
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 4th 2020, 19:41:51

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Man. Trump coming with the premature 2am verbal ejaculation last night. He telegraphed this being his plan, but speaking of Christie, it seems pretty unilaterally ignored even by pundits over at fox.

I was honestly surprised he went for the stop counting ballots vibe. As Rich Lowry (editor of the National Review) said, you sort of expected that to be Trump's vibe if he was losing. But with just as good of a chance of picking up these states as Biden, it's totally bizarre hes asking some states to stop counting at 90%+.

PA still taking votes in is a little bizarre, but one can probably safely say a very small amount of the near 2 million ballots left to count are going to be from today or tomorrow. A little shocked he started calling for this before the map even got distressing for him.

Nate Silver hinted that Fox News probably intentionally called Arizona aggressively early to prevent Trump from declaring an early election night victory. I find that interesting af. It seems Murdoch has exited the trump train.

CNN had Alabama as blue last night and we all knew that was way off (meanwhile everywhere else had AL as red) We all know that AL wouldn't go blue. Was that to coddle Biden?
They did? Lol. I dont think anyone would feel comforted by that haha. Did they have Biden ahead initially or like had it actually called. Theres a pretty dramatic voter split between mail in and in person voters. Here in PA, where we have to register with a party to vote in primaries, nearly 1.9 million of the total 2.5 million absentee/vote by mail ballots sent out were for democrats. It was absolutely anticipated that a state that traditionally votes near 50/50 to start 70/30 for Trump, and swing back to 50/50 as the chunks of mail in get reported.

The same is true in WI, MI, etc. Montgomery or Birmingham even reporting before Tuscaloosa etc could even have the effect of a back and forth swing. If they called it, someone was probably smoking crack, but it's not unfathomable to imagine Biden leading in the state with an urban fraction counted in the state. The same way michigan and PA and WI started way off from where they would finish.

I don't know the exact rules in Alabama, but I know unlike the rust belt, they are allowed to process and count their absentee and mail in before election day. All across the northeast you have to wait till election day to unseal them and begin counting. It could have just been AL dumped their raw mail in data the second the polls close which obviously leans very blue this year, and would have put Biden ahead until precincts started reporting in person ballots.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 4th 2020, 19:51:59
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