
Titanium Game profile


Aug 17th 2011, 23:02:10

So let's get this straight...

DM: Psst... llaar... grab each of these countries 5 plus times a day, the owner's don't care, and they'll even explore for more land the following day.

Ice: DM, you told llaar what to do right?

Jagn: Mu ha ha!

Llaar: You guys are the best, and have the greatest friends of all time! I sure can't wait to set new records! Tell them I said thanks.

Jagn: Mu ha ha!

Ice: DM, Jag, think we should show Llaar the secret door?

DM: Think we can trust him?

Jag: Nah, let him think they're all real.

Llaar: Gawd, I'm the smartest guy in the game. I can't believe how damn better I am than everyone else. Plus, I have 25 friends that I never even knew I had. Golly, I'm lucky.

Prime: *fiddles a little in the background*

DM: Nah, I'm giving him access.

Titanium: Gosh Ice, you sure have a lot of pets that have accounts on the system considering you only logged on here 3 days ago.

Ice: But their all my bestest friends and they came running when I told them to because I look like I want to be a gangster someday.

Prime: *fiddles just enough to find the secret door and get in*

Titanium: Dude, seriously, do you think we're all blind or stupid.

Ice: They are real people, all of them.

Admins: *deleting massive amounts of multies*

Ice: I'm sorry to have to admit this fellow Earth players, but we got busted, It was DM, Me and Jagn... had nothing to do with Llaar even though he was the one that profitted from it all. Really... It was just us.

*months later*

Llaar: I did it all legit and I'm the smartest guy in this game. Rock on I rule!

The End.

*takes a bow*
Those that know me, fear me.
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Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Aug 17th 2011, 22:13:01

Popcom... you're not wrong...

Thanks to NightShade I've removed myself from the Earth Empires group on Facebook. I can only trust that she or someone else will pull this sort of thing off in the future...

NS, you can now trust that I will make a point of being a serious thorn in your side in this game. Post that image again with or without my picture, or real name on it... and you're gonna get yourself in a whole pile of REAL hot water that you don't want to pour for yourself.
Those that know me, fear me.
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Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Aug 17th 2011, 21:50:02

llaar... no, it wasn't you in the little band of Ice's crew that was taking advantage of the nearly 400 countries he created so that you could farm them to the ground... no cats, dogs, sheep, ferrets, mice or lice in your family playing extra countries... ;) Jealous... of you... seriously?! Your ego is going to burst and spew chunks all over this forum... Your stats do speak for themselves... they sound and smell like cheat to me.

NightShade... what part of I don't care don't you get?!? Seriously... Read what I posted... three times if you have to... I have no control over who got hit... I am pleased llaar was the target...

BTW, posting that link violates the rules of forums by posting real life info. If I wanted my real name posted on these forums, I'd do it. I'd strongly suggest you remove that image, or the post entirely.
Those that know me, fear me.
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Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Aug 17th 2011, 17:03:12

it really freaks out our family members when we talk about suiciding and killing stuff... thus my 210 friend count now down to 2 'friends' count. ;) LMAO...
Those that know me, fear me.
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The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Aug 17th 2011, 16:40:19

NS... I know you told me that what you posted on Facebook was merely a joke... but I'm not the only one that reads it. ;) One persons perception of a comment like that can easily be one of a negative response...

I just posted that I had no idea who we were warring... so asking me the reasons for this... my response is pure speculation... threat? or collateral damage... dunno...
Those that know me, fear me.
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Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Aug 17th 2011, 16:27:53

Originally posted by NOW3P:
would it really kill you guys just to wish mrford the best, and leave it at that? Not everything has to be turned into a troll fest....

and yeah....that's coming from ME!

yes, it would kill me... I may be a jerk ... but he does a slightly better job of it than myself... Good ridence to another cheating scumbag...
Those that know me, fear me.
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The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Aug 17th 2011, 16:24:18

I have no problem with NS. I never have. Personally I don't think it was the wisest of moves to post on Facebook that there are plans for IMP or however exactly that was worded... I told her that... I don't get to call shots on who we war...

In fact I had absolutely no idea who we were warring until I got into the war chat... was like... Oh, kewl... killing llaar and his self-farming multies off... NICE! I thought we were going to hit some completely different clan altogether...

So, with respect to whom I don't like that we went after... I guess it's safe to say llaar... I think him and his buddies should have been banned from the server for ACTUALLY cheating...
As for his records... ghey that they remain on the list of accomplishments in this game.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least if bsnake's remarks regarding "all the people that will come after IMP" will be bot ridden... but hey... that's just my opinion... the same one that was right 3 days after Blake(Ice Man) came back and all of a sudden had 397 countries and 'all his friends just joined cuz he asked them' ...

So... the collateral damage I was personally speaking of is NS and anyone else that might have joined llaar in some attempt to net this set... but like I said, when you post stuff about big plans for IMP on facebook... you're bound to piss a few of the other leaders in a clan...
Those that know me, fear me.
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The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Aug 16th 2011, 17:23:57

I guess there was a little unexpected collateral damage... but... I'd go with the "We don't like him" concept.
Those that know me, fear me.
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Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Aug 6th 2011, 21:06:09

Vern... that's pretty funny. ;) Might have to order up some of that tear gas...

Just had me thinking... wonder if you can buy a can of VaGee Gee scent... would be a nasty prank to pull on your MARRIED annoying boss, teacher, principal... spray some on the back of their clothes each day... just enough that the wife will notice... and know it's not 'her' scent... ;) LMAO... gawd I'm bad.
Those that know me, fear me.
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Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Aug 6th 2011, 17:44:52

I suppose people who live in the back woods wouldn't carry around too many them there iPhone thangs... ;)

Then again, i know your situation... which isn't so far from mine, so I shouldn't poke fun.

That seriously is a fun app to bring with you on a shopping spree... or just a walk through the mall... *pfffttt*
Those that know me, fear me.
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The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Aug 6th 2011, 17:42:29

not to be finnicky Phinnster (has a nice ring to that doesn't it?)

... but it's been around for a while now... clearly you didn't know that... but I had to admit, when I first saw the title, I thought the new swirve crew or whatever their called now brought the game back... :)

BTW, IMP far from sucks. NHDP... omg I musta seen a white flag from them at least 10 times when I was in WM or aWM with MPE, BLOOD, BSD and Takers... I'm thinking they had their asses kicked nuff times by now...
Those that know me, fear me.
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Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Aug 6th 2011, 17:37:30

had to finally drop that mullet huh? Boss getting tripped out seeing you show up to work with a Black Sabbath shirt on sporting a jean jacket with the Iron Maiden - The Trooper insignia painted on the back? Hopefully he at least lets you still wear your studded wristband for your watch?!?!

Just checkin' ...

Sorry, couldn't resist... the memories of my childhood... I was not a Duran Duran fan. ;)
Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Aug 4th 2011, 18:17:20

download the Elastic Adventures Fart app for the iPhone. It will give you a pretty good assortment of farts of all types.

I'm particularly pleased with long and nasty 3. I have a great time while in line ups at the store looking like I'm having a good crap in my pants... kills time in line... makes people laugh for the most part. Gotta do the matching facial expressions... or the pant feel to see if you let a wet one slide out... ;)

Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Jul 15th 2011, 16:43:15

If you are only getting one episode with ConvertX, you likely have it set to CD-R(700MB), not DVD-5(4.7GB)...
Those that know me, fear me.
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The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Jul 15th 2011, 16:39:18

ConvertXDVD is your best friend... Recodes relatively fast depending in your comp... Gives you various menu title options... But isn't limited to up to 4 'hour long' (43min) episodes like Nero or others... I generally put 8 episodes on one DVD and use the 'classic' menu style with Lancoz
(I forget the exact spelling) for the encoding method. My machine has 8 cores, do I set it to use 5, and priority rate set to higher.
Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Jul 15th 2011, 16:34:34

I think QZ is Canadian. ;) If the Bush family hadn't ruined the US economy, both Sr and Jr... Obama wouldn't be taking the flack he is. The guy can only try to fix the hand he was dealt. He has clearly been a man of the people, trying to fix what is broken. Now, if he'd pullback the troops and let the middle east sort itself out now that the US has come to their aid, helped train new troops and educate the new leadership... The US has done what they set out to... Time to bring the boys back home... And rebalance the budget sheet.

Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by qzjul:
I don't understand why the US Public doesn't understand that ending social security, medicaid and medicare would be DISASTROUS for society as a whole -- maybe they *want* to be more like South Africa, with super-rich people holed up in compounds with defensive walls, and huge un-ending slums elsewhere in places they don't have to go

Money spent early on prevention of symptoms (both medical, financial, societal etc) saves boat loads in the long term.

Also you can't just STOP SPENDING in a recession/depression, unless you want to deepen it; furthermore, the wealthy have doubled their take of the economy over the last decade, so it's not like they're using the money to create jobs -- they're just hoarding, so better to tax them; though again, capital gains tax would be the best way to start

I wish American's were more like Canadians. Or at least more like qzjul.
Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Jul 12th 2011, 16:33:21

Yes, that was the entire moral of the story summed up. ;)
Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Jul 12th 2011, 14:14:29

There is a good portion of the PDM member base now that ate very experienced in war. Mind you it doesn't exactly look like we dont know how to net from the scoreboard either. I love being told I don't know how to play the game. It just reassures me that as someone who has written dozens of strat guides, both conventional and unconventional over the years that when my strats ate used to get top ten results that those that call me oblivious just don't know who the FK I am, or just how many years before e:2025 I was running Mehul's games on my bulletin board system - pre-inet.
Those that know me, fear me.
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Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 11:49:28

I don't have anything more to say on the matter. He lost more land than he would have wanted to. Suggested they kill PDM countries... Questioned my ability to read and play, which is funny because I've been playing Mehul's games for years before e:2025 even came out... And he's upset at his losses. *meh* I'm done defending our member's actions.
Those that know me, fear me.
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Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 11:24:19

Would you care to pull your head out of your rectum now? Or just want to cry because your country is land fat, defenseless and you loss a pile of acres? I'd suggest you cry in your beer and drop it.
Those that know me, fear me.
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Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 11:21:52

Originally posted by anoniem:
if by handled you mean grabbing countries with 5 times your land, whilst having a 20mil jet PS as a break then yes you've handled it.

I dont believe I'm illiterate.

Is this enough news for you??

Date & Time Type Attacker Defender Result
Jul 10/11 9:48:26 PM PS Ginger Lynn Does Debbie Diamond (#199) (Paradigm) Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) 5212 A (+3151 A)
Jul 10/11 5:04:05 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) What the Hell is Going On (#481) (STA) 56 A (+34 A)
Jul 10/11 5:04:05 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) What the Hell is Going On (#481) (STA) 57 A (+34 A)
Jul 10/11 5:04:05 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) What the Hell is Going On (#481) (STA) 76 A (+87 A)
Jul 10/11 5:02:58 AM PS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) What the Hell is Going On (#481) (STA) 136 A (+225 A)
Jul 10/11 5:02:54 AM PS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) What the Hell is Going On (#481) (STA) 141 A (+232 A)
Jul 09/11 5:24:45 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 31 A (+0 A)
Jul 09/11 5:24:44 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 31 A (+0 A)
Jul 09/11 5:24:44 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 31 A (+0 A)
Jul 09/11 5:24:43 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 32 A (+0 A)
Jul 09/11 5:23:54 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 32 A (+0 A)
Jul 09/11 5:23:54 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 32 A (+0 A)
Jul 09/11 5:22:38 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 32 A (+0 A)
Jul 09/11 5:22:38 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 32 A (+0 A)
Jul 09/11 5:22:38 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 32 A (+0 A)
Jul 09/11 5:22:38 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 32 A (+0 A)
Jul 09/11 5:22:37 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 32 A (+0 A)
Jul 09/11 5:22:15 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 33 A (+0 A)
Jul 09/11 5:02:36 AM PS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) What the Hell is Going On (#481) (STA) 118 A (+132 A)
Jul 09/11 5:02:36 AM PS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) What the Hell is Going On (#481) (STA) 122 A (+134 A)
Jul 09/11 5:02:33 AM PS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) What the Hell is Going On (#481) (STA) 141 A (+221 A)
Jul 09/11 5:02:30 AM PS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) What the Hell is Going On (#481) (STA) 146 A (+228 A)
Jul 08/11 7:31:04 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Booty (#1070) () 63 A (+34 A)
Jul 08/11 7:30:54 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Booty (#1070) () 84 A (+87 A)
Jul 08/11 5:02:28 AM PS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) What the Hell is Going On (#481) (STA) 86 A (+48 A)
Jul 08/11 5:02:28 AM PS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) What the Hell is Going On (#481) (STA) 118 A (+127 A)
Jul 08/11 5:02:27 AM PS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) What the Hell is Going On (#481) (STA) 122 A (+131 A)
Jul 08/11 5:02:21 AM PS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) What the Hell is Going On (#481) (STA) 141 A (+214 A)
Jul 07/11 7:30:49 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Booty (#1070) () 47 A (+16 A)
Jul 07/11 7:30:48 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Booty (#1070) () 47 A (+16 A)
Jul 07/11 7:30:48 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Booty (#1070) () 63 A (+33 A)
Jul 07/11 7:30:46 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Booty (#1070) () 63 A (+34 A)
Jul 07/11 7:30:45 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Booty (#1070) () 85 A (+86 A)
Jul 07/11 2:54:59 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) MILILF Blocked (#937) () 62 A (+22 A)
Jul 07/11 2:54:38 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) MILILF Blocked (#937) () 63 A (+22 A)
Jul 07/11 2:23:14 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) MILILF Blocked (#937) () 65 A (+23 A)
Jul 07/11 2:23:14 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) MILILF Blocked (#937) () 66 A (+23 A)
Jul 07/11 1:44:04 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) MILILF Blocked (#937) () 67 A (+23 A)
Jul 07/11 5:01:46 AM PS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) What the Hell is Going On (#481) (STA) 161 A (+233 A)
Jul 07/11 5:01:45 AM PS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) What the Hell is Going On (#481) (STA) 167 A (+240 A)
Jul 06/11 2:23:14 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) MILILF Blocked (#937) () 70 A (+19 A)
Jul 06/11 2:23:13 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) MILILF Blocked (#937) () 70 A (+20 A)
Jul 06/11 2:17:23 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Illar pokedot doremon (#1088) () 23 A (+2 A)
Jul 06/11 2:17:23 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Illar pokedot doremon (#1088) () 48 A (+17 A)
Jul 06/11 2:17:23 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Illar pokedot doremon (#1088) () 49 A (+17 A)
Jul 06/11 2:17:23 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Illar pokedot doremon (#1088) () 65 A (+36 A)
Jul 06/11 2:17:22 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Illar pokedot doremon (#1088) () 66 A (+37 A)
Jul 06/11 2:17:22 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Illar pokedot doremon (#1088) () 89 A (+92 A)
Jul 06/11 2:17:18 PM PS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Illar pokedot doremon (#1088) () 137 A (+141 A)
Jul 06/11 2:17:09 PM PS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Illar pokedot doremon (#1088) () 141 A (+144 A)
Jul 04/11 6:31:35 AM CM seemarteepants (#936) () Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) 9077 C/188 B
Jul 04/11 6:31:16 AM GS seemarteepants (#936) () Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Defence Held
Jul 04/11 3:24:59 AM PS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) What the Hell is Going On (#481) (STA) 187 A (+236 A)
Jul 04/11 3:13:41 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 29 A (+10 A)
Jul 04/11 3:13:41 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 29 A (+10 A)
Jul 04/11 3:13:41 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 38 A (+23 A)
Jul 04/11 3:13:39 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 39 A (+24 A)
Jul 04/11 3:13:38 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 53 A (+58 A)
Jul 04/11 3:13:38 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 54 A (+60 A)
Jul 04/11 3:13:35 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 60 A (+92 A)
Jul 04/11 3:13:35 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 62 A (+95 A)
Jul 04/11 3:13:35 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 63 A (+96 A)
Jul 04/11 3:00:25 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) LetsRoll (#42) () 72 A (+23 A)
Jul 04/11 3:00:24 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) LetsRoll (#42) () 98 A (+50 A)
Jul 04/11 3:00:23 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) LetsRoll (#42) () 99 A (+50 A)
Jul 04/11 1:43:22 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) LetsRoll (#42) () 74 A (+25 A)
Jul 04/11 1:43:18 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) LetsRoll (#42) () 75 A (+25 A)
Jul 04/11 1:43:11 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) LetsRoll (#42) () 101 A (+53 A)
Jul 03/11 5:06:17 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) mass debaters (#792) () 26 A (+9 A)
Jul 03/11 5:06:16 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) mass debaters (#792) () 26 A (+9 A)
Jul 03/11 5:06:12 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) mass debaters (#792) () 35 A (+23 A)
Jul 03/11 5:06:11 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) mass debaters (#792) () 36 A (+23 A)
Jul 03/11 5:06:11 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) mass debaters (#792) () 48 A (+56 A)
Jul 03/11 5:06:11 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) mass debaters (#792) () 48 A (+57 A)
Jul 03/11 5:06:06 AM PS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) mass debaters (#792) () 80 A (+132 A)
Jul 03/11 5:06:05 AM PS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) mass debaters (#792) () 83 A (+135 A)
Jul 03/11 5:06:05 AM PS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) mass debaters (#792) () 86 A (+137 A)
Jul 03/11 3:54:24 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) CanNAbis (#1001) () 62 A (+19 A)
Jul 03/11 3:54:22 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) CanNAbis (#1001) () 62 A (+19 A)
Jul 03/11 3:54:20 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) CanNAbis (#1001) () 84 A (+41 A)
Jul 03/11 3:54:17 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) CanNAbis (#1001) () 84 A (+42 A)
Jul 03/11 3:13:34 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 27 A (+8 A)
Jul 03/11 3:13:33 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 28 A (+8 A)
Jul 03/11 3:13:33 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 37 A (+21 A)
Jul 03/11 3:13:26 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 37 A (+22 A)
Jul 03/11 3:13:26 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 50 A (+56 A)
Jul 03/11 3:13:25 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 51 A (+56 A)
Jul 03/11 3:13:25 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 57 A (+89 A)
Jul 03/11 1:50:52 AM PS LetsRoll (#42) () Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Defence Held
Jul 03/11 1:33:47 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 24 A (+0 A)
Jul 03/11 1:33:47 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 24 A (+0 A)
Jul 03/11 1:33:47 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 25 A (+0 A)
Jul 03/11 1:33:47 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 25 A (+0 A)
Jul 03/11 1:33:47 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 25 A (+0 A)
Jul 03/11 1:33:46 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 25 A (+0 A)
Jul 03/11 1:33:46 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 25 A (+0 A)
Jul 03/11 1:33:46 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 25 A (+0 A)
Jul 03/11 1:33:46 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 25 A (+0 A)
Jul 03/11 1:33:46 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 25 A (+0 A)
Jul 03/11 1:33:46 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 25 A (+0 A)
Jul 03/11 1:30:39 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) LetsRoll (#42) () 72 A (+24 A)
Jul 03/11 1:30:38 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) LetsRoll (#42) () 73 A (+24 A)
Jul 03/11 12:42:22 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 37 A (+4 A)
Jul 03/11 12:42:12 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 79 A (+26 A)
Jul 03/11 12:42:05 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 80 A (+26 A)
Jul 03/11 12:41:57 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 107 A (+55 A)
Jul 03/11 12:41:45 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 109 A (+56 A)
Jul 03/11 12:41:35 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 151 A (+143 A)
Jul 02/11 11:51:42 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) LetsRoll (#42) () 75 A (+23 A)
Jul 02/11 11:49:57 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) LetsRoll (#42) () 76 A (+23 A)
Jul 02/11 10:03:57 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Any Wars (#1086) () 50 A (+17 A)
Jul 02/11 10:03:57 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Any Wars (#1086) () 51 A (+17 A)
Jul 02/11 10:03:57 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Any Wars (#1086) () 68 A (+36 A)
Jul 02/11 10:03:57 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Any Wars (#1086) () 69 A (+36 A)
Jul 02/11 9:16:08 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) LetsRoll (#42) () 77 A (+24 A)
Jul 02/11 9:11:09 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) justwanttokillyou (#1032) () 61 A (+19 A)
Jul 02/11 8:56:46 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Roboto (#1143) () 44 A (+28 A)
Jul 02/11 8:50:55 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) EEVIL WAR MACHINE (#927) (EEVIL) 56 A (+16 A)
Jul 02/11 8:50:54 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) EEVIL WAR MACHINE (#927) (EEVIL) 57 A (+16 A)
Jul 02/11 8:50:21 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) EEVIL WAR MACHINE (#927) (EEVIL) 75 A (+34 A)
Jul 02/11 5:06:05 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) mass debaters (#792) () 15 A (+0 A)
Jul 02/11 5:06:05 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) mass debaters (#792) () 15 A (+0 A)
Jul 02/11 5:06:04 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) mass debaters (#792) () 15 A (+0 A)
Jul 02/11 5:06:04 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) mass debaters (#792) () 31 A (+11 A)
Jul 02/11 5:06:04 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) mass debaters (#792) () 32 A (+11 A)
Jul 02/11 5:06:04 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) mass debaters (#792) () 42 A (+26 A)
Jul 02/11 5:06:04 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) mass debaters (#792) () 43 A (+26 A)
Jul 02/11 5:06:03 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) mass debaters (#792) () 58 A (+63 A)
Jul 02/11 5:06:02 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) mass debaters (#792) () 59 A (+65 A)
Jul 02/11 5:05:54 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) mass debaters (#792) () 66 A (+104 A)
Jul 02/11 5:05:54 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) mass debaters (#792) () 67 A (+106 A)
Jul 02/11 3:54:16 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) CanNAbis (#1001) () 32 A (+3 A)
Jul 02/11 3:54:16 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) CanNAbis (#1001) () 32 A (+3 A)
Jul 02/11 3:52:15 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) CanNAbis (#1001) () 68 A (+19 A)
Jul 02/11 3:52:14 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) CanNAbis (#1001) () 68 A (+20 A)
Jul 02/11 3:52:11 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) CanNAbis (#1001) () 91 A (+43 A)
Jul 02/11 3:52:11 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) CanNAbis (#1001) () 93 A (+43 A)
Jul 02/11 3:52:11 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) CanNAbis (#1001) () 129 A (+114 A)
Jul 02/11 3:16:52 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) By Tor (#980) () 50 A (+19 A)
Jul 02/11 3:16:52 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) By Tor (#980) () 66 A (+39 A)
Jul 02/11 3:13:25 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 31 A (+12 A)
Jul 02/11 3:13:24 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 42 A (+25 A)
Jul 02/11 3:13:24 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 42 A (+25 A)
Jul 02/11 3:13:04 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 58 A (+61 A)
Jul 02/11 3:13:03 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 59 A (+63 A)
Jul 02/11 3:13:02 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 67 A (+96 A)
Jul 01/11 6:24:19 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Any Wars (#1086) () 57 A (+18 A)
Jul 01/11 6:24:17 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Any Wars (#1086) () 57 A (+19 A)
Jul 01/11 5:05:53 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) mass debaters (#792) () 12 A (+0 A)
Jul 01/11 5:05:52 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) mass debaters (#792) () 17 A (+1 A)
Jul 01/11 5:05:52 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) mass debaters (#792) () 17 A (+1 A)
Jul 01/11 5:05:49 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) mass debaters (#792) () 17 A (+1 A)
Jul 01/11 5:05:49 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) mass debaters (#792) () 36 A (+12 A)
Jul 01/11 5:05:49 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) mass debaters (#792) () 37 A (+12 A)
Jul 01/11 5:05:49 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) mass debaters (#792) () 50 A (+29 A)
Jul 01/11 5:05:37 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) mass debaters (#792) () 50 A (+29 A)
Jul 01/11 2:47:07 AM PS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) dont be mad (#1057) () 99 A (+54 A)
Jul 01/11 2:40:03 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 66 A (+67 A)
Jul 01/11 2:39:57 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 68 A (+67 A)
Jul 01/11 2:39:46 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 77 A (+108 A)
Jul 01/11 2:39:38 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 79 A (+111 A)
Jul 01/11 2:39:10 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 81 A (+113 A)
Jun 30/11 5:55:09 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Booty (#1070) () 41 A (+15 A)
Jun 30/11 5:55:02 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Booty (#1070) () 42 A (+15 A)
Jun 30/11 5:50:26 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) EEVIL WAR MACHINE (#927) (EEVIL) 67 A (+17 A)
Jun 30/11 5:50:24 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) EEVIL WAR MACHINE (#927) (EEVIL) 67 A (+17 A)
Jun 30/11 5:50:22 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) EEVIL WAR MACHINE (#927) (EEVIL) 91 A (+37 A)
Jun 30/11 5:50:13 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) EEVIL WAR MACHINE (#927) (EEVIL) 92 A (+37 A)
Jun 30/11 5:33:25 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Booty (#1070) () 38 A (+13 A)
Jun 30/11 5:33:24 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Booty (#1070) () 39 A (+13 A)
Jun 30/11 5:33:24 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Booty (#1070) () 50 A (+29 A)
Jun 27/11 4:39:38 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Optimus Reim (#992) () 20 A (+7 A)
Jun 27/11 4:39:38 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Optimus Reim (#992) () 20 A (+7 A)
Jun 27/11 4:39:37 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Optimus Reim (#992) () 26 A (+16 A)
Jun 27/11 4:39:37 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Optimus Reim (#992) () 27 A (+16 A)
Jun 27/11 4:39:35 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Optimus Reim (#992) () 37 A (+38 A)
Jun 27/11 1:34:44 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 87 A (+28 A)
Jun 27/11 1:34:43 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 118 A (+58 A)
Jun 26/11 10:19:14 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) hey you there (#881) () 58 A (+60 A)
Jun 26/11 10:19:11 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) hey you there (#881) () 59 A (+62 A)
Jun 26/11 10:19:10 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) hey you there (#881) () 61 A (+63 A)
Jun 26/11 10:19:10 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) hey you there (#881) () 62 A (+64 A)
Jun 26/11 9:51:16 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) SoFtBank (#961) () 100 A (+86 A)
Jun 26/11 9:51:14 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) SoFtBank (#961) () 103 A (+87 A)
Jun 25/11 10:19:12 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) hey you there (#881) () 37 A (+12 A)
Jun 25/11 10:19:11 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) hey you there (#881) () 49 A (+26 A)
Jun 25/11 10:19:11 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) hey you there (#881) () 50 A (+26 A)
Jun 25/11 10:19:07 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) hey you there (#881) () 67 A (+65 A)
Jun 25/11 10:19:05 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) hey you there (#881) () 69 A (+67 A)
Jun 25/11 10:19:05 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) hey you there (#881) () 76 A (+110 A)
Jun 25/11 10:19:04 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) hey you there (#881) () 78 A (+111 A)
Jun 25/11 10:19:02 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) hey you there (#881) () 81 A (+112 A)
Jun 25/11 9:50:45 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) SoFtBank (#961) () 55 A (+29 A)
Jun 25/11 9:50:40 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) SoFtBank (#961) () 57 A (+29 A)
Jun 25/11 9:50:39 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) SoFtBank (#961) () 82 A (+75 A)
Jun 25/11 5:52:33 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 47 A (+15 A)
Jun 25/11 5:52:33 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 47 A (+15 A)
Jun 25/11 5:52:32 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 63 A (+34 A)
Jun 25/11 5:52:30 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 65 A (+34 A)
Jun 25/11 5:52:29 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 89 A (+86 A)
Jun 25/11 5:52:28 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 91 A (+88 A)
Jun 25/11 5:52:26 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 101 A (+141 A)
Jun 25/11 5:52:25 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 105 A (+143 A)
Jun 25/11 5:52:22 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 107 A (+146 A)
Jun 25/11 1:34:20 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 29 A (+0 A)
Jun 25/11 1:34:20 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 29 A (+0 A)
Jun 25/11 1:34:20 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 29 A (+0 A)
Jun 25/11 1:34:19 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 30 A (+0 A)
Jun 25/11 1:34:16 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 43 A (+5 A)
Jun 25/11 1:34:16 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 43 A (+5 A)
Jun 25/11 1:34:16 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 43 A (+5 A)
Jun 25/11 1:34:15 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 130 A (+66 A)
Jun 25/11 1:34:15 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Strange Famous (#136) (SFR) 132 A (+67 A)
Jun 25/11 1:00:12 AM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Nothin to Lose (#976) () 28 A (+45 A)
Jun 24/11 7:53:32 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Fallen Angel (#951) () 31 A (+10 A)
Jun 24/11 7:53:30 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Fallen Angel (#951) () 29 A (+17 A)
Jun 24/11 6:35:56 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Optimus Reim (#992) () 28 A (+9 A)
Jun 24/11 6:35:55 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Optimus Reim (#992) () 28 A (+9 A)
Jun 24/11 6:35:54 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Optimus Reim (#992) () 38 A (+20 A)
Jun 24/11 5:52:24 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 37 A (+13 A)
Jun 24/11 5:52:23 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 38 A (+14 A)
Jun 24/11 5:52:22 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 51 A (+29 A)
Jun 24/11 5:52:20 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 51 A (+31 A)
Jun 24/11 5:52:19 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 70 A (+77 A)
Jun 24/11 5:52:19 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 71 A (+80 A)
Jun 24/11 5:52:15 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 79 A (+124 A)
Jun 24/11 5:52:14 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 82 A (+128 A)
Jun 24/11 5:52:13 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) seemarteepants (#936) () 84 A (+130 A)
Jun 24/11 3:05:29 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) liam777 (#1034) () 17 A (+17 A)
Jun 24/11 3:05:29 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) liam777 (#1034) () 17 A (+19 A)
Jun 24/11 3:05:18 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) liam777 (#1034) () 19 A (+28 A)
Jun 24/11 3:05:18 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) liam777 (#1034) () 20 A (+28 A)
Jun 24/11 3:05:17 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) liam777 (#1034) () 20 A (+30 A)
Jun 24/11 2:50:27 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Divine Revelation (#843) () 14 A (+2 A)
Jun 24/11 2:50:27 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Divine Revelation (#843) () 15 A (+2 A)
Jun 24/11 2:50:26 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhore) Divine Revelation (#843) () 32 A (+8 A)
Jun 24/11 2:50:25 PM SS Ossevo (#14) (EVOwhor
Those that know me, fear me.
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Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 11:09:48

QZ is not a member of PDM. Our member who you claim sent 20m jets to break your 54k acre country, sent a total of 5m military units. From the information I gathered, the following 'started' the idea if the land grab by means if one failed spy op. The country that took over 8k acres was an all explore country.

23.9 hours ago
The Angry Dragon (#16) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 3106 enemy spies.

PS Jul 9, 18:22 Star Whores (#604) Paradigm The Angry Dragon (#16) EVOwhore 2369 A
PS Jul 10, 12:01 The Angry Dragon (#16) EVOwhore Star Whores (#604) Paradigm 1186 A
PS Jul 11, 08:33 The Angry Dragon (#16) EVOwhore Star Whores (#604) Paradigm 1336 A

2.3 hours ago
Your forces were called to defend Star Whores (#604) from The Angry Dragon (#16) and lost the battle!
Your military lost:
47,744 Troops
74,802 Turrets
34,630 Tanks
Your ally lost:
47,308 Troops
290,246 Turrets
65,458 Tanks
The enemy lost:
880,000 Jets
16,000 Tanks

As you can see, the 10k country was provoked into attacking. It is my understanding that when the member saw the 54k country had poor defenses, it was more than willing to take the land.

On a personal note, if you are going to leave a 54k land fat country poorly defended, and clearly from the news it has been farming the crap out if every country with equally limited defense capabilities, ie your 4-5 strikes per 'round' at tiny little countries, you might not want to cry wolf when one country single taps yours and hits paydirt. Just my two cents.

PDM Lieutenant
Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Jul 8th 2011, 16:51:41

Saving = shaving... Damn autocorrect ...
Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Jul 8th 2011, 16:51:00

I almost passout when I'm saving my pubes. I always worry I'm gonna cut the lil bugger off with the clippers... Tried to steal some 'Police Line - Do Not Cross' tape... But I couldn't wrap the lil knub up. It's a bastard to try to buy condoms for him... I usually just splash on a lil contact cement around the general area... Helps to keep the lil fellar up too... LMAO

Sorry, no time to chat. Still looking for him as I have to take a wiz. ;)
Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Jul 8th 2011, 12:26:17

When not in errect mode my penis can be viewed only with a microscope. When fully extended one must use a magnifying glass to possibly get a glimpse at the big monster. ;) That is if you don't blink... And look real close.

*Does a Hulk Hogan power flex*
Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Jul 8th 2011, 12:21:37

[quote poster=Akula; 10798; 188231]a friend indeed is a friend with weed, one that doesn't burgle your home with your own tag/pass

^ Love that post. ;)
Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Jul 8th 2011, 12:19:57

You know how many times Ive had the privilege of saying that WarTime. ;) Guess that might explain my ranks in the missile launcher scoreboard.

Mind you, as for using them to retal on the other servers... Ghey.
One LH = becoming a missile dump = Lame divided by SIN ;)
Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Jun 17th 2011, 4:44:43

Danka. ;) I made a similar one years ago when Takers died declaring in Pan. Won't be the sane negative outcome this time though. ;)
Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Jun 17th 2011, 4:43:50

Danka. ;) I made a similar
Those that know me, fear me.
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Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Jun 17th 2011, 4:25:24

We were too busy killing the first 30 countries to post. Sorry Thomas. We'll be more polite in the future. Perhaps I'll call you after the first 20 are dead. ;)
Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Jun 17th 2011, 4:19:14

We will fight from The United States.
We will fight from Canada.
We will fight from Europe and Overseas.

We will guerilla strike with confidence and growing jet strength in the air.
We will bomb your defenses.
We will defend our honor.

We will not be demoralized.
Whatever the cost may be.
We die with our chins up and boots on.
We will never surrender.

It will be a Total Knock Out.
Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Jun 17th 2011, 4:16:05

Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Jun 16th 2011, 23:44:02

I wanted to pull my wiener out, but it's too small to find past my 3 month pregnant looking belly. Beat that wiener roast. ;)
Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Jun 16th 2011, 23:41:47

Tex, you really should get back with us. Your account is still active.
Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Jun 6th 2011, 15:40:42

What Rico said.
Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 10:46:06

For 8 days...

Who the in the hell would want to be a camel. ;)
Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


May 23rd 2011, 14:26:55

There is a great util for recovering data:

Runtime's Get Data Back v4.22 is the latest. Works great. Can even find stuff on partitions you've formatted multiple times.
Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


May 22nd 2011, 11:19:43

Not a bad Machine BS. I was looking at that motherboard for my next PC, but decided I'd go with the gigabyte assassin instead.

Donny, a nice config indeed.
Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


May 22nd 2011, 11:16:26

A great player that will be well missed, regardless of him playing for the 'other side'.

Hey WarTime. Hope all is well. Gonna see if I can get around to calliing you today... do a little catching up. Been moving and pretty busy.
Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


May 10th 2011, 16:21:36

My friend from Cleveland took a trip up here to Canada with me when I was living down there... had to stop into my chiropractors office... Stu the clown(who looks like Howard Hessman when he was Dr. Johnny Fever on WKRP in Cincinati) he is told the receptionist that when we were done there... we were going baby seal hunting... what a turd ball! Shoulda seen the look on her face...
Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


May 10th 2011, 16:18:28

Join IMP. ;)
Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


May 6th 2011, 15:03:27

Regardless, Mr.Ford still does need a Pontiac - at least one of the slightly older models... the new ones are pretty lame.
Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


May 6th 2011, 12:32:48

Wow... We lost... Devastated... *cries in my arm*
Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Apr 26th 2011, 18:56:09

My 2 cents.

Chicken egg roll fart in thread.

Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Apr 23rd 2011, 16:15:27

( )o( )
^----- insert there

err. the site is homophobic. It does not like when I try to put spaces for the arrow... :( How's a guy to draw a proper bung hole under these conditions... :(

Edited By: Titanium on Apr 23rd 2011, 16:18:30
See Original Post
Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Apr 21st 2011, 21:35:02

But you are cool like us. I think perhaps more cool since you posted about being uncool. :)
Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Apr 21st 2011, 21:33:26

Thanks guys.
Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.

Titanium Game profile


Apr 21st 2011, 20:52:15

I tried to call that number... but some woman kept talking dirty to me... I think it's a trick... ;)
Those that know me, fear me.
Those that don't...
Will learn to.

The end of your future is near.