
Kingme Game profile


Jun 8th 2024, 20:35:05

I did my best!

Kingme Game profile


Jun 8th 2024, 19:56:18

Damnit... good point. I'll delete my country now.

Kingme Game profile


Jun 8th 2024, 19:13:36

You guys have been slacking if I'm still on the list.

Kingme Game profile


Jun 8th 2024, 19:02:04

I'm playing. You lose.

Kingme Game profile


May 17th 2021, 20:23:02

or... just go Techer

Kingme Game profile


May 17th 2021, 18:23:02

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Got 3 or 4 players I know(myself included) switching from techer to something else, and heard no one yet switch the other way lol.

and you believe them?

Kingme Game profile


May 17th 2021, 0:57:39

Originally posted by Slagpit:
The second best farmer was an NPC country.


I like that second best farmer more than the first best.

I had a lot of fun playing again this set. Interesting to see some of the changes (for the better in my opinion). I'm curious to see how the NPC's will be tweaked further. 20m isn't bad at all.

Kingme Game profile


May 17th 2021, 0:23:16

There were 105 countries in the Express server.

Rank Country Land Networth Special
1 Echo (#92) Game profile 56,350 $86,648,490 CG
2 Tmac (#45) Game profile 57,715 $71,949,728 HG
3 l o w p r o f i l e (#89) Game profile 50,805 $59,681,188 HG
4 Muddy confluence (#66) Game profile 23,780 $48,647,541 HG
5 s (#72) Game profile 20,291 $37,356,108 DG
6 I need to do my taxes (#10) Game profile 19,296 $37,040,255 HG
7 new nation (#98) Game profile 22,644 $35,213,856 HG
8 wow i got michael jordan (#23) Game profile 20,158 $32,896,194 DG
9 Land of the Kings (#96) Game profile 16,596 $32,625,396 HG
10 J MAX (#2) Game profile 16,055 $28,250,873 HG

Congrats to everyone!

Kingme Game profile


May 14th 2021, 20:39:44

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Kingme:
Good to see a lot of names from the past still here. I just signed up for a set... this should be interesting(ly bad).



Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Kingme:
Good to see a lot of names from the past still here. I just signed up for a set... this should be interesting(ly bad).

Welcome back!

Thank you!

Kingme Game profile


May 14th 2021, 20:39:31

FWIW, things have always had strenuous demand in express that would either

a) drive them to extreme prices
b) empty the public market completely

I've always attributed it to the fact that at any point in time you could have one (or even many) people running through up to 360 turns. Depending on their strategy, that can put a huge strain on certain techs, food, and even military.

Kingme Game profile


May 12th 2021, 15:00:09

Good to see a lot of names from the past still here. I just signed up for a set... this should be interesting(ly bad).

Kingme Game profile


May 17th 2018, 1:26:00

Obligatory post where I mention I didn't fully destock because I forgot and I'm an idiot.

Still wouldn't have caught the two in front of me anyway.

Kingme Game profile


May 12th 2018, 2:37:12

If you get hit more than once, you have the right to do whatever you want.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. There is absolutely no reason for a reasonable netter to have to hit a human player at all, let alone more than once.

Kingme Game profile


May 1st 2018, 18:05:59

Or edit the hosts file on your PC.

Kingme Game profile


Apr 30th 2018, 21:11:37

Originally posted by catbus:
I was under the impression that most bots have their turns used up (almost at all times), so there aren’t “specific times that a bot would log in.”

I’m not a top player, but I am always willing to as well.

1. I think you might be confused by what you see when you spy. You'll see 0 turns on hand, when in reality that number doesn't budge until the bot logs in. So a bot logs in and plays and doesn't return for say... 4 hours. 3 hours and 59 minutes later you could spy and still see 0 turns on hand. You could look at turns played and it should be 4 hours behind, and that should back-up what I'm saying. Unless things have changed?

2. You just finished in the top 10, that's a "top" player!

Kingme Game profile


Apr 30th 2018, 19:25:13

my brain hurts.

Kingme Game profile


Apr 30th 2018, 16:31:18

Originally posted by Gerdler:

Country:Country DR will strand you each after 10 or so hits.

This is exactly why it was put in the game, thank goodness.

Kingme Game profile


Apr 29th 2018, 22:44:28

Originally posted by ebert00:
lol kingme. the sad thing is that some people around here actually believe that statement. I know I said it last round. but welcome back. glad u are playing again.

That was actually this round ;)
I said I would quit, but I stuck it through. Even after a terrible start I've got a top 10 coming. I wouldn't say that I'm back... but we shall see.

Take that beerdrinker!

Kingme Game profile


Apr 29th 2018, 21:27:55

I can confirm that anyone who finishes ahead of me regularly is a cheat.

With that being said, ebert00 is definitely the biggest cheat the express game has ever seen!

Kingme Game profile


Apr 27th 2018, 19:54:08

Kingme Game profile


Apr 27th 2018, 2:07:53

Damn... samesies.

Kingme Game profile


Mar 23rd 2018, 20:27:19

Originally posted by drkprinc:
tyr casher all-x works great :) atleast a 12m finish if you dont' get into any fights.

That seems awfully low. You should be able to get to 18-20m if you don't get into trouble.
Maybe things have changed since I last tried though.

Kingme Game profile


Feb 14th 2018, 22:27:56


Alright, I see it's time for me to appear again.

Kingme Game profile


Dec 13th 2017, 21:45:34

If you don't like it, don't play.

Honestly that sounds harsh, but it sends a stronger message to the devs than a post on a thread they won't look at.

Kingme Game profile


Nov 21st 2017, 5:04:43

I'm on board with trying this. I know there have been many times as a techer I've sold a majority of my tech for the set at 1k and still got top 10, hell even top 5... easily.

Should probably go with 750 first and see if it makes any dent whatsoever.

Kingme Game profile


Nov 17th 2017, 22:34:22

yes, because he will be deleted.

Kingme Game profile


Nov 16th 2017, 3:47:31

Originally posted by clintonista:

Nice dream, Solids. The techers would never allow it, they would say it was unnatural and demeaned the game.


or... they would adapt and change strategies. derp.

Kingme Game profile


Nov 15th 2017, 16:41:19

Originally posted by Ratski:
I know you think I am out here cheating, I don't start out to cheat, but when I am on top the only targets, I have are below me so I can hit who I chose, and I will. There is one player I ran into on Tournament, that started a war with me , and then started a war with my friend , at the same time, and then when we proceeded to pound his country he Cries there double teaming me Wah Wah ! When it was him that pulled the real bullshet . of coarse we got deleted and there was no discussion about this tactic, but it worked. Its like you clowns can't stand it when rainbows that kick ass !

You don't kick ass, if you weren't deleted any semi-skilled player can and does wipe the floor with your sorry ass.
If you aren't willing to learn, then just shut the fluff up and go away already.

Kingme Game profile


Nov 15th 2017, 16:40:10

I'm impressed you're even spending the time to explain it. It's clear as day.
It has been for quite some time now.

I'm not entirely sure if Derricks post was satirical. if not, you were just given overwhelming evidence that Ratski is a cheat and doesn't belong in this community with his current antics.

Kingme Game profile


Nov 15th 2017, 15:10:44

Originally posted by ebert00:
i am a noob, that is for sure!

If you're a n00b I shutter to think what I am.

Kingme Game profile


Nov 14th 2017, 22:54:01

Perhaps your perception of complaining and his (and others) is different?

Can't we all just get along?!

Kingme Game profile


Nov 14th 2017, 3:00:40

( o ) ( o )

Kingme Game profile


Nov 14th 2017, 1:39:28

that explains the 00 behind your name...

Kingme Game profile


Nov 13th 2017, 21:01:16

I do not.

Kingme Game profile


Nov 13th 2017, 17:59:44

True, I also think killed countries in express should start from scratch.

Kingme Game profile


Nov 13th 2017, 17:19:32

Can the mods do us all a favor and just have the deletion button on standby for this? I mean obviously he's constantly cheating (and poorly). Just check right away when the server starts to see if he's doing it again.

It would save some of us the trouble of losing some acres and resources to him without a chance to get them back.

Kingme Game profile


Nov 13th 2017, 17:02:24

The pros far outweigh the cons...

If you want to net successfully on a very consistent basis, you need to join GDI. If you use your first bonus turns on free GDI, it's free.

Kingme Game profile


Nov 13th 2017, 15:26:57

"I like butts and I cannot lie..."


Kingme Game profile


Nov 13th 2017, 13:45:25

Originally posted by ebert00:
i think that techer or commy indy can win a set depending on who is running it. it is not as much the strat as it is the player. it is typically gerdler, ashe, Elliot or myself getting the win....whoever got suicided on the least. yes there are others that win, sorry if i left you out, I know there are many other good netters who win, but those 4 came to mind first. anyway my point is, elliot could run techer, i could run indy, who would win? gerdler of course lol.

Sounds about right. I always finish right behind that list.

Kingme Game profile


Nov 13th 2017, 1:14:13

I didn't play much Saturday. Certainly made some mistakes as well. Doesn't take away from the fact that you run a killer C/I

Kingme Game profile


Nov 13th 2017, 0:36:23

Damn beerdrinker! You passed me.

Kingme Game profile


Nov 12th 2017, 6:58:18

Unfortunately these days it's pretty easy to mask IP addresses.

Kingme Game profile


Nov 12th 2017, 6:52:08

Did they cheat and get deleted, or just self delete?

Kingme Game profile


Nov 12th 2017, 6:40:08

Join GDI, this could have been prevented.

Don't let some idiots ruin it, just learn from it. Next set you won't have to worry about the same issue. You had a great country this set. You can do it again.

Kingme Game profile


Nov 10th 2017, 22:50:32

I would suggest using eestats instead. He's being extremely inefficient.

Kingme Game profile


Nov 10th 2017, 22:36:41

Originally posted by beerdrinker75:
I am in LaF. I didn't play 7 years ago and could care less about what happened back then. I won't hit Kingme and several other player I know that aren't in LaF. it is friendship and respect not collusion.


I would even add that I don't really hit human players in general, but definitely not any that have shown they have a good grasp of the game. Almost any hit can be retaliated on this server. It's simply not worth angering someone and making an enemy. Then again, I'm a netter... some of you like that sort of thing.

Kingme Game profile


Nov 10th 2017, 22:29:08

Wonderful. You just said that was 7 years ago...
Do you ever get tired of bringing up the same stuff from the past?

Like you said, if anyone cares they can look it up.

Kingme Game profile


Nov 10th 2017, 22:16:19

I'm sure there are multiple clans that are represented in express.

Policing? No... that would be grounds for deletion. It's pretty obvious when countries are teaming up... ask Ratski.
I think you can put the tin foil hats away.

Kingme Game profile


Nov 10th 2017, 21:41:42

Elliot is Elliot.

And he probably tells you not to hit LaF members because he's in LaF and doesn't want to see his friends come to harm?

Kingme Game profile


Nov 10th 2017, 19:28:01

I don't know Zack... but he isn't better than anyone who has posted in this thread.