
VileLust Game profile

New Member

Apr 16th 2011, 5:20:59

..normal? It kinda' feels like dropping the soap everytime I log on..

joedro Game profile


Apr 16th 2011, 5:32:33

if you are doing the double to tripple tapping then yes you are dropping the soap, what i hate even more is when i retal a hit some one takes on me fair and square they go stupid and hit me 3 times...
Team: recruit me

Alliance: recruit me
contact- - pm right here will work just fine tho

trainboy Game profile


Apr 17th 2011, 13:29:10

Well I've just dropped 100m stock to do a retal I'm tempted to just ab him to pieces is that wrong?

xsEvEsx Game profile


Apr 17th 2011, 20:13:58

joedro, sounds like you need to invest in vaseline and not oil these days. Much cheaper and takes away the sting.
"Mehul crapped in my hands!"

VileLust Game profile

New Member

Apr 25th 2011, 8:16:06

And where is the Declare War option? I've been snuffed so many times that I'm just to small to get revenge..


EE Patron

May 9th 2011, 21:22:23

Double tapping my country results in the destruction of yours until I', satisfied you have learned the lesson. I usually will not retal a single landgrab attempt, but will ALWAYS retal a double or better, usually quite effectively.

Oh, and if you're one of those FAT WEAK alliance players who have gotten too used to having lots of allies to help you, you might be in trouble here.
Cerberus of the MI

Rockman Game profile


May 9th 2011, 22:51:00

Originally posted by Cerberus_MI:
Double tapping my country results in the destruction of yours until I', satisfied you have learned the lesson. I usually will not retal a single landgrab attempt, but will ALWAYS retal a double or better, usually quite effectively.

Oh, and if you're one of those FAT WEAK alliance players who have gotten too used to having lots of allies to help you, you might be in trouble here.

Not really. Those players normally have their alliance players help them out in primary if they ever get in trouble. They don't understand what "individual server" means.

Thomas Game profile


May 10th 2011, 17:37:34

Double tapping = asking for ABs/Missiles.

DavvEDavvE Game profile


May 11th 2011, 10:36:07

Have some douche hit me 8 times and another 4 times.
Don't have enough military power to retal at this time but they will get their fair share of pain soon enough. :-P

DavvEDavvE Game profile


May 11th 2011, 10:42:51

Just checked eestats and the two players that hit me for a total of 12 times (in one sitting) seens to do the same to a lot of other countries. Possible multi or just someone who doesn't understand what individual server means as Rockman said.

Just a matter of time before it backfires on them though :-)


EE Patron

Jun 19th 2011, 0:35:38

Double or Quad tap my country and I'll make your butt suck a point in your seat. Doesn't matter how big your country is either. Trust me on that.

Cerberus of the MI
Cerberus of the MI

nanwich Game profile


Sep 14th 2011, 23:55:54

Makes you wonder what happened to the term "sportsmanship?"

trep Game profile


Sep 15th 2011, 0:38:03

Usually if you were double/quad tapped, you deserved it by being a good target. Check the people that aren't getting hit...their nw/land ratio is probably much higher than yours. If you're getting hit by multiple people, it's not a conspiracy, it's your country.

There are also no rules on how to retaliate. Just because alliance servers are 1:1 retals, doesn't mean you can become an all jetter and retal and not expect to be farmed back. That being said, it's fair game to AB the crap out of them as retaliation as well.


EE Patron

Sep 15th 2011, 2:13:21

Yah I agree trep. The norm is one hit and move on. Often, if someone disregards that rule it's because the target is fat, not properly defended, etc. Not always, because some people are just greedy, but often.

Also, to joedro being peeved that he retals "fair and square" and gets hit 3 more times for it, i'd advise not retaliating if you can't defend yourself...
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.



Sep 15th 2011, 3:07:37

I agree with Trep.

Any arguments made regarding the validity of 'retal policy' are stupid and should be ignored, and further, laughed at.

There IS NO POLICY, there is NO NORM.

If you get hit more than once at a time, you are obviously a good target, spend some time improving your defense.

If you decide to stock turns/resources and then go apefluff on the double(+) tapper, its HIS fault for either not being in GDI, or not exercising it to its fullest potential.

basically, do whatever the fluff you want.. just don't come crying about the 'fairness' of it all.

some people play to win, some people are just (richards), and some are a combination of both.. deal with it or play on a different server!

Serpentor Game profile


Sep 17th 2011, 1:58:41

Avoiding the Richards is what makes things fun here.
The EEVIL Empire