country 2x
Zen country A retals and Zen country B retals
Rag retals Zen country B 2x
Zen country B retals for his land
Rag country B retals Zen country B saying stop over-retaling
Zen country B retals again and points out not only did they farm his D ally, but then hit him again
Rag country B retals again and launches almost 30 missles
Zen country B responds by launching 2 missles at Rag Country B and Ab-ing the crap out of Rag country A

So this started with Rag farming a Zen country. Then, Rag decides to be antagonistic again and the original farming country hits the same Zen country, again. When he gets retaled, all of Rag starts whining about over-retals and starts launching missles.

trumper Game profile


Aug 17th 2010, 12:36:33

I ran it through a few different browser platforms and the same problem

trumper Game profile


Aug 5th 2010, 15:17:45


The page was not found on the server!!!

Perhaps you are looking for the Status Tidy?

Or perhaps the Evolution Login Page?

If not, good luck!

I keep getting that

trumper Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 22:49:21

And six years ago was Omega's convention in DC or was that 7 years ago, I can't remember.

trumper Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 1:32:34

At least it wasn't a PS3... last time i paid to fix it, $100. Augh.

trumper Game profile


May 28th 2010, 0:21:04

Originally posted by Twain:
trumper: "8. "Why DOES the United States flag have 13 stripes?" The US flag does NOT have 13 striples, it HAD 13 stripes. They get the tense right in the very next question."

It still does have 13 stripes. It's the stars that change when states are added.

Very good point--that's what i get for reading/posting on these forums from work. I was doing a conf call during this haha (further proof that no one ever really listens to conference calls).

trumper Game profile


May 27th 2010, 18:42:27

Originally posted by martian:
correct me if I"m wrong but
"But of course it is not specifically enumerated as a role of the fed."
means that it automatically should fall to the states according to the US constitution ?

Although from what I understand, the reason why the drinking age is 21 across the US is a result of the feds refusing to fund something if the states didn't agree to that?

Also how is marijuana federally banned when something like that is supposed to be a state responsibility?

I only know how it works in canada where we our constitution/division of powers was set up with the opposite intent and ended up with the opposite outcome.

Matter of opinion and some USSC rulings on your question about what is not enumerated is therefore left up to the states (aka 10th amendment). Frankly, I would agree, but legally it is often not the case.

trumper Game profile


May 27th 2010, 17:59:09

Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by trumper:
Thes is too nice--the problem with fighting imag is it's not a fight. I'm seconding Zen's post.

reminds me of the LCN of old lmao...

Probably because that's the LCN I remember best :)

trumper Game profile


May 27th 2010, 17:54:18


haha good thing im not Canadian

trumper Game profile


May 27th 2010, 17:49:37

You answered 95% of questions correctly. Here's your rating:

Haha...I answered Susan B Anthony saying she made the first flag instead of fought for women's rights because about half way through I decided the wording of these questions was horrible and decided I would toy with it.

1. Jefferson was the primary author, but he didn't write it alone. A committee appointed by Constitutional Convention were the total drafters. And you can be damn sure Franklin chimed in some since he was on it.

3. Those are the first words to the pre-amble to the Constituion. And we the people are the first few literal words, but in order to form a more perfect union come next.

8. "Why DOES the United States flag have 13 stripes?" The US flag does NOT have 13 striples, it HAD 13 stripes. They get the tense right in the very next question.

11. Seems to be arguable given the increased in DoED's budget and recent takeover of the federal student loans program. But of course it is not specifically enumerated as a role of the fed.

12. This one made me laugh since children are taught there are three branches, but many lawyers would argue four because of the administrative hearing side to the bureaucracy. While the bureaucracy is technically executive branch, it is mostly career government employees who aren't beholden to elections or appointments and so those administrative hearings make up the hidden fourth branch.

13. Voting...on the full floor. Some of our non-voting members can vote in some subcommittee matters and administrative matters.

14. Unless it's a special election.

15. Our general election day is always in November, but some states institute early voting for up to 6 weeks beforehand and this neglects the fact that we also can vote for President in a primary.

Edited By: trumper on May 27th 2010, 17:52:36