
Monex Game profile


Mar 31st 2012, 22:29:59

1.5 hours left
[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]

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Mar 25th 2012, 4:25:52

2.25 gal fresh apple cider
10 lbs raw clover honey
5 whole cloves
15 whole allspice
1 tsp Valencia orange peel
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
5 cinnamon sticks
1 packet Lalvin-D47
[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]

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Mar 18th 2012, 2:40:33

****A normal day at in jj's room****

JJ23: Who is next in line to play earth?

****1 Hour later****

JJ23: Damn the mods baned me again... I have told them a hundred times that I dont run mulits. I just have roomates.
[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]

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Mar 18th 2012, 0:44:58

purple is a fitting color
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Mar 10th 2012, 4:02:00

TexMex is the new Authentic Mexican
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Feb 27th 2012, 2:17:10

Top 3 hits when you Google "who is snow"

1. Snow White - A fairy tale princes best known from the German version by the Brothers Grimm in 1812 "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves".

2. Yung Snow - An unknown rapper from Mississippi whose real name is Lagarius Miller. His songs include titles such as "Who iz he" and "Real Niggaz"

3. Jon Snow - A character in George R. R. Martin's epic series "A song of Ice and Fire".
[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]

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Feb 25th 2012, 1:10:25

watch out for ab fs
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Feb 12th 2012, 4:16:17

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Possible Team server fix:

Implement team-level GDI and copy the Primary server's GDI rules over at the team level. This makes it extremely difficult for coordinated warring.

Good idea that will get lost in a ridiculous post....
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Feb 11th 2012, 8:23:11

lol @ pp recruiting another full team for tso...
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Jan 24th 2012, 3:43:57

Originally posted by SuperFly:
wtf Crest, you joined those nuts? lol

lmao i said the same thing in a pm
[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]

Monex Game profile


Jan 22nd 2012, 22:46:49

Quoted myself instead of editing my mistake

Edited By: Monex on Jan 22nd 2012, 22:49:02
See Original Post
[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]

Monex Game profile


Jan 22nd 2012, 20:43:32

Posted by kalick on another post thought this should have its own topic.
Originally posted by Kalick:
Yes, I think everyone agrees that Team server is not working as intended. But I think the game admins have bigger things on their plate than this server, so I wouldn't expect it to be fixed by them. And I don't think WoG, TSO, or DBD are going to fix it either =p

There has been alot of talk recently about spirit of team server and how to enforce it. It is would realy not be that hard of a fix imo (If it is the majority of the server wants to)
We could try it next set if enough people are interested.

(Everyone could even keep their team/clan sights that they have now they would only act as a social center for friends/allies.)

How it could work assuming (TSO is on board).

We create a boxcar site for "sprit of team" all people/teams interested can join no country numbers or EE API Key's will be entered.
This will act as a central hub for kill runs against teams not in support of "spirit of team" and for FA matters between participating tags.

All tags have independent names no themes allowed any 2 or more tags with the same theme are killed out of the gate.

We create and enforce a basic kill policy / Grab policy server wide.

I.E (Rough draft and would need work)

A Tag is defined as a group of 3-5 countries that are actively playing turns.

Fail to meet the minimum of 3 active members and you will be considered untagged and have no courtesies extended to you.

Be found guilty of exceeding the maximum of 5 active countries working together and you will be killed by the "spirit of team" coalition

Retals will be taken on a Tag:Tag only unless a police hit is authorized at a time of war.

Kill runs will be done Tag:Tag basis only with exceptions.
1. A multi tag war is prearranged (prearranged wars may consist of any number of tags of agreed upon by participating parties. Allies may not be called in.)
2. 2 or more teams are not abiding by the "spirit of team" rules.
3. If a tag is FSed they are allowed to call in 1 ally tag. If the defending tag calls in 1 ally the attacking Tag will be extended the same privilege. No More than 1 ally tag per side may be called under any circumstance.

A Tag will not Landgrab another tag if that tag has been the subject of 3 or more grabs in a 48 hour period from a combination of 2 or more separate tags until 24 hours after last hit.

Example 1:
Tag A farms Tag B 5 times
At this time Tag B is open for grabs to all members of Tag A and All Members from Tag C-Z
Now a member from Tag C Farms Tag B 5 times
At this time Tag B is open to land grabs from all members of Tag A and the single member from Tag C that farmed them.
Tag D-Z must wait 24 hours after last hit to grab.

Example 2:
A member of Tag A grabs Tag D 1 time
A member of Tag B grabs Tag D 1 time
A Member of Tag C grabs Tag D 1 time
All above hits were in a 48 hour period
At this time Tag D is only open to grabs from the individual members of Tag A,B,C that did the grabs
All other members of Tag A,B,C and all members of tags E-Z must wait 24 hours after last hit.

The short version if a Tag is being farmed by another Tag or has been the subject of 3 grabs in 48 hours from separate Tags stay away from them for 24 hours.

Any violations of above will be brought to attention of "the spirit of team" coalition. Mistakes do happen and will be addressed accordingly. Repeat offenders will be killed.

All individual tags are encouraged to enforce any retal/kill policy they choice, as long as it does not interfere with the rules outlined above.
I.E L: L 1:1 1: kill is at the discretion of individual tag but it may only be enforced by that individual tag.

In closing
There are enough blood thirsty people here that can enforce all the initial killing. Netters would only need to follow the rules and not have to worry about the random killing that will happen at first.


Edited By: Monex on Jan 22nd 2012, 22:48:09
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[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]

Monex Game profile


Jan 21st 2012, 2:14:12

Originally posted by JJ23:
i dont need to, but if you guys dare play cop and FS xM2x without provocation and then give me the BS reason of "ha were TSO were bigger and outnumber you and flex our muscles." or "if you dont like it deal with it." i will take it to alliance, express, and every other server you personally play. trust me. i will cross server you. period.

some people never learn...
[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]

Monex Game profile


Jan 15th 2012, 21:57:38

Originally posted by Atryn:
Wow Monex, how narrow minded that is. It sounds like a "soldier" (quotes intentional) who is only concerned about his own ASS and not his country or the reasons we are there. To say that all that matters is that all the people around you who *might* be a threat are killed even if unarmed leads to killing of innocents which then increases the size of your opposition and enemies you will face.

The reasons we are there? What are the reasons we are there? Do you know? Were you blessed with this knowledge while watching the news or surfing the internet?

And as for my reasons… when I join the military at 17 years old I might have had idealist reasons for doing so but now almost 14 years later the only reason I am still in is to support my family, being it’s the only thing I know and there is not a very lucrative market in the civilian sector for what I do. If you think anyone who has seen combat cares about some politicians reasons for invading a foreign country you are sadly very naïve.

I have had the unfortunate pleasure to have spent most of my adult life in the fluffholes you are so valiantly defending and let me tell you there are no innocents in war you learn that the 1st time you are shot at 10 year old child with an ak-47 or a mother with an infant in her arms begging for help and food from these "soldiers" blows herself and her baby up just to kill some of these “soldiers” that you have such distain for. The next time leave your family and loved ones and come with me to go defend your country for these "reasons" that you speak of and you see what its really like. Then you can judge me until then keep you righteous bullfluff to yourself because you have no idea what you would do.

One more thing
Originally posted by Atryn:
So you like being shot at? Because apparently NOTHING is more satisfying to you that something that starts with being shot at. That sounds, again, like the "soldier" that is in it for entirely the wrong reasons.

I already told you my reasons for being in so when someone tries to blow my head off and they fail that is pretty fluffing satisfying being it means I get to return to my family which happen to be the only reason I do what I do in the first place.

Originally posted by Jiman:
This thread is really telling me the truth behind peoples names.
Some people I am proud to play with.
Others I am not only disappointed in but horrified to be associated with
Sickening attitudes.

If you are referring to me see above.

Originally posted by Dibs Ludicrous:
we'd actually expect it if we saw it coming from the Taliban. Our soldiers ain't suppossed to do that kind of stuff, they suppossed to be professional. hmm, maybe i've been reading too much of Tom Clancy's stuff. bullfluff.

That sentence basically sums up the opinions of most people who are "outraged" and "shocked" this type of behavior. All the people who preaching to respect all human life equally.... But behind all the self-righteousness deep down you consider them less human then us… modern day barbarian’s that should not be held to the same standards as our own because that kind of thing is "expected of them".

I personally have never pissed on an enemy’s corpse and do not condone doing it but if whatever they did in life was so monstrous that it warranted their body to be desecrated in death then I would not rule it out.

Let me pose this question to all of you. its abit off topic but it will serve for my point.

If someone raped and killed your wife and children, then tried to kill you but failed and instead you killed them. Would you want his body to be “respected” so that his friends that believed that he was right in what he did to your family can honor his memory?

Pain and MrCharcoal you views represent that of what any true American who has not been there themselves should be. You have the same views as my own but are less passionate about them which is understandable because you have no experiences of your own to compare them to.

But what do I know… I should be happy to leave my family and put my life in harm’s way and fight because some politician thinks it’s his responsibility to spread Democracy to a foreign nation that hates the ideals behind Democracy itself. If that’s not bad enough let me tie one hand behind my back with restrictive ROE that aims at minimizing “civilian casualties” so that the people who are burning the flag in protest of the war (that the “soldiers” themselves don’t support) don’t get upset and start to hate America more than they already do and elect someone who will actually get us the fluff out of the middle east and leave them to their own self destruction.

Edited By: Monex on Jan 16th 2012, 14:18:39
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[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]

Monex Game profile


Jan 14th 2012, 17:41:07

Originally posted by KingKaosKnows:
And you fail for your WWII comment.

The nuclear booms were neither an act of mercy nor cruelty, no one had an idea of what nuclear weapons could do, they had the theory, but that hardly gets the point across.

its because everyone saw the effects it had on human beings that radiation became taboo and no one wants to be close to that fluff, would you be scared if they told you what radiation/nuclear explosions could do with a white board and a nerdy guy giving a lecture? Or they showing pictures/videos of the explosion and the mutants/cancer/slow painful deaths of those affected by it? The only reason the cold war never got to that point is because everyone involved knew what was going to happen; I am actually grateful to the Japanese/North Americans, because the drop of those silly imperfect booms saved the world of their much larger and powerful children.

You missed the point... It is war and they are the enemy it doesn’t matter how or why they became the enemy the simple fact is that they are the ENEMY AND THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL YOU.

A few truths of war:
-No unit successful in combat cares about public opinion.
-No unit who cares about public opinion is successful in combat
-There is nothing more satisfying that having someone take a shot at you, and miss...
-When in a fire fight, kill as many as you can, the one you miss may not miss tomorrow.
-You're only better than your enemy if you kill him first...Shoot first and then swear up and down that you saw them pull out a grenade.
-Anything you can do to draw the enemy out of hiding and make reckless decisions will make them easier to kill.
-More dead enemies = less dead friends.

Bottom line is if you were not there with them you have no right to judge them. Combat stress, fear, and having a friend die in your arms will cause you to do things that you normally would not do nor be proud under normal circumstances.
[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]

Monex Game profile


Jan 14th 2012, 5:03:12

Originally posted by Chaoswind:
this is a big fluffin problem because THE REST OF THE WORLD is seeing this fluff, im a gulf war vet, i served in iraq 20 years ago, and as a war vet this is the kind of behavior that instigate hatred for americans, all you young punks who claim theyre marines or chanting fluff taliban, if you support this kind of behavior just because theyre our enemy, then you aint a fluffing solider, let alone a man, be a person and be humane, if you believe america is the best country, then start acting like one

babbattaDAdentist 51 minutes ago 11

America was the "best" country but the weak liberal sympathetic mindset of most Americans today is rapidly changing that. You are right tho we should not shoot terrorists and piss on their corpses... we should show them the same mercy that we showed Japan in ww2. The thought that people have sympathy for an ENEMY who would gladly rape, torture and kill your child, mother and grandmother on video to further their agenda is sickening. It is WAR… the enemy is not abiding by the Geneva Convention and have no ROE therefore should not be afforded the protection of them. In my book the only thing those Marines did wrong is video tape it, taking pictures or videos of sensitive material is not authorized and they should be held accountable under the UCMJ.
[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]

Monex Game profile


Jan 2nd 2012, 21:21:25

Policies on team server are (and have always been) whatever you can enforce that’s what makes it fun. It is also why xmx got tag killed (again).

Root Cause: Multiple countries in xMx decide they were strong enough to enforce their ROR’s and multitaps.

Root Cause Analysis: They were wrong…

Effect: xMx was tag killed.

If TSO didn’t do it someone else would have… Monks and DBD were the subject of most of said multitaps and ROR’s and I am sure would have not had a problem joining their strength to kill you if TSO hadn’t so very kindly done it.
[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]

Monex Game profile


Dec 30th 2011, 16:06:17

they are roring like its the right thing to do...
[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]

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Dec 23rd 2011, 1:14:40

same as above
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Dec 18th 2011, 0:25:42

congrats to all who made t10
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Dec 11th 2011, 1:42:19

well it was fun even if i am on my 4th restart :P
[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]

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Dec 5th 2011, 0:19:05

have fun
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Nov 27th 2011, 23:27:42

Consider yourselves contacted :)
Bonus post
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Nov 26th 2011, 17:36:39

post 2 this is post 1 why are you sleeping
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Nov 20th 2011, 6:08:27

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Oct 28th 2011, 12:57:16
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Oct 21st 2011, 23:00:32

lol the way they are going they wont last long
[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]

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Oct 15th 2011, 0:18:35

Originally posted by braden:
it turns out with my 220mil ish bushels and NINE MINUTES to destock, I came home at 7:51 with NO idea the reset was ending that night i was able to only make like 33 million nw. Totally fluffing lame, what could have been a great reset for me turned into very depressing :P

I saw that, was wondering who forgot to destock
[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]

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Oct 11th 2011, 23:59:29

Originally posted by Tross:
Hmm DBD making more friends lol

FYI: This thread has nothing to do with DBD what so ever, neither of the parties involved are affiliated with DBD in any way.

...Your man crush on DBD is starting to mess with your mind.
[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]

Monex Game profile


Oct 8th 2011, 14:40:46

concur come join DBD

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Sep 26th 2011, 15:25:32

Originally posted by kwmi:

Woke up this morning and saw DBD, and its 6 teams, banded together to start killing our countries. Most clans I've played in its farm at your own risk. This guy decides to farm a team with 5 players and you back him up when he gets what is coming to him?

And you wonder why this game is lame/dying? Down to a few hundred players? It's assholes like you, DBD, assholes like you.

Originally posted by Tross:
There are too many post to quote so I will address them one time.

Vilse when you assume you make ass out of you and me!

This kind of thread is great for server growth! Thugs keep up the thug work pretty soon you guys can thug yourself!

Let’s look at the facts shall we?
Fact, MKR is a self proclaimed “warring tag” that will “deal with retals as they see fit”(refer to if unclear as to what I am talking about.)
Fact, MKR had 2 teams last set.
Fact, there are no MKR teams this set.
Fact, the last 2 sets that MKR wasn’t killed they caused DBD problems.
Fact, Wu-Tang is named after Wu-Tang Clan.
Fact, W T C are the first letters of each syllable of Wu-Tang Clan.
Fact, Wu-Tang caused DBD problems.

Now let’s take the facts and apply a small amount of deductive reasoning.
WTC also stands for Wu-Tang Clan.
Wu-Tangs 2 teams are really MKR hiding under false tags.
MKR plans on causing DBD grief again.

That’s not a very far stretch. Anyone think otherwise?

[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]

Monex Game profile


Sep 26th 2011, 13:55:41

Originally posted by Slab:
yes wiil get you on icq tomorrow night

Originally posted by M m i x X:

still haven't heard from any of you guys...

Your better off messaging slab here on the forums, This could be why they get killed off all the time ... its faster to kill them then got hold of their FA :P
[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]

Monex Game profile


Sep 21st 2011, 16:22:30

*Double post*

Edited By: Monex on Sep 21st 2011, 16:24:31
See Original Post
[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]

Monex Game profile


Sep 21st 2011, 16:21:58

Originally posted by SuperFly:
are WuTang and WTC, the new sherrifs??

I think they are all running land farms to help us all get fat. They realized that most of the major teams are tiring to net this set and are offering up their land to anyone who wants it, so nobody gets in each other’s way.
Very nice of them IMO.

Edited By: Monex on Sep 21st 2011, 16:24:53
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[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]

Monex Game profile


Sep 16th 2011, 14:02:59

Originally posted by ViLSE:
If you want to kill stuff then join FBI. They are good at it. :)

Concur FBI/WoG are best for ensuring other teams with unfair policies are eliminated and fostering a family friendly environment on the server and forums.
[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]

Monex Game profile


Sep 10th 2011, 10:33:02

Originally posted by warlorde:
lol @ DBD getting a taste of their own medicine. cheers for beers!

We farmed and killed the beer guy after his ror what medicine would you be refering to?
[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]

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Sep 3rd 2011, 20:31:24

You forget this one

4. Dont topfeed us and expect us not to take ALL our land back
[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]

Monex Game profile


Sep 1st 2011, 0:01:13

I farm while offering helpful advice, on how to improve their country. I get land they don’t get turned off to ee its win win
[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]

Monex Game profile


Aug 27th 2011, 19:09:55

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Aug 24th 2011, 3:08:04

Originally posted by dLpLow:
ummm yea right LS he would of been better of putting war happy yamaha in charge :P

That’s not fair LS does some of the finest FA work that I have ever seen over on team server. There is none better .

Vote LS for king!
[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]

Monex Game profile


Aug 22nd 2011, 15:23:49

$88 JETS and $97 turrets are you kidding. There are not that many Indys out there for god sakes. We could easily hold the price @ 130-150 for both... STOP undercutting.
[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]

Monex Game profile


Aug 22nd 2011, 0:21:35

Pontius are you on a team this set? I thought your MO was to play untagged and AB unsuspecting netters with a rainbow tank heavy country in your own form of cross server justice.

Shouldn’t you be trying to figure out what team’s sanct members play on in team server and suiciding on them for taking part in an unfair war on alliance server?

I do believe that was your reasoning for AB'ed my alliance country this set... the bad deeds of WoG/FBI on team server.

What team did you say you were speaking on behalf of again?
[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]

Monex Game profile


Aug 21st 2011, 20:57:32

Aug 21/11 2:19:59 AM NM hokiedokie (#154) (Provos) Death by Double Dutch (#38) (DBD3) 389 A

Aug 21/11 2:19:57 AM NM hokiedokie (#154) (Provos) Death by Double Dutch (#38) (DBD3) 409 A

You drew first blood... I thought we made it clear that we do not take kindly to missiles. That retal policy of yours is getting you in trouble again.

Bonus post + trash talk

Edited By: Monex on Aug 21st 2011, 21:07:18
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[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]