
W Game profile


Dec 9th 2010, 19:57:57

lol, elephants off a cliff... ACCEPTABLE!
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Dec 9th 2010, 17:13:18

that's 'Mr.' Gentleman to you, W demands a full apology for this oversight.

or that beer you were talking about before
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Dec 9th 2010, 17:10:31

dressing up...flesh sticks? lesbian same sex life partners? what is this server coming to?!
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Dec 8th 2010, 8:27:29

tech start warfare unless you want to not be able to respond to -30th hour attacks on your team
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Dec 8th 2010, 6:32:14

if you don't have anything amusing to say, don't say anything at all. sheesh.

@FBI you are amusing, still couldn't stop my best finish ever (a jaw-dropping-almost 36mNW). Even though #44 called me a cry baby ingame i still <3 you all totally 4ever nothing could call into question my <3<3<3 4u. Those missiles were love missiles meant to impregnate my deepest feelings for the golden fbi shower that so lovingly touched lords with 30 some hours left in the set. That's three hearts btw, I don't think anyone on here has declared anything close to that. I only wish you had declared your love for us sooner (who 'dropped the ball' (sports joke) on that one?!), maybe we could have heavy pet each other in a more mutually inclusive manner.

why should team server be boring? step off all naysayers. people who left here because of politics must not love drama enough. despite accusations of racism, i can assure you all that W now sleeps well on a bed of purchased indulgences and has many ethnic friends. now you can also sleep at night comfortably with this knowledge.

happiness is to be upon us all, i'm sure of it.
xoxo -w
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Dec 6th 2010, 21:54:53

there are better reasons for the global game than for EE i suppose, but i do feel there should be a price associated with goods that you don't actually want to sell or physically keep in your country.

and if everyone is using the maximum price your stocked goods become vulnerable to buyouts or if the market runs really low on goods. it probably would just mean more buyouts, idk.
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Dec 6th 2010, 21:26:56

Originally posted by ZEN:
You got it, W!

What are your playing times, btw?

thank you for your consideration.

sadly i don't think i'll have much time to play earth what with all the [tasteless joke about kinky bedtime party things with FBI relatives, beloved deceased actors, etc] that will be going on ;) i will ensure that all have a good time regardless of race. i know this is something FBI greatly respects and i would hate for you all to think that i am some kind of racist as that would really cause me to lose some sleep and i would have to upgrade to some kind of tempurpedic memory foam type bed to compensate. of course i don't really want to spend that kind of money, but if money can't buy my good conscience i don't know what else can. i'm sure you understand.

if you could attack me between the hours of 6 and 7PM EST i will try to oblige and put up a sporting fight, as i have scheduled a short break from all the [kinky bedtime party things].

yours truly,

hugs n' kisses always xoxo
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Dec 6th 2010, 20:42:09

you can go ahead and target my country as well because i would have participated in the KR if i had been available.

hot buffalo (#49)

[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Dec 6th 2010, 15:18:32

i was thinking about a similar thing for global express (a game that usually has less than 10 players per set) to stimulate the public market a bit.

basically there would be a 'sell goods on market' function, with a cap on your maximum sell price, based on private market price or public market averages or something, and then there would be a 'stock goods on market' function where you pay a heavy tax to essentially make your goods inaccessible by pricing them as high as the current maximums are.
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Nov 9th 2010, 4:16:04

congrats :)
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Oct 22nd 2010, 18:07:07

after i linked it displayed "Forum Inbox: 10 (0) Messages" in the portal but when i clicked on it, it needed me to log in.

after clearing the cookies and logging back in, it now works fine! awesome feature.

firefox version 3.6.11
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Oct 1st 2010, 17:20:34

Originally posted by NukEvil:
Originally posted by iZarcon:
tho, i do remember the admins saying that they'd put in a new spyop that could recall goods from an opponet. was supposed to be added at the same time as the recall goods button, but i see how the 'netters' get their way and keep all the powerful ingame tools to themselves.


I will have an absolute field day when they put that spy op in...I won't even have to stock anything; all I have to do is produce spies all set, wait till just before everyone starts jumping, then steal like 5bil bushels a day or so. A couple weeks after, do demo destock, call it a day.

but there are ways to balance this that should be/should have been explored. for instance, what if the spy op only recalled a random set of items for sale on the market at a time? people could stock in multiple batches and multiple unit types to make it more difficult.

there could also be a spy DR for operations like raid food stores.

not to mention that people could, gasp, get a decentish to mediocre SPAL to defend against ops like this.
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Sep 16th 2010, 18:40:21

no better reason than it's a skill or choice to run a spy country, not just something you can switch too when it's convenient.

there should be parts of the game that are like this. guess i can't really explain it too eloquently, but it adds an interesting aspect to the game to have units that can only be produced, not bought or sold.

EDIT: what detmer said
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Sep 16th 2010, 18:19:57

still says incentive url not found
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Sep 16th 2010, 18:19:34

spy clan ftw ;)

part of spies is that they take a lot of resources to produce and maintain.

selling them on the market makes it easy for anyone to be a powerful spy country, say a casher who has no expenses and low spies much of the set, to just buy a super high SPAL when war comes around.

as it is now, you have to work, and pay for, over time to get a good spal up, not just something any country can purchase.
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Sep 16th 2010, 18:14:08

I don't think SDI should ever go above 99% there should always be a chance of a missile getting through, even if it's 1/100.
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Sep 14th 2010, 0:19:44

/collects the tears of the lime in a glass vial

/waters the seeds of discontent planted inside mrford
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Sep 10th 2010, 17:27:36

/tackles drunk thunder into a drunk thunder ball
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Sep 7th 2010, 14:08:54

it's something to do with the private market price, you must be a theo or have lots of military tech? don't think you can sell for a certain amount over what your PM is, but someone should come along with a more exact answer.
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Sep 7th 2010, 1:45:44

[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Sep 4th 2010, 6:45:44

i like it :)

but i think it should play more into strategy than just getting random things that, if they are beneficial, the player will just use automatically anyway regardless of strategy.

maybe these special moves could be bought at the expense of other production or benefits and be available at any time in any amount?

*Institute draft (increased troop/military production for X turns)
lose pci the more it's used because your people are unhappy
*Give speech to increase military pride (boost military strength for X turns)
eventually negatively effects strength if used for too long (propoganda)
*Activate national guard (increased defense for X hours)
costs more $$ every turn
*Focus on homeland security (increased defensive spy effectiveness for X hours)
loss of pci over time (people are unhappy at increased scrutiny)
*Give speech to increase economic production (boost PCI for X turns)
*Bribe market officials (next market sell is immediate or market fees are reduced/eliminated for X hours)
costs a set amount of $$ and increasing amount of $$, plus a 'you got caught' random that fines you a large amount of $$ or you lose what you sold to the market gods
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Aug 24th 2010, 19:35:37

k, just thought i'd put it out there, guess i just need to play moar servers or something to not get bored hehe
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Aug 23rd 2010, 17:58:03

please? i get really bored waiting for turns. perhaps the game could check before each turn spent exploring what the current acres of the country are before calculating the acres gained that turn. that way, no benefit to exploring in batches because the rate will be dropping as usual. this accompanied with maybe an increase in the explore rates to compensate for server land lost due to lack of batch exploring.

would reduce waiting around time (hey whatever happened to more turns at the start of the games hehe :) as you could just play your turns when you want without having to save for days.

[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Aug 1st 2010, 19:42:56

i am more than happy to fight a losing war set after set
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Aug 1st 2010, 13:19:35

so you don't have a 1:kill policy? if i unapologeticlly grab RD next set i won't be killed?

anyway, who's pushing anything? i just think 1:kill is dumb and will hit you just because of that.
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 18:52:12

mistaken hits only allowed on RD
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 16:33:01

meh :)
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Jul 28th 2010, 14:13:10

i'm all in favor of a raiding party attack, whether it be a spy op or a military op as suggested here.
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Jul 27th 2010, 16:52:38

Originally posted by W:
-Government advice
This would be extremely helpful when you change government for it to say "You are about to change government to Republic. Republic countries have high populations and produce lots of cash each turn. Typical Republics have high percentages of Business and Residence buildings. Change government to Republic? Yes/No" Customized for each government.

Perhaps a warning about selling bushels below a certain price and a note about using the market to stock goods.

-Which tech to research (maybe based on market prices?)
I don't know if that is necessary
-Lab ratio
Absolutely necessary :)

-Let you know reasons why you may have bounced attacks (if you bounced)
This would be VERY helpful for new players
-A note about readiness/attacking with 1/3 of forces?
-A note about attacking and that you may be retaliated against for harmful attacks.

Didn't the old earth warn about too many relations (expenses) and too few?

-A note that you may be retaliated against for performing harmful ops

Foreign Aid:
Just remembered that when i first started out, i randomly sent an FA package to one of my allies who was completely bewildered by it, haha. Perhaps a note about what FA is commonly used for (in war, to pay reps, help out a friend that needs it, whatever)
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Jul 27th 2010, 16:45:22

-Government advice
This would be extremely helpful when you change government for it to say "You are about to change government to Republic. Republic countries have high populations and produce lots of cash each turn. Typical Republics have high percentages of Business and Residence buildings. Change government to Republic? Yes/No" Customized for each government.

Perhaps a warning about selling bushels below a certain price and a note about using the market to stock goods.

-Which tech to research (maybe based on market prices?)
I don't know if that is necessary
-Lab ratio
Absolutely necessary :)

-Let you know reasons why you may have bounced attacks (if you bounced)
This would be VERY helpful for new players
-A note about readiness/attacking with 1/3 of forces?
-A note about attacking and that you may be retaliated against for harmful attacks.

Didn't the old earth warn about too many relations (expenses) and too few?

-A note that you may be retaliated against for performing harmful ops
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Jul 14th 2010, 17:49:50


*runs shiggle train on llaar*

*still thinks it's a good idea*

*runs away and never comes back*

[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Jul 14th 2010, 17:27:16

Originally posted by llaar:
for a cap, spending orders would have to know when they're placed and when the cap was instituted, when it should expire... it just makes it a little more obtuse as to know what they should do

this wouldn't have to be any 'smarter' than an input box with an amount in it. your standing orders would treat this the same as if you had spent all your cash, "your standing order was canceled due to lack of cash" but instead of when it reached zero, when it reached $100 million or whatever other amount you wanted.
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Jul 14th 2010, 15:55:31

sorry to bring this up again, but it would be really nice to put a cap on standing order spending.

say i have $500 million cash and want to place a number of different standing orders. most likely i will not get them all, but if i did it would spend all my cash. i'd like to be able to specify an amount that that $500 million would spend down to so that i would still have some flexible cash when logging in if all the orders went.
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Jul 11th 2010, 6:45:02

Originally posted by MrCharcoal:
No one has ever come back after an Artillary Barrage.

never seen it happen either...witnessing history here!

[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Jul 11th 2010, 6:41:08

now it's like, why would i even get spy tech if i'm going to lose thousands of spies on a failed op on someone with 10 whole spies anyway?
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Jul 10th 2010, 23:52:50

in regards to expense, why not make spy tech bring spy expense down somewhat?

spies should be able to cause more damage than they currently do...perhaps damage could be causally related to your number of spies versus your opponents land.

so if you have 100,000 spies on 1,000 acres your SPAL is 100.

you spy a country with 10,000 acres, but their SPAL is only 25, so you easily (lol) break them, but then the damage you cause is related to 100,000 of your spies, versus the 10,000 of your opponents acres, so you're doing damage of 10 SPAL. how that amounts to the % of buildings/bushels/cash/units destroyed/captured i don't know.

kinda makes more sense to me than damage done in relation to units that aren't even a part of the operation.

[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Jul 6th 2010, 19:42:46

what bobbyata said
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Jul 4th 2010, 14:50:32

on the old boards there is a forum somewhere suggesting the ability to steal goods on their way to market. Raid Market Caravan or something.

this in my mind would accomplish the same thing (stealing someones booty) and be a little more practical (much more goods placed on market than are sent by FA packages).

difficulty figuring out what would make it tick, but my thought was to have it be a multiple tier operation effecting goods en-route to market. suppose it wouldn't effect military, but goods like bushels, oil and technology.

1.) Market Spy
2.) Raid Market Caravan

Market caravan would assume that a percentage of the sellers armed forces (troops, maybe some tanks) are phantom protecting them along the way and looks at the Raiders troops/tanks as well (somehow, whether it actually requires sending forces to attack or not). The attack has to break with spies, then also military so it is not a 'gimme' operation. It does make troops/tanks/spies more valuable to zero-defense netters who should quake in fear for their goods to market :) and also make selling in one big batch riskier.

<3 spies 4eva. lets make them more interesting :) and useful as a strategy in themselves. (i want to see a all-spy pirate/raider clan someday!)
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 3:59:16

restart ftw!
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 3:58:42

if they really want to netgain, maybe they'll get a more sensible conducive to netgaining?

either way, i don't mind dying again and again. not sure why people get so flustered about it.
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Jun 29th 2010, 17:14:07

i like the war dec news feed, it would make the game more interesting to outsiders if the front page had "recent server news" scrolling...

Today - Team Server - Lords etc have been losing at War with RD, Awesome, Whatever for 13 days.
Today - Alliance Server - xNAx declares war on Penguin
Wednesday - FFA - Clan X declares war on Clan Z
Monday - Alliance peace.

If war stats could be incorporated into that say with a button to click next to each war dec. It would be REALLY cool to see not sure how i feel about the attack limiting stuff.
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Jun 29th 2010, 17:02:38

as far as making FS more powerful..the clan that is being attacked could also be using this operation to disrupt kill runs and make the enemy waste turns fixing the communication error or risk hitting random countries.

who knows, it might be a mess but interesting none the less. it could be relatively easy to cure in general and even easier with spy tech, so maybe you spend 1-5 turns to cure it generally.

as far as spies dying, it seems to make sense to me that even though you're not attack enemy spies, the defenders spy network doesn't just exist outside of it's country, also internally to prevent spy did someone discover and kill my 3,000 spies? can some civilians die then instead of enemy spies? idk.. :)
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Jun 28th 2010, 23:50:21

i don't think successful spy ops necessarily need to kill enemy spies, my biggest problem is losing thousands of spies on a failed op and having your target lose nothing at all. even if they lost 1% of the amount you lose that would be better than it is now. your spies were detected and 3,000 were killed, but managed to kill 300 members of your enemy's spy network. perhaps spy tech could influence this as well. if you have tons of spy tech a failed enemy op you will lose 1%, if you have none you would lose 3% of their losses.

lincoln, i really like the redirect missle/BR idea. perhaps it could be more like "disrupt communication" and affect any harmful "attacks" a country commits. this would give wallers a (fun) tool to use. it could redirect harmful attacks to a range of countries near the targets NW (so as not to be interrupted by GDI or NW limitations) and be cured like bioterrorism, a certain percentage each turn, perhaps military tech would influence the "curing" of it.

edit: harmful ATTACKS, not ops

Edited By: W on Jun 29th 2010, 0:08:08
See Original Post
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Jun 28th 2010, 3:02:06

not my challenge, BRated is a 5 player team (see above litalogoth post) so recruiting doesn't look like something they are likely to do
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Jun 26th 2010, 15:05:50

Originally posted by Mr Midnight:
W, you totally misread my post ... or did you even read it.

i actually cannot read (true story). explains a lot.

Lords is definitely not associated with BRated other than knowing them some of them from other servers/clans
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Jun 26th 2010, 3:52:10

yea, uhm...i've never posted as anything but

but really, i never claimed to be an awesome (or even decent) player. if anything i am active as i can be and like to play the game with my friends.

doesn't look like lita question the skill of RD, looks like lita asked the best of RD to war BRated...

not sure why that challenge wouldn't be accepted
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Jun 26th 2010, 3:48:14

lmao, so someone challenges you to 5 v 5 and you call it a gang bang?

i'm sure any of us other 'fools' who want to war you would respect a 5 v 5 and not take part.

go ahead, accept the challenge
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Jun 26th 2010, 3:46:11

is there a different SPAL for harmful and non-harmful spy ops?

i remember a discussion about it a ways back but can't remember...
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

W Game profile


Jun 26th 2010, 2:54:47

1 turn demo missiles would make it interesting...but raise demo warfare tech even more :)
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)